The First Order

Chapter 623

Yan Liuyuan underestimated Hassan’s enthusiasm for salt production. For three days in a row, Hasan took clansman from the tribe to their grazing area and dug all the places that cattle like to lick.

The more you lack, the more you desire. Although there is salt in beef and mutton, the problem is that anyone who has eaten boiled beef and mutton knows that salt and no salt are completely two kinds of food.

Moreover, Yan Liuyuan told him that the tribal women and the elderly had always been ill because they did not eat salt, so Hasan became very concerned.

Only salt has strength.

In these three days, Hasan took the tribe’s clansman, and forcibly poured a bowl of salt out of the world of ice and snow.

At the request of Yan Liuyuan, he killed another sheep, put some salt in when cooking the mutton, and he was happy just drinking soup.

Although there was a little pain when killing the sheep, seeing clansman’s elated look, Hasan’s wrinkled faces also laughed.

However, in the afternoon of the day of sheep slaughtering, there was a person from the distant steppe.

Yan Liuyuan stood at the tribe’s door early and watched the other side quietly.

The wolves found each other three hours ago, but not at all attacked.

The ambassador was riding a strong horse with a long sword on his waist. Hassan said, “Master, he can only wear this sword from a warrior in that big tribe. Be careful, don’t let him Too close to you. “

Yan Liuyuan smiled nodded: “Don’t be afraid, look at what he wants to say first.”

The ambassador came to Yan Liuyuan, jumped out of the horse more than XNUMX meters, and slowly came over: “I am the messenger of the sweat, Begtai, and the sweat has ordered me to invite you to the big account. Let your new right kingship be in charge of a meadow! “

In speaking, the ambassador had no more arrogance than the previous one, but was much more polite.

Yan Liuyuan was surprised, he looked towards Hassan: “I killed his man, and he asked me to take his place?”

You know, the right prince has just died in his hands.

This sweat did not talk about revenge, but he wanted to recruit him?

Hasan explained: “This kind of thing happens from time to time. In this grassland, we only respect strength.”

A large tribe on the grassland, not at all, is particularly united. It may be composed of fifty-sixty tribes, so it doesn’t seem to matter if you change places.

But Yan Liuyuan didn’t think it was right. Now that sweat is about to go south to fight the grass valley. It is time to stand up. If you don’t kill yourself, how can you convince the public?

That many small tribes are watching and waiting. At other times, the other party may be able to recruit themselves, but it is absolutely not possible now.

Even this boy, Yan Liuyuan, understands this truth. The other person is the sweat of the dozens of tribes. How could he not understand?

At this time, the ambassador said: “If you don’t believe me, I have the imperial decree of sweaty handwriting. You can see it.”

Said, the other party came forward and took a piece of sheepskin from his arms.

But before he approached, Hassan yelled: “Master beware!”

Then Yan Yanyuan will be pushed away!

However, Hasan did not promote Yan Liuyuan at all, but was pushed away by Yan Liuyuan.

Hassan turned back and saw Yan Liuyuan’s blood vessels lit with a silver light, just like when Yan Liuyuan first arrived in the Horde in that snowstorm, mysterious.

The ambassador came to Yan Liuyuan in front of him and took out his waist sabre. The blade light of white rushed towards Yan Liuyuan like a splash of water. He came with a mission and killed the boy in front of himself. Is the new right school king!

In the previous description of the pecked messenger, Yan Liuyuan should be a supernatural being, but the young man’s ability should be to manipulate wild beasts, such as eagles and wolves.

However, no supernatural being has no shortcomings. Since the ability is to manipulate wild beast, the ontology should be weak.

As long as the warriors in the Horde can get close to him and give him too little time to control the wild beast, he can solve this problem!

This sweat has indeed listed Yan Liuyuan as a serious problem, and can control thousands of wolves. If he fights, he may easily cause a huge blow to his army.

Moreover, the herdsmen were obscured. When they saw such a weird thing, they might have collapsed before they started fighting.

So he had to kill Yan Liuyuan. On the one hand, he established Li Wei to stabilize his rule. On the other hand, he killed the threat in the bud.

For this reason, he even promised a throne like Right King!

However, when the warrior named Borgtai came to Yan Liuyuan, he looked at the mysterious silver lines on the opposite face, and his heart had a bad feeling.

blade light moved towards Yan Liuyuan When the head splashed down, the nervous Bogetai was glad, and he did not expect that the boy could not hide!

You know, if this sword goes down, even a god like sweat can’t stop it?

When the sound!

The steel knife slashed but the sound of golden iron symphony came. Yan Liuyuan in front of Borgtai did not know when he had put on a steel armor. The steel knife slashed at the head of this armor, and he could only leave it. A white seal!

Yan Liuyuan does have shortcomings. He does not have a strong physique like other supernatural beings, and it is easy to be violent if he is approached by the enemy.

But Ren Xiaosu already made up this short board for him!

At first Ren Xiaosu accumulated nanobots on dozens of nano warriors, and all of his brains were given to Yan Liuyuan when he was separated. He was worried that he might have an accident.

These quantities of nanobots are long enough for Yan Liuyuan to complete the outer armor!

In this grassland without heavy weapons, regardless of Yan Liuyuan’s own ability, this outer armor alone is enough to let him go sideways!

This was a gift from Ren Xiaosu. Yan Liuyuan grabbed Borgtai’s long knife with his arm covered with armor, then cut it into two pieces.

Borgtai was already at a loss as he looked at the steel beast in front of him. How could he deal with this beast that couldn’t even split the sword? The knife is gone, do you bite it?

But before Borgtai thought about what to do, he already saw the boy Yan Liuyuan kneeling behind a herdsman. The herdsmen in these tribes worshiped Yan Liuyuan like worshipping the gods.

In their eyes, this is undoubtedly the gods have lowered Gods Vestige.

Yan Liuyuan said with a smile to Borgtai: “I understand your thoughts about sweating, and just use your skull to build a throne for me.”

He wants the entire prairie, so he must first let the entire prairie know his arrival.

In the future, he will kill many people until the grassland belongs to him.

How he treats this age, how he treats it.

Elder Sister Xiaoyu watched silently, and suddenly she was glad that she was with Yan Liuyuan.

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