The First Order

Chapter 629

To be honest, Ren Xiaosu didn’t expect to meet Jiang Xu here. No one had told him before that Jiang Xu was a visiting professor here, was he?

However, I still have a surprise today. I can go back and tell Qin Sheng. Congratulations to his cousin as the class representative of this social humanities and politics class. How can this be considered a good thing …

Thinking of Ren Xiaosu here, although there is a little bit of imagination, he thinks the general direction is right.

He sat in position, in fact, he understood that Jiang Xu already knew that he was not a student in this class, but the other party was not at all.

I saw Jiang Xu stepped on the podium and looked towards all the students below: “At the end of the last class, I will let you go back and think about the current affairs according to the newspapers of the hopeful media. Anything you want to ask now, you can ask.”

A girl suddenly asked: “Teacher, you talked about the geopolitics of Wang Family, Zhou, and Kong in the last lesson, and our Luo city is actually very dangerous among the three. Now the school is under martial law. Did I tell you? Does this matter? “

Jiang Xu thought for a while and said, “It has a certain relationship, but this is not something you need to worry about, no matter how big it will not affect the school.”

Another male student said, “Teacher, I want to ask a question. You said that conglomerate is greedy. This will not be transferred according to the will of the leader. Because conglomerate needs to stabilize its power and interests, this is huge. The war chariot must move on, but to maintain this, there must be a solid class structure, right? “

“No,” Jiang Xu said, shaking his head. “Sturdy class structures sometimes produce decaying maggots. If a ruler has greater ambitions, he may choose to take the lead in breaking class barriers and revitalize the bottom.”

“Wang Family’s high-profile announcement of the admission of refugees by barrier 61, does it mean that Wang Shengzhi has greater ambitions?” A male student asked.

“Yes,” Jiang Xu said, “I never doubt this, and the admission of refugees to barrier 61 has caused a serious damage to the industrial systems of Zhou and Kong. This is a strategy of killing two birds with one stone. I also admire Wang Shengzhi’s courage very much. If he wants to implement this policy, he will be obstructed by those with vested interests in the Wang Family, because an empty barrier needs to fill too many positions of power, and Wang Shengzhi can successfully use the refugees. His authority within the Wang Family is so solid that no one dares to challenge his authority. “

Ren Xiaosu is stunned, Jiang Xu is farther away than him, he only saw the Wang Family’s damage to Zhou and Kong, but did not expect anything else.

Jiang Xu talked bluntly. He took 20 minutes to get the analysis of Wang Family from one thing.

Ren Xiaosu suddenly felt a little envious of the coming of these college students. Just pay the tuition fees, and you can gain the wisdom that others have accumulated in their lives in this ivory tower.

And the lesson mode of the entire class is not Jiang Xu watching the book as a book, but by way of questioning and answering. Jiang Xu lets everyone pay attention to current affairs, and then he uses some small things to diverge his thinking. This way is not instilled. Knowledge, but the cultivation of student wisdom.

A Goddess asked: “Teacher, I read your fifth edition of the newspaper has been printed with a sentence recently. Don’t let the sorrow of the times become your sorrow. Why do you want to publish this sentence, we all like it.

“This,” Jiang Xu laughed. He intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Ren Xiaosu and said, “This is what a teenager about the same size as you told me. I like it too, so I put it in the newspaper.”

Classmates look at each other in shock, they did not expect that this sentence was still spoken by the same age teenagers.

When he was finished, Jiang Xu suddenly looked towards Ren Xiaosu: “Class representative, do you have any questions to ask?”

The classmates looked sympathetically towards Ren Xiaosu, one who was asked for the class …

But Ren Xiaosu had a problem: “Teacher, what I want to ask is, is the artificial intelligence possessed by Wang Family really reliable?”

Jiang Xu thought: “It’s too early to say that it is reliable or unreliable, but in terms of managing barriers, it now shows an extremely powerful ability. But I have also heard a story before, and I will talk casually, you can casually Listen. “

“It is said that a computer engineer in Wang Family talked to people after retirement. He said that once he was bored and wanted to use artificial intelligence for the Turing test. The Turing test means that the test requires a person and an intelligent machine. If you do n’t know each other, conduct random questions and exchanges. If more than 3% of the testers do not find that the other party is a machine, it means that this device has ‘intelligence’. “

“Actually, this Turing test was conceived a long time ago. It cannot really be regarded as whether artificial intelligence has a standard for intelligence. Moreover, this engineer has long been confident. Now Wang Family’s artificial intelligence can definitely pass the Turing test. . “

Jiang Xu continued with a smile: “So, he got bored while being bored, but accident happened, this artificial intelligence not at all passed the test.”

Ren Xiaosu suddenly felt that Jiang Xu seemed to reveal something secretly. The other party didn’t say it explicitly, but just told a story. The other party’s deeper meaning was deeper than the deep meaning of the story.

Ren Xiaosu suddenly remembered that in the No. 61 barrier, artificial intelligence not at all warned the wall climber.

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu had a very strong interest in Jiang Xu’s class, and he would have to listen to it later.

At the end of the lesson, Jiang Xu took out the roster of the students in the class. He took a faint smile and took a look at Ren Xiaosu, and then said, “People who are called now will be deducted for the final exam.”

“Shu Linlin.”


“Gao Yingyu.”


“Zheng Hang.”

Ren Xiaosu Helpless: “Here.”

Just then, Jiang Xu suddenly said, “Yang Xiaojin.”

The class suddenly quieted down, and Ren Xiaosu was on the spot!

The name so abruptly appeared in Ren Xiaosu’s ears, as if suddenly hit a heart with a sniper bullet several thousand meters away.

He was so familiar with the name that when Xiao Xu pronounced the name, Ren Xiaosu was as if paralyzed and sat in his seat.

Long-lost names, long-lost people.

Jiang Xu frowns saying: “Didn’t Yang Xiaojin come?”

Yang Xiaojin had also asked questions before, so he was quite impressed with the girl, only because the questions raised by the other party were different from ordinary students and more cruel.

At this time, a female classmate explained: “Teacher, Yang Xiaojin left school in Los Angeles more than ten days ago. You didn’t name it in the last class, so you don’t know about it.”

“Oh,” Jiang Xu sighed. “It’s a pity.”

Ren Xiaosu looked towards. It turned out that this was Yang Xiaojin’s classmate. It turned out that Yang Xiaojin really did go to school here, but now I do n’t know why I left.

Just as Ren Xiaosu thought about it, Jiang Xu told Ren Xiaosu, “Classmate Zheng Hang, come to my office after class.”

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