The First Order

Chapter 706

Cheng Yu looked at Ren Xiaosu in amazement. Before, this product was singing a nursery rhyme on its own, but now, it started to use compressed cookies to entice others to sing along with him? !!

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu suddenly had a little doubt about the future.

Wang Yun’s face turned blue and white for a while. He was the Dignified Section Chief of the Kong Kong Intelligence Department. What was the point of compressing cookies and singing songs to others?

I’m afraid the other person is too underestimated Wang Yun!

Ten minutes later, Ren Xiaosu said loudly, “Wait, you’re wrong, a word is missing, come back!”

Wang Yun: “Snails carry heavy shells …”

Wang Yun’s subordinates looked at this scene and said that their parents could really bear the burden of humiliation. In order to change food for them, they even sang children’s songs with others.

Just now, the subordinates persuaded Wang Yun to ignore the young man, but Wang Yun said impassionately, how can he, as a chief, let his subordinates endure hunger with him? He is not that kind of person.

The subordinates were a little touched. They really did not play with Wang Yun for nothing.

And Wang Yun felt that if Ren Xiaosu asked him to sing by himself, he really couldn’t accept it, just as someone had something to eat in front of him and said to Grandpa, Wang Yun would rather be hungry.

But the situation is a bit different now. Ren Xiaosu sang with him, and the humiliation was not so serious …

He just didn’t understand what was wrong with the boy in front of him …

To be honest, even Ren Xiaosu himself didn’t know what was wrong with the palace.

The others in the camp looked at this weird scene, and for a long time didn’t know what to say. Luo Lan and Ren Xiaosu shouted to everyone immediately after singing: “It’s not too late, let’s go!”

Last night Ren Xiaosu killed the people at Pyro Company. Luo Lan privately asked Ren Xiaosu how many he said, but Ren Xiaosu said that he had killed dozens of them, and there should be many people in the dusk group.

This place is very close to Holy Mountain. Ren Xiaosu killed so many people at the door of others. Can Pyro Company tolerate it? I will definitely send more people here.

So if they don’t leave, I’m afraid they won’t be able to leave. They can only leave quickly and fight guerrilla wars with each other.

Although it is equally dangerous after entering Holy Mountain, it seems to be better than staying in the fog wherever you go.

Pyro Company clearly has a way to find them at any time in the fog, but they have no temper with this fog.

Cheng Yu asked Da Huyou: “Have you really not been in Holy Mountain?”

Da Huyou thought about it and said, “In fact, I went in a little bit, but just a little …”

Cheng Yu was suddenly speechless when he looked at Da Huyou, and the other party didn’t have any truth.

Not long after they set off, the fog on Divine Pond started to gradually disperse. Just as Da Huyou mentioned earlier, this Divine Pond Mountain was not always shrouded in clouds and mists. It seemed that every three There will be a day when the fog clears up.

“Hurry on, hurry off,” Da Huyou said. “It was two days away, but it was a foggy situation. Now that it is foggy, let’s hurry up, maybe we can go out in more than a day.”

“After entering the mountain, I finally heard the good news,” Cheng Yu sighed, as if the haze in his heart had disappeared.

He looked towards Old Xu among the crowd. Since last night, the opponent has been in a state of silence. After starting, he walked in the forefront of the team without communicating with anyone.

Just as they were about to leave Divine Pond Mountain, everyone heard the rustle of a bird-catcher again. Everyone was very familiar with this sound, so they immediately became nervous.

The sound of the bony bang on the ground made everyone feel scalp.

But before the bird-catchers approached, they saw that the white mask took out a small black box. The box made a strange noise, and immediately flew all the bird-catchers.

This surprised everyone. Someone asked what it was, but Old Xu never answered any questions.

Only gradually, everyone has a feeling that it seems that there is nothing that this white mask cannot solve on the way.

Cheng Yu was uneasy looking at the back of Old Xu. He glanced back at Ren Xiaosu and Luo Lan at the back of the team. He said that Luo Lan didn’t know what to look at, and he would find this boy as a thigh.

If you want to hold your thighs, you need to hold a white mask. What about finding a singer?

Cheng Yu suddenly felt that it was too appropriate to describe Ren Xiaosu by singing and dancing …

However, Ren Xiaosu not at all noticed Cheng Yu’s expression, and when the whole team stepped on the boundary of Divine Pond Mountain and Holy Mountain, he finally heard the palace announce: “The side quest is completed, because all the quests of the host are perfect. , So reward new skills and pick your ears. “

Ren Xiaosu felt refreshed while listening to the previous words, but he was confused when he heard the last three words, and even had an ominous hunch.

Moreover, one of the display grids on the palace wall lit up again, and there was a delicate ear spoon floating in the grid, and a faint light.

Ren Xiaosu’s expression gradually faded, and his skills were all names like Diamond Star Boxing and Lushan Shenglongba, which sounded particularly cool.

How to get to yourself is to pick your ears in such a popular name, so that it sounds to outsiders, and he feels like a technician specializing in ear picking in a bath center …

Fighting with others later, others self-identified: I’m the tLevel 5 of Pyro Company.

Ren Xiaosu self-reported identity is, hello, technician 001 is at your service?

This sounds a little less serious! ?

He asked the palace in his mind: “What is this skill for?”

As a result, the palace answered: “unauthorized to answer.”

Ren Xiaosu couldn’t help it at the time: “This is the skill you rewarded me. Why can’t you even tell me what to do?”

“Unauthorized to answer.”

This time, Ren Xiaosu started to be upset. For the past seven days, he did n’t even have to face making quests every day. Is it easy to sing and jump, and then you gave an unreliable skill, what else?

Are you worthy of me?

I ’m going to buy an ear spoon, which can cost a few cents to buy one, why use your palace?

Ren Xiaosu took the ear spoon out of the palace, he held it in his hand for a while, then lifted his ear …

Just as he was picking his ears, Luo Lan walking on the side wanted to pat his shoulder, but the palm of his hand just XNUMX centimeters away from Ren Xiaosu was pushed away by an invisible strength.

Luo Lan froze.

Ren Xiaosu also choked!

He silently looked at the earpick in his hand, and then remembered the old saying, he couldn’t touch it when he drew his ear …


One chapter will be very late, let ’s watch it tomorrow morning

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