The First Strong

Chapter 2586: Virtual mirror

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Yes, Shen Lang’s manipulation is not alone.

The black technology projection of the holy armor, together with the real fantasy of the magic pen, plus the mirror to illuminate a space, the three layers are accompanied.

So when the projection and the real illusion disappeared, the three of them were actually behind his mirror.

From their point of view, you can clearly see the move of the former emptiness.

But when the emptiness of the devil sees them, it is a large space projected by the mirror. If it comes, it will enter the mirror world directly!

Everyone was originally in the air, so the situation of mirroring is actually more difficult to distinguish, and it can only be judged by the canopy of the trees that land below.

In the case of the illusion, as long as the other party is anxious, it is very likely that they will devote themselves to it.

Before Shen Lang, in the devil of the Phantom Demon, he successfully used this trick to trap the other side. Now re-apply, I want to see if it can be effective again.

Even if it doesn't work, it can't break the mirror, or it can delay a lot of time.

It is a pity that the emptiness is not only more careful, but also more understanding of the environment, and very familiar with the illusion.

When it sneaked into the ground, it saw the barbarian attacking the waves!

"This is the illusory mirror that we have lost in the illusory, and it is in your hands! Very good, I have to take it back!"

Before the Shen Lang was satisfied, it was the enemy of the emergency, and the barbarians who entered the mirror world were annihilated, which would interfere with the impression and make people feel that this is a defensive magic weapon.

But just after it was intentionally observed along the illusion, Shen Lang is not saying that it is necessary to test its illusionary power?

The natural tendency is different, and then the space in front of the mirror is discovered, and the origin of this thing is discovered.

No mirror!

Before Shen Lang was to erase the spirituality of the mirror, naturally I don't know what it is, I don't know what it is.

Just because it is a mirror-like magic weapon, it can make a mirror world, so it is called a magic mirror.

Is the virtual mirror the original name?

If so, you can confirm by listening to the name. This should really be something of the genius.

However, I know that it is not a vain name to be named.

Doesn't this occupy the moral high ground? This is to take back your own baby, but not to **** someone else!

The three of Shen Lang are behind the mirror, and they can see the movement of the emptiness.

But seeing it didn't come close, obviously not a scam, but really saw the space.

Then it is beginning to recite a few spells!

When it chanting a spell, the eye is looking at the mirror's direction, and it seems that it really wants to summon the mirror back.

Shen Lang’s hands almost shook.

Because this thing is hard to get, the effect is also very good, in case it is really a virtual mirror, it is really summoned back by the other party, then it is a big loss.

At this moment, he really had a dim sum, and he wanted to put the mirror away.

But it was stable soon, because he found the mirror to be unaware!

In an instant, he figured it out.

The emptiness of the devil should not be bluffing at this time, and the delay is its time. There is only one possibility, that is, the spell that manipulates the mirror is invalid!

As for why it will fail, it is naturally because of his relationship.

Originally, this is spiritual, and the spell is the communication with the mirror. In essence, it is the spiritual communication with the mirror.

But the last time he was too spiritual, he wanted to encroach on him, and he was killed by him.

For example, if the mirror is a computer, then the spell is the administrator password; and the last time, it is equivalent to formatting it, or canceling the password.

Although he did not reset the password, but the computer is under his control, the password that had already been canceled, of course, can no longer be successfully logged in.

When Shen Lang figured it out, it was accompanied by the imagination of the emptiness!

Of course, it also thinks of the same situation. Since the virtual mirror has already reached the hands of others, will it still remain as it is?

Has been controlled by others, and then use the magic of the mirror, how can I manipulate it?

If you want to regain control, you must first take back the virtual mirror!

However, in the current situation, let it not dare to care about it. If this one is not careful, it will enter the virtual territory of the virtual mirror. At that time, if you want to come out, you must look at the wishes of the other party.

And it also saw that the barbarian's hands just got in and took it, but the ones that came out were without arms.

The imaginary demon calmed down, looked at it carefully, and then let the shield come closer.

According to his speculation, these people are still here, that is, after the virtual mirror, but its shield forced to come still can be effective.

"Give me the shadow of the pearl and the mirror without any mirror. What benefits do you want, as long as there is something in the demon forest, I can give it to you!"

"Come out, this time I am not forcing you. I am talking to you about trading. You are coming to the Tianmolin, isn't it just to get some treasures? I can give you what I want!"

The imaginary magic can't be hard to come by, and it becomes a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, it pushes forward, on the other hand, it changes to attract them to trade.

If it is the beginning, it comes out to talk about the deal. Shen Lang, who has no understanding of the Pearl of Shadows, may be replaced by some more practical ones.

But to this extent, may you believe it?

At this moment, the emptiness of the demon feels the response of the other party!

The virtual mirror seems to be approaching directly!

The speed of this approach is much faster than the full-scale approach of its shield. If it does not recede, it will soon come to it.

The mirror world was discovered in the front, and it avoids going in, so there is no problem.

But now the mirror world is chasing it directly, and that is to reverse it.

The imaginary demon has to retreat at the same speed.

The direction in which it retreats cannot go to the shadows, and it must be bypassed. And the shroud it controls is also rotated with it as the core.

"I have released goodwill as much as Don't force me to kill you!"

The imaginary demon is a little anxious, and it did not expect to be forced to step back by the virtual mirror.

It’s just that this virtual mirror can make its imaginary scope show up. The environment here is not very big, but at least a hundred meters or so.

If it is going to go around, the speed must be very fast, because if you want to go around, you have to circle a circle, and others can continue to defend it as long as they turn around.

There is no such thing as a virtual mirror, but it is also impossible to start, making it very boring.

After a period of retreat, the emptiness of the genius broke out again!

In an instant, the body that originally appeared in the image of Shen Lang and Gao Hanqiu seems to have dissipated, and immediately disappeared into the dense fog, and even the dark protective cover disappeared instantly!

Before it could be presented on the ground with giant hands, it may have turned into any form of existence at this moment, and it is more likely to hide in the thick fog of 100 meters away, waiting for the opportunity to move!

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