The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 64 Mr. Three's Strategy


Mr.3 is very sad now, the reason is very simple, because he is no longer a devil fruit ability user.

However, he was still reluctant to part with the green ghost and the red ghost who appeared here.

You know, these two pirates offered a reward of 100 million many years ago, and the sum is 200 million.

This is a huge sum, so Mr. 3 hesitates now.

What made him even more inexplicable was that he had met a mysterious guy earlier, who first said he was an explorer, and later that he was a doctor, and he was knocked out in the end.

When he woke up, the devil fruit had disappeared.

He was silent for a long time on the spot, no matter how smart he was, it was not enough in this situation.

Mr.3 doesn't know at this moment that his boss has been beaten, and he is still faithfully carrying out the task.

Cough, he can't be said to be loyal, he is simply greedy for the rewards offered by the two pirates, and then solves the mission by the way, so as not to be cleared because of mission failure.

At this time, he suddenly met a mysterious man in a black coat in this mysterious place.

This also made Mr.3 more vigilant and cautious.

You know, he is no longer a devil fruit capable user, and his strength is not as good as before, so he should keep a low profile.

It's just that this mysterious man in a black coat has obviously noticed them.

"Bounty Hunter?"

The man said indifferently, with his hands in his pockets, without much fluctuation on his face.

"Hehe, are you here because of those two pirates?"

As soon as this remark came out, Mr. 3 was a little stunned. He thought he was smart, and thought repeatedly in his heart, from the first floor to the second floor, and then from the second floor to the third floor.

Then he showed a thoughtful expression.

"Are you a bounty hunter too?" the painter girl asked.


Mr.3 blinked,

I haven't finished thinking about the fourth floor yet, is it only on the first floor? It can't be that simple!

Now, he is inevitably a little wary of people who inexplicably appear beside him.

The last one who inexplicably appeared by my side even tricked me into taking away my devil fruit, how could I not be vigilant?

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Hansen. I'm ordinary person who wants to do something great."

In fact, it is just nonsense here, and there are some contradictions before and after.

But it doesn't matter, the important thing is the name, this vest number is used as a villain.

Just in case, I didn't expect it to be used one day.

Lao Sha is really too weak, and it is really surprising that he was brushed off so quickly.

There is no other way, and I can only go into battle on the vest, and come here to practice first.

In fact, Mr.3 didn't fully believe it, and still looked at the person in front of him vigilantly.

He, who thought he was smart, began to think wildly in his heart again.


After some conversations, or someone's intentional conversation, the Vest finally got in touch with these two.

The vest is intentional, and Mr.3 is actually intentional as well.

Without the devil fruit ability, his strength is not as good as before. In this case, he may not be able to eat the two big pirates.

Therefore, seeing this person appearing in front of him, after some hesitation, he couldn't help but pull him as an ally.

Saying that the reward is half-to-half, in fact, not only is he on guard in his heart, but he may also have the idea of ​​​​killing someone's vest together in the end.

After all, he wouldn't just believe this guy who appeared suddenly.


Mr.3's strategy is very simple, and it is actually very simple to say it.

Without the help of Mr.5, there is no way to use bombs, so the only option is to use poison.

As for where the poison came from, it was naturally provided by someone.


Dong Li said angrily, his huge body was lying on the ground, and he could not use any strength.

At this moment, some similar pictures appeared.

"It's despicable!"

Broki also lay on the ground and said at the same time.

The dose of the poison was a bit large, and it was not poured into the wine, but into the food.

Some people from the Straw Hat Pirates were also in a coma. Among them, some were pretending to be unconscious, and some were really unconscious.

Mr. 3 laughed out loud here, a standard villain laugh.

Then he began to talk about his plan proudly, showing off his extraordinary mind and enviable IQ, but this was only what he thought.

Then I looked at Luffy and the others next to me, well, the task was also completed by the way, which is really good.

In my heart, I secretly admired myself, even without the devil fruit, I could do this step.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he was about to kill the guy who called himself an ordinary person.

Although my own ability is no longer there, the artist's ability is still there.

Turning his head, that guy had long since disappeared.

This time it was just a practice session, and the result was pretty good.

"I see!"

Suddenly, there was a voice, and Sauron slowly got up, holding his weapon in his hand, and said thoughtfully.


Someone was very surprised that this road idiot was not poisoned?

Mr. 3 also felt incredible, looking at the swordsman in front of him in disbelief.

"Why are you not poisoned?"

"Because my food was not eaten by me!"

Sauron said quietly.

Do you think he was complaining about Luffy? No, no, someone knows everything by himself, so he only ate his own portion and didn't eat more.

It was that Usopp he was complaining about!

In fact, Sauron also felt strange in his heart. Isn't it strange that his captain didn't grab food today?

It's as if he himself didn't get lost today, which is very surprising!

"I didn't expect that you, a green algae head, were not poisoned!"

Another one stood up suddenly, and it was Sanji who stood up.

With one hand in his pocket and the other smoking a cigarette, he said contemptuously.

Sanji, it wasn't that his food was robbed, he just found that something was wrong with his food, so he didn't eat it.

After all, he is a chef. What surprised him was that Sauron was not poisoned?

"What do you mean? Want to fight?"

Sauron almost drew his sword and rushed forward.

Mr.3 looked at the two with a blank face, feeling a little speechless for no reason.

Can you not ignore me? Although I am no longer capable of devil fruit, can you not ignore me?

Also, what about temporary allies?

He thought he was smart, but suddenly felt that his IQ was not enough.

Not long after, Dongli and Broki stood up slowly.


Mr.3 was a little stunned, why did he feel that it was different from what he thought?

Is poison useless? No, it's actually still useful, but it doesn't have a long-term effect on giants.

As for what kind of poison it is, it is just an ordinary poison that makes people unconscious, and it is not harmful.

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