The Fourth Calamity In Pirates

Chapter 74 The Alarmed Navy


The world does not actually have a clear understanding of the strength of the new army.

When it comes to the Army nouvelles, that is all that is said.

For example, the Chambord Islands beheaded the Tianlong people, for example, they once repelled the attack of the admiral.

But how strong are they? There doesn't seem to be a clear explanation.

On Zhou Pangpang's exclusive super-large warship, Zhou Pangpang, who was wearing formal attire, rarely looked serious, but what he said made people laugh a little.

"Hey, tell me, is it still too late for me to exchange fruits?"

What's the meaning?

Isn't this guy just a little bit attracted to the dark fruit of the natural system?

That's why he hesitated, and finally couldn't help but ask.

The players around curled their lips and ignored him.

As usual, whoever contributed the most in this battle is eligible to win the Dark Fruit!

"In this operation, we sent a total of 35 warships, more than 300 artillery pieces of various types, 20,000 new flintlock rifles, and more than 10 troop carriers. The total number of players participating in the battle reached more than 53,000 people!"

This time, the new army really took out their wealth,

The family background, which is not well-off, also contributed most of it in this battle.

For example, the number of warships, they are not a navy, they have many, many warships, their number of warships has always been quite small, and they can't add up to fifty.

Some repairs have to be reused, mainly due to the lack of excellent boatmen.

Players who have obtained side jobs are not counted. If they are really asked to repair the boat, the players themselves dare not drive it.

What if the sunken ship is suddenly driven?

Zhou Pangpang waited for the end of this battle before recruiting some special talents, such as people like Bingshan.

As long as he can build ships and repair ships, or special talents with medical skills, he welcomes them.

I even plan to visit a dojo, I heard that there is a very powerful guy there, and it is said that he is Sauron's teacher!


On the other side, a naval warship followed quietly.

The person in charge of this warship was a lieutenant colonel. He watched Blackbeard attack the new army base, but he couldn't make a move. He felt helpless and could only sigh softly.

As a naval officer, he does not reject the new army, and even has some envy in his heart.

Is the justice that I admired in those days really the same?

It doesn't matter if you don't reject it or not, but after all, he doesn't have the courage to stand up and join the ranks of the new army.

As he himself said, he is just an ordinary naval officer, not very powerful, and his daily work is just patrolling in this sea area. too.

"Master Lieutenant Colonel, look there, is that?" A second lieutenant behind him was so shocked that he couldn't even speak clearly.

His fingers pointed there, even trembling a little.

More than ten warships!

It's not over yet, and there are even some warships nearby.

After that, there were some troop carriers, which were packed with densely packed new army soldiers.

You don't need to count, just look at the past, and you can already get a general idea.

The number of recruits here may have exceeded tens of thousands.

"Navy Headquarters, I'm Lieutenant Colonel Roland, I have an emergency to report!"

The lieutenant colonel picked up the phone bug and said quickly.


In the Navy headquarters, two or three lieutenant generals hurried past with dignified faces.

They walked towards the meeting room.

I just came to the meeting room, only to see that there are still many lieutenant generals and major generals here, and even Lieutenant General Karp himself is here.

All of this was caused by an action by the new army!

"According to the latest news,

In this sea area, the number of warships invested by the new army has exceeded 30, and the number of people according to our estimates has exceeded 30,000! "

The person in charge of the report is a senior naval vice admiral.

He was usually in charge of this kind of work. As for the real front-line battle, it had nothing to do with him, and he didn't need him to give away the head.

"What? How could they have so many people?"

A lieutenant general suddenly stood up and said silently.

"I can't wait any longer. Let me tell you, even if the pirates are left alone for the time being, this so-called new army must be destroyed!"

"Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan, you were captured by them once, do you know where their headquarters are?"

When someone mentioned this matter, Huoshaoshan's face inevitably became a little ugly.

"have no idea!"

Our poor Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan said sullenly: "When I was taken to their headquarters, I was already in a coma because of my injuries.

As for the transaction, I was also knocked out! "

The other two lieutenant generals are almost the same.

Players also take these details into consideration.

Otherwise, if one day the navy came to his door, wouldn't he be held in the spring and beaten?

What a fart! Go straight back!


On the other side, there was a hot air balloon floating in the sky, and two players were desperately taking pictures here. To be precise, they were player reporters.

A reporter belonging to Tokai Ilbo.

"Isn't this a bit of a fuss? The number of pirates is only a few thousand, but Zhou Pangpang directly invested tens of thousands of power, ten times that of the pirates. Isn't it a little fuss?"

The player said this while taking pictures.

"I don't know, I only know that they will be the protagonists in the newspaper tomorrow!"

Let's talk about the reaction of the Whitebeard Pirates. After Marco's strong request, Whitebeard finally agreed to let them clean up the portal.

As for the candidates to go, they are all captains, and they are all extremely powerful captains.

For example, Marco, as well as Jozi, Vista, plus Ace and Yizang.

With this lineup, even if you meet a general, you can face it head-on.

Not to mention, the current Blackbeard Pirates are far inferior to the original time and space, and he may not be able to defeat Marko and others.

After all, our black beard is now also a one-armed man.

Of course, it still takes a lot of time for Marco to come from the new world. With this time, the players are probably finished.


When dozens of warships surrounded them, these pirates were a little confused and seemed unable to react.

What are you kidding? How come there are so many dark warships?


The pirate ships of those pirates just stopped on the shore. Although there were a small number of pirates on board, they had no time to react.

All the artillery on the warship opened fire at once, even Zhou Pangpang allowed the use of Bucky ammunition without hesitation.

Hitting big immovable targets is actually not that difficult for players.

The shells fell, and the terrifying explosive force destroyed a pirate ship in an instant, and then there were successive explosions.

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