The Fruit Of Marvel’s Surgery

Chapter 61 Return (Part 2)

"This time I won the Academy Cup for Gryffindor." In the auditorium on the first floor of Hogwarts, following Dumbledore's announcement, all Gryffindor students jumped up in excitement, and many people even turned their heads. The necromancer hat was thrown to the top of the auditorium. At the same time, bursts of light burst from the top of the auditorium, just like the Firework released by the ordinary world. I have to say that magic is very magical in this respect.

Not only Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw students also seem very happy. The only unhappy is Slytherin. This is the first time Slytherin has been lost in the past two decades. For the College Cup, Draco glared at Harry's trio with an unhappy expression. Although Draco has changed, the habits he has cultivated throughout the year are not so easy to change.

The last time Gryffindor won the Academy Cup, it was when James Potter was in school, but James Potter was really able to win the Academy Cup at that time. Harry Potter, it was because Dumbledore was eccentric. .

Although Harry won a lot of points for Gryffindor in the Quidditch match, there was still a big gap between the points of Slytherin, and then this gap was smoothed out by Dumbledore. It also made Gryffindor just ten points more than Slytherin.

But because Dumbledore's excuse was very legitimate, even if it was Snape's unhappy face, he didn't say much.

The reason Dumbledore gave Harry the extra points was because he frustrated the Death Eaters' conspiracy, and Voldemort's resurrection could not be made public now. As for Shen Fei's credit, Dumbledore didn't mention it at all.

Shen Fei didn't care about it. It was useless for him to take the credit. Dumbledore still wanted to continue Harry Potter's savior plan, so just continue to chant.

After solving Professor Quirrell, Dumbledore talked to Shen Fei. Although Dumbledore hadn't said his plan, Shen Fei could guess it.

After the Academy Cup was awarded, the students were packing their things and preparing to go home, because it was the winter vacation, even if Harry Potter didn't want to leave Hogwarts and return to his uncle's house, he had to go back.

Before he got on the train, Hagrid gave Harry a moving album containing photos of his parents, which should have been passed by Dumbledore to Harry.

After leaving Dumbledore, Shen Fei opened the portal directly and returned to London. Because Grindelwald was in his house, Shen Fei did not open the portal directly to his home, but opened it in London. Use Apparition to return home.

"This is what you want." Grindelwald said after seeing Shen Fei coming back, pointing to the stack of documents on the table.

Because there are not many things in Grindelwald now, Shen Fei asked Grindelwald to be in charge of the industry in the ordinary world. After nearly half a year of hard work, he finally opened up some situations in novels, TV dramas, and movies, although it has been harassed by many people. , Obstructed, but they were all resolved.

Among them, Harry’s aunt, Petunia, and Shen Fei remembered this name, because she was the one who protested the most, especially for the love story of necromancer and Muggles in the TV series. Fortunately, there is no such thing as Second Salem in England. Organization, otherwise she would definitely be the leader inside.

However, the necromancer world has no reaction to such a thing. People like Malfoy must be opposed to such a thing. But who does not let him have a TV at home? To be precise, not to mention electrical appliances, not even electricity.

Even though electricity has been invented for nearly a hundred years, except for a few people in the necromancer world, most people are not using it, including the Ministry of Magic.

The whole necromancer world is electrified, which is Shen Fei’s Level 1 goal. Unfortunately, even Dumbledore, there is no way to electrify Hogwarts for a while. This involves not only opposition and approval, but also one The important question is how to construct in the necromancer world.

Hogwarts castle is alive.

Everything can only come slowly.

"This progress is too slow." Shen Fei couldn't help sighing while looking at the contents of the document. The contents of the document were reports on the progress of the mobile phone.

Mobile phones and mobile phones are the big killers against the necromancer world. Once this is in place, the necromancer world has to change. Although this change may evolve into a large-scale conflict, there is no way to sacrifice this kind. Two worlds with different ideas are integrated, without conflict, sacrifice is impossible.

In some ways, Grindelwald's ideas are correct, but his approach is radical, and Dumbledore is too idealistic.

"Your proposal is very good. If I adopted your method back then, maybe it will be different now." Grindelwald said, and poured himself a glass of wine. Although there was no label on the bottle of wine, Shen Fei knew It's a really good wine, and if it's in the Marvel world, it can probably be ranked above the top one.

The reason why it is above is because of the problem of the materials used in the brewing.

Although the necromancer industry looks backward as a whole, there are necromancers that follow the trend of the times. Many old necromancers have a long life and will study many things. Among them, winemaking is also part of necromancer's hobbies.Nick LeMay felt that they had enough to live, so they had the idea of ​​destroying the Sorcerer's Stone, but the others weren't.

"Even if you knew such a method back then, you wouldn't use it." Shen Fei put down the files in his hand as he said. Grindelwald has only changed his mind when he grows old. Grindelwald was in his heyday. How could it be possible to take such a gentle and time-consuming approach, he just wanted to get his work done in one fell swoop.

Grindelwald is not pureblood, nor Muggle faction, he is necromancer supremacy.

In contrast, Voldemort’s level is much lower. Voldemort is originally a mixed blood, but after being strong, he has to pretend to be pure blood and persecute mixed blood. This is simply two devils. Such people are not in the necromancer world. Little, Umbridge of the Ministry of Magic is also such a person.

In childhood, they were ridiculed by the pure-blooded necromancer. What they thought was not to find the pure-blooded necromancer for revenge, but to blame their parents for not giving themselves noble blood. This kind of person really didn’t know what to say. .

Speaking of the necromancer world is very strange. There are mixed blood pretending to be pure blood and dealing with mixed blood Muggles, but no Muggle-born necromancer takes revenge on pure blood. The reason is probably that I want to mix into the pure blood level and enjoy that level. The malformed psychology of your glory is at work.

"That's good." After a moment of silence, Grindelwald nodded and acknowledged Shen Fei's statement. He was too aggressive that year and pushed many people who could have been on his side to the opposite side.

"What are you going to do during the holiday?"

"On a trip back home, you can just stare here, and you are about to start over there." If you want to change the entire necromancer world, it is definitely not possible in England. At this point, Grindelwald's overall view is far More than Dumbledore and Voldemort.

Looking at the forces in the entire necromancer world, the East is the weakest, and the number of necromancers is very rare, so the necromancer world rarely goes to the East. This situation is the best for Shen Fei.

There are only three magic schools in the entire East: China, Russia, and Neon.

To develop the world's science and technology, Shen Fei had long established a plan, but from that country, Shen Fei did not talk to Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

Shen Fei felt that it was a good choice to start in China. Can the root server of this world be placed in China?

"Alright." Grindelwald did not object after being silent for a while.

In the next few days, Shen Fei consulted Grindelwald for a lot of knowledge about black magic, and then took all his belongings and prepared to fly to China.

There are two ways for this world to go abroad. One is the way of the Muggle World. Airplanes and ships. Because of the suppression of technological development, the speed of airplanes is much slower than that of previous lives or Marvel's world.

Another way to go abroad is simple, that is, the way to travel in the world of necromancer. Phantom Shift has a distance limit, but there is no door key. Generally, you can apply for a door key from the Ministry of Magic. You can reach your destination soon, but this method has many restrictions. The necromancer world is very regional. Without formal matters, the Ministry of Magic cannot issue door keys, and necromancers from other countries need to go to their own country in advance. Application, such as application for military service, etc., is very troublesome.

To go abroad for personal reasons, such an application is also required, and the entire process is monitored by the Ministry of Magic of another country, and must leave after finishing the matter.

It’s definitely okay if you don’t use these channels to enter other countries. There are also smuggling in the necromancer world. Speaking of smuggling in the necromancer world, it has to be said to be much higher level than the ordinary world. You can go abroad at once by using the door key. The problem is that it is expensive.

The backwardness of the necromancer world has a lot to do with this kind of system.

But the system in China is much better.

"Finally back." Shen Fei, who had just got off the plane at the Magic Capital International Airport, saw that people with black hair and yellow skin occupied the vast majority, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Although this is another world, I still feel very cordial when I see similar people.

Because of the existence of magic, many things in this world are different from the world before he traveled, such as the fact that China is currently territorially intact.

There are also few famines, especially after entering the modern era. Even if there is a problem in the ordinary world, you can apply for help like the necromancer world. Even if there is a shortage of food, you can use magic to spawn a large amount of food in a short time.

"After you settle down, you can go back." Shen Fei, who walked out of the airport, didn't care about the figure following him. After all, his identity as Professor of Hogwarts, although it is hidden, but with the power of a country, he wanted Knowing that it is impossible to hide, after all, he officially came to this country as an ordinary person, Shen Fei, not smuggled here.

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