The Game is Suspended, Only I Know the Invasion of Reality

Vol 2 Chapter 465: Divide the territory and resources are overflowing

Chapter 465 Divide the territory and resources are overflowing

Chi You was very satisfied with Lin Chen’s classification.

Why do you say this way?

You must know that Lin Chen has not moved the entire demon territory before, including the subordinate planets.

 In the central universe, at least a quarter of the subordinate galaxies are owned by the demons.

 In addition, on the battlefield between gods and demons, there is also a small area located in Fengdu City.

 It is said to be a small piece.

 But in fact, the territory is not small at all.

 That is only small compared to the entire battlefield of gods and demons.

 Which also includes thousands of holy crystal veins.

 The resources are very rich!

You must know that in the future, the Demon Realm area will support many demon clans, including the Demon Emperor.

 The current demon clan only has less than one-fifth of its original size left.

This is equivalent to Chi You leading the Jiuli Demon Clan to follow Lin Chen and the human race to conquer the world.

 In the end, he allowed all the Jiuli Demon Clan to receive five times more resources!

What else is there to be dissatisfied about?

Next, Lin Chen looked at Zhang Tianwei and Yang Liuxin and said: "Master, the immortal human race and our human race have already merged, but the fairy kingdom should still be retained. In the southern universe, the fairy human race, Let’s pick some human forces and move there together!”

 For the human race of fairies, occupying a part of the universe would seem too vast.

 After development, the current population of Fairyland is only less than 500 million according to the latest statistics.

This is the result of the Fairy Kingdom's continuous efforts to increase fertility after Lin Chen accelerated Blue Star.

Judging from the reproduction rate of the fairy human race, it is estimated that it will take another ten years before the population exceeds one billion.

 However, even if it exceeds one billion, what’s the use?

 A medium-sized planet or celestial body can support so many people.

 So, when Lin Chen conferred the title, he allowed the human race of fairies to select some subordinate races and go to the southern universe to rule together.

 Otherwise, many resources will be wasted.

 “Okay, thank you so much, Emperor!”

Yang Liuxin came out first and expressed her gratitude to Lin Chen.

But Zhang Tianwei said: "Your two senior brothers and senior sister will follow you in the future. Shouldn't the human gods also send some to the southern universe to assist us in ruling?"

  It’s really rare.

  Master Zhang Tianwei, it can be said that so far, he has not negotiated any terms with Lin Chen.

 He also fully supports Lin Chen.

 At the end, Zhang Tianwei asked Lin Chen for the person he wanted.

Lin Chen then smiled and said: "At present, there are not many gods in the human race, but there are more in the angel race. You can let Delgas come to assist you. With the Holy Crystal, as well as the entire southern universe, the monsters on each planet Resources, I believe that soon the fairy tribe will also have many rank six and even rank seven experts of their own...Queen of the Night, you elves are the same, your reproduction speed is a bit slow!"

 The elves still number around 500 million.

  And the Fairy Kingdom are in the same predicament... that is, now the human race wants to unify the universe.

 Everyone will have a huge territory and endless resources.

 However, there is a lack of a volume that can match the site and the resources obtained.

 The population is too small!

 The Angel Clan is not worried.

 One of the six great angel tribes was wiped out by Lin Chen.

 There are also five angel tribes.

 Among them, the fallen angel clan has also become a small branch of the archangels.

 But they are five tribes after all!

 Taken together, the population reaches about two billion. The size of Dragon Kingdom is not much different from that on Blue Star now.

 The Dragon Kingdom now has a population of more than three billion.

This is because during the accelerated time, there are also a series of policies to encourage population fertility. In addition, Lin Chen also moved a billion people in the Brahma God's Mansion... Especially now, the human race in the Brahma God's Mansion is not known to be controlled by Brahma or Brahma. The restriction set by the God of the Universe that made it impossible to practice was also broken.

 Because, although they do not have natural blood, they cannot practice the system of the temple.

 But now the human race has been opened up a new path by Lin Chen...

 The holy way!

 All races can practice the holy way.

 This is also the greatest advantage of the human race.

 At the very least, it can be guaranteed that even if there is no Lin Chen in the universe, the human race will still be able to remain strong.

Because the more people walk on a road, the wider and wider it will be, and the more likely it is to be endless!

 The northern universe was assigned to the elves by Lin Chen.

 When the elves were on Blue Star, they also ruled the entire northern territory.

So, now there is only one Western universe left.

 All of them were given to the angel race.

 However, Lin Chen didn't completely ignore it.

Next, Lin Chen said: "In addition, the human race's divine mansion will be established in all four directions of the universe. In the west, the Buddha will preside over the establishment of the human race's divine mansion! In the east, Lord Pojun Xing will establish the divine mansion. In the south, Lord Tanlangxing will build the divine mansion. You will establish the Divine Mansion, and the Seven Kill Star Lord will establish the Divine Mansion in the north. Don't worry, everyone, the Human Race Divine Mansion only has the power to collect taxes and assist you in ruling the universe, and will not interfere too much with some of your policies. However, they can also give Suggestion. If there is a dispute, come to the battlefield of gods and demons and ask the human race for judgment!"

 This is probably the universe governance system that Lin Chen will build.

 The main **** of the four directions helps rule the four directions.

 Of course, they also have the power to monitor and advise all parties.

 However, in order to avoid disputes, the final decision-making power still rests with Lin Chen himself.

 In this way, if everyone has a disagreement, they can come to Lin Chen for judgment.

But usually, when everyone is at peace with each other, Lin Chen can also be happy and peaceful.

 In fact, the so-called governance structure is just an empty frame.

 Because everyone knows very well that as long as Lin Chen exists, there will be no conflicts between the tribes... and they will not dare to cause conflicts.

After the human race entered the battlefield of gods and demons, the small races that attached to it, such as the unicorn race to which Amiya belonged, and the sea race, were all selected by the elves or fairies to go to various places together. square universe.

Of course, the resources they receive will not be less.

 At least you can get the dominance of one galaxy!

You must know that they were able to survive on one planet in the past.

Now they can dominate a galaxy... Although there is at most one planet capable of nurturing life in a galaxy, the resources they receive are still increasing exponentially.

 In this regard, Lin Chen is not generous enough.

  Simply because the entire universe is so big and has so many resources to supply the entire human camp.

 After all, the rise of the human race was achieved by stepping on the entire temple and countless subordinate races of the temple!

 Now is the early stage of the re-division of the universe.

 The resources can be guaranteed to be absolutely sufficient, and there may even be a lot of overflow!

 After doing all this, Lin Chen began to look towards the end of the universe...

 I don’t know how prepared Zhou Shen is!

  See you all tomorrow!



 (End of this chapter)

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