The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 293: battlefield

Standing in the chariot, Yu Tu now has time to check her changes. Most of the system panels are unusable. The only thing you can use is the skill bar and status bar.

Moreover, in the skill column, only blank emblems, heraldic fusion, heraldic blasting, instant stab and fierce cross kick were left. All gun skills disappeared.

Yu Tu's own state is also wrong. The equipment he now wears is a set of white heavy armor, with two short swords stuck in his waist, not the archer equipment Yu Tu is familiar with.

Yu Tu frowned and didn't say anything. The skills are still familiar to me, and the blank emblems are all familiar to me. Close combat is not Yu Tu's shortcoming.

Standing in the chariot, Yu Tu began to study the opponent's layout. The chariot didn't know what black technology was used. In a confined space, huge crystal screens were placed on the front and sides, and the outside scene would be printed on the screen.

The queen's voice came from the front.

"Wang, we are about to collide with the other side. Shall we run over?"

According to the unfamiliar memory, Yu Tu switched the screen in front of him into a kind of God's perspective looking down on the battlefield from above. Looking at the enemy’s four surrounding infantry units, Yu Tu calmly said: “The vanguard shrinks, and the archers are ready to shoot. The follow-up troops are divided into two teams and cannibalize each other from both sides. The cavalry keeps alert and finds the opposing cavalry. Don't be in love with the fight, just stick it."

"Wang, do you need to dispatch a wizard?"

"Not yet, just look at the other person's reaction."

The queen sitting in the front nodded slightly, her eyes lit up with golden light. The soldiers under his command immediately learned of the order issued by Yu Tu and did not hesitate to implement it.

The infantry regiment, which was the vanguard, immediately stopped, the troops shrank, and the three outer rows of soldiers raised their shields, turning the whole team into an iron turtle.

At this time, their opponent also moved.

The local army is a combination of various orcs, and the infantry team looks very messy to Yu Tu. The mixture of werewolves and lion orcs greatly reduced the werewolf's speed advantage, and was also mixed with a large number of lizards. The lizards that were much larger than the other soldiers made Yu Tu a little uneasy.

Seeing Yu Tufang pioneer who had shrunk into a tortoise shell, the lion and beasts immediately roared and rushed up.

And the werewolf climbed behind the lizard lying on the ground.

"Damn it! This is a cavalry!" Yu Tu's face was a little ugly. The spies sent earlier brought back wrong information, and this information was enough to cause unpredictable changes in the battle.

"The opponent's vanguard is two infantry units plus a cavalry unit. That is to say, the team behind has exceeded the previous prediction. Troops, cavalry is this distance."

Yu Tu said loudly: "Order immediately to protect the archers. All archers retreat."

Yu Tu's order was immediately conveyed, and the archer troops who had already opened their bowstrings immediately put away their arrows, turned and ran into the protection of the infantry. The infantry also quickly blocked in front of the shooters. The enemy cavalry who came to attack could only choose the infantry after the broken as the target of attack.

"The shooter counterattacked, and the cavalry flanks cut in separately, dividing the enemy formation. War machinery was dispatched."

Yu Tu calmly gave the order, and the queen meticulously conveyed it to the soldiers. Relying on the particularity of the Saslow automatic puppet, Yu Tu's order could be executed perfectly in the first time.

The formation, which was originally scattered due to the enemy's surprise attack, stabilized again. Relying on the powerful characteristics of Saslow's troops, it is entirely possible to eat the enemy's infantry regiment plus that cavalry before the enemy's large forces formally contact.

For insurance, Yu Tu also sent out cavalry for harassment.

The situation is moving towards Yu Tu's favorable side. But Yu Tu Haihui Temple felt that there were some troops. Has been paying attention to the dynamics of the battlefield.

Suddenly, Yu Tu saw a large number of casualties on the cavalry on his right. Within ten seconds, the cavalry regiment was directly destroyed.

The queen's voice also came from the front.

"King, the cavalry on the right has lost contact. The last message passed was the opponent's archer and wizard."

"Shooter and mage." Yu Tu looked at the cavalry's impact, which was the vanguard of the enemy's large force, that is to say, the opponent's fragile mage and archer acted as the main front row. More radical than Yu Tu.

You know, Sagittarius and Mages are very fragile, and at the same time, they move slowly. In a rapidly changing battlefield, any waste of time may lead to a change in the direction of the battlefield.

However, this point of the other party really exceeded ordinary people's imagination. Even novice commanders like Yu Tu reserved the mage group for the end. You know, the wizard group is completely a nuclear bomb in this degree of battle. If the nuclear bomb is overturned by the opponent's car, the battle will be lost in half.

The other party not only bet, but also bet right. In this way, it is equivalent to completing a wave of exchanges between the cavalry on both sides. At the same time, because of the interference of the opposing cavalry, the timing of our archers rejoining the battlefield will definitely change.

After adding the post-meth who needs to be re-mobilized and the knight who has been sent to intercept the opponent. Obviously, the opponent took all Yu Tu's actions into consideration. Before the cavalry and wizards arrive, the opponent's wizard group will complete at least two rounds of magic bombardment under the cover of the vanguard.

Yu Tu breathed a sigh of relief looking at the upcoming enemy army.

"Sure enough, I am not suitable to be a conductor. Queen."

"Wang, I am here."

"Give orders. The cavalry regiment doesn't have to come back and move freely behind the enemy. After the war machine and wizard regiment arrive on the battlefield, you are responsible for commanding them. The vanguard should shrink back.

"Wang, what are you doing?"

Yu Tu moved his wrist and opened the hatch of the chariot.

"I will kill the opposing general. I am more used to assassinations than command."

"Wang, I can't let you take risks."

"You also said that I am the king. This is my order. The command of the troops is left to you. Don't lose until I kill the opposing general."

The queen was silent for a while.

"I see, Wang. I, wait for your triumphant return."

"I will."

After speaking, Yu Tu jumped out of the chariot. The heraldic disguise is launched. At this time, Yu Tu noticed a slight change in heraldry.

Originally, the disguise could only last 30 seconds. And now, its duration is unlimited. As long as Yu Tu does not attack or is attacked, this invisibility effect will not end.

Perhaps, other coats of arms have also been promoted. But Yu Tu does not have time to check them one by one now. The opposing army is about to arrive, he must hurry up and find the enemy general in the enemy's army to kill it. There is not only one way to win a war.

"It's been a long time since I did such a thing. The scene is much bigger than before, and I don't know if the skills are unfamiliar."

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