The Gate of Extinction

Chapter 222: This thing is alive!


Walking on the street, Chen Xi and others seemed cautious and curious.

Zu Lifeng is also happy to hear their exclamation. Although human bodies are weak, science and technology are indeed more advanced than the astral world. Everything in the astral world depends on star power, which is the root of their strength, but also why they are behind.

Humans who combine star power and technology may have capital against alien species.

"Ye Xing, you seem calm." Chen Guang asked suddenly.

Although Lan and Ryuyue didn't turn back, they could tell from their ears that they were also paying attention to how Zu Lifeng would answer.

Zuli Feng secretly said that he was really untrusted, did Chenguang doubt him?

"Everywhere is gloomy here, it gives me a bad feeling, I'm just being on guard." Zuli Feng said.

"You took the star ring, and think about it first." Chen Guang nodded and said.

Seeing Chen Guang take the initiative to walk to his periphery, Zuoli Feng stumbled. Unexpectedly, the team spirit of these stars is still very strong ...

But in disguise, this is also saying that he is weak.

Zu Lifeng smiled bitterly in his heart, he simply reached out and observed the star ring.

This ring of stars has become part of him, but it is always out of control.

"No amount of star power injected has changed. This is why ..." The rest of the people got it by injecting star power, similar to energized weapons, but this is not the principle of Zurich.

"So can it be used in the opposite direction?" Zu Lifeng tried to absorb the star power from the ring of stars. But again, the interior of the small ring of stars is like an endless abyss, and no starlight can be found. The star power before seemed to sink into the sea.

"How can it be……"

This ring of stars is the skeleton of the abyss beast. After Zu Lifeng thought for a moment, he suddenly thought of his exoskeleton.

The same is the bone, will there be some reactions?

After all, at this time in the sky of the earth, there are still such beasts traveling.

"Try it." At this time, Zu Lifeng's control of the exoskeleton was very precise. He stared intently at the star ring, and a ring of exoskeleton appeared on the skin of his finger. A flash of red light flashed, and a sudden thunder rang out in Zu Lifeng's ears. It was also mixed with a shocking low roar.

In fact, it was only a moment, but Zu Lifeng felt it for a long time. The astral world formed 10 billion years ago. The abyss beast was the first life born. At the beginning of their birth, they used to move freely in the night sky, but as they evolved, they gradually penetrated into the hard ground. In the grain of sand that can cut away ordinary people's bodies, they are as comfortable as in the ocean.

Deep in the ground is a variety of ores. The plants are deeply rooted grasses and vines ...


The roar of the abyss beast resounded from the ground, and it could spread far down the sand. If there is no Shata of the Star clan, at first glance, when you look at the desert-like astral realm, you will think that there is no life here, but you don't know that there is such a huge creature under your feet watching you quietly.

"This is still alive!" Zu Lifeng was startled. But soon he woke up and turned to look at it, Chen Guang really looked at himself.

"Have you made any progress?" Chen Guang asked, looking slightly still.

The turban covered Zu Lifeng's expression change, and he shook his head with regret: "Not yet. I injected a lot of star power into it and thought that there would be a reaction. As a result, I thought more."

"So ... it's okay. If it doesn't work, we will take care of you." Chen Guang's eyes narrowed slightly and said.

Zu Lifeng didn't care if what he said was true or not, he looked at the ring of stars again.

"A senseless attempt." Lan muttered in a low voice in front.

After that beast roar, Zurich could feel the ring of stars beating slightly on the exoskeleton.

This bone is still alive!

It may be a misidentification of star-powered exoskeleton. It may also be because the stimulus of the foreign breath responded ... Zu Lifeng didn't know what the reason was, but the bone was indeed awakened.

And in the process of Zurich's beating. At the same time, he suddenly felt another breath.

In the sky hundreds of miles away, an abyss beast suddenly looked at it.

But soon, the countless black lines on it stirred, causing the beast to twitch in pain, and the huge body rolled in the clouds. With this movement, countless electric snakes appeared immediately in the surrounding clouds.

Lightning struck it, but it didn't hurt it or the black lines that were drilling in and out of it.

A large mass of black lines emerged from its eyes, and then formed a mass that blocked its sight. I don't know where the voice came from, I shouted at it: "Provide energy honestly!"

"Roar!" The abyss beast uttered an unwilling roar, but soon a large number of black lines were drilled from its throat, blocking its voice.

"Thunder." Zu Lifeng looked in that direction, faintly seeing several lightning bolts.

The muffled sound like thunder, and the breath you feel, will it be an abyss beast?

Zu Lifeng looked at the star ring again, dissipating the exoskeleton. He faintly felt that it seemed that he really made a profit by choosing this.

"There is a human body in front." Ryuyuki said suddenly.

The crowd rushed over immediately, and half of the dead body was hanging from the window of an abandoned vehicle, and his limbs were scattered around. Although the body had dried up, the blood on the window was still fresh.

This man must be trying to hide in the car to resist the alien species, but the fragile glass could not stop the alien species at all, and he was torn directly out of the car, and his death was extremely miserable.

"This is a different kind of handwriting," Ryue Yue said.

Zu Lifeng stared at the blood ~ ~ Suddenly his face changed: "Be careful."

He immediately took a step back, and at this moment, a dark shadow fell from the sky and slammed on the roof of the car.

Blood was dripping from a stranger's mouth, and his barbed tongue hung outside.

It looks like a woman wearing a suspender dress. It should still be beautiful if the tongue is not too beautiful, the muscles of both hands and feet are bulging, and the nails are sharp like a sharp knife.

As soon as the roof was caught by its feet, ten extra holes were immediately made. It stared at Zu Lifeng's party, and there was a long smile on his face.


More aliens either jumped from the top or got out from the side and surrounded them in a blink of an eye. Some of them were drooling, and they heard them clearly in the silent night.

Zuoli Feng calmly grabbed Xiaomi, and watched these aliens with vigilant eyes.

The dangers he had just foreseen were not them ... (to be continued)

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