The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 981: castle

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Seeing Wang Dong leaving, Zhuge Liang jumped up and stopped in front of Wang Dong.

"What are you going to do?"

Wang Dong's eyes are firm and his tone is firm: "Go to the teacher."

"I won't let you go!"

Zhuge Liang said coldly.

Just as Wang Dong was about to speak, the four famous young masters came over together.

"I'll go as well!"

"Together we will!"

"Zhuge Liang, you'd better not get in the way, otherwise, we will never finish with you!"

Said the four of them were together, hugging Wang Dong and pushing past Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang frowned and said, "This group of idiots, the rhythm of annihilation!"

Saying that, I can only follow.


After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Fan's consciousness gradually recovered.

He felt his body still shaking constantly.

Apparently he was also flying through the air while being held by the woman.

But the excruciating pain in his body has disappeared.

I just feel a little itchy on my back.

Maybe it's the sequelae left after being bitten by a vampire bat.

As soon as Zhang Fan looked up, he saw the woman's majestic chest.

"Look at what?"

The woman also felt his gaze and glared at Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan smiled awkwardly and said, "What's your name?"

The woman flapped her wings silently, and said, "A lowly human being is not qualified to know the blood clan. And you are about to die, even if you know my-, is there any meaning to hating?"

"All right."

Zhang Fan changed the subject: "How long does it take for a human to become a vampire after being bitten by a vampire bat?"

The woman replied: "It varies from person to person, some are short, one hour changes. Some last a little longer, five-six hours."

"It seems that I am relatively durable?"

Zhang Fan was a little proud.

The woman sneered: "It's too early to don't-happy before one hour has passed."

Zhang Fan was about to continue talking when he saw a building in the distance.

Although the building is covered with a thick layer of vines, Zhang Fan can see at a glance that this should be a small factory more than 200 years ago.

What makes Zhang Fan feel strange is that in this factory, there is a faint sound of music:


Crawled over the earl's grave

The castle is deserted

weedy soil


fat witch who can't ride a broom

chant la la hoo in latin

Her black cat laughs like crying

la la la woo


It turned out to be Jay's song more than 200 years ago.

Hearing this, Zhang Fan felt the urge to burst into tears.

It has been three months since I came to this future world, and the music I hear is all very advanced and strange in style.

Now I suddenly hear the songs of the times I lived in, and I naturally feel deeply.

At this time, the woman flapped her wings and brought Zhang Fan to the gate of this broken factory.

Zhang Fan was speechless for a while: "Can't you just fly directly to the factory? Why do you have to fall in front of the gate, there is still some distance from the factory."

The woman glanced at Zhang Fan disdainfully and taught:

"You know hat? As a noble blood family, you must be a gentleman. How can you fly in directly from the air? Go through the main entrance, this-is the beginning of a gentleman."

Zhang Fan was speechless again.

The woman continued to teach her lesson: "Also, the hat factory? This is an ancient castle, okay?"

He pointed to the large characters on the top of the factory gate.

Zhang Fan looked up and saw that on the top of the gate were four large characters that seemed to be painted with blood:

William Castle.


Zhang Fan almost couldn't help laughing.

A broken factory building, you told me it was an old castle, and also William's castle.

Even if you have a cottage, you have to go for dim sum, okay?

The woman seemed to know what Zhang Fan was thinking, and glared at Zhang Fan: "Humble human beings, dare to laugh at the blood clan? Let you die without knowing how to die!"

Then the woman stopped talking, turned and entered the factory—well, into Castle William.

Zhang Fan didn't dare to escape. With his current strength, it was impossible to escape in front of this woman.

Can only follow the woman into the castle.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw an extremely fat woman in the yard, estimated to weigh 300 pounds.

The woman was wearing a black robe and a hat that was over a foot high, and she read a language that Zhang Fan couldn't understand at all.

In her hand, she was holding a broom, which looked like she was chattering.

Zhang Fan couldn't hold back any longer this time, and burst out laughing.

The lyrics just sang:

fat witch who can't ride a broom

chant la la hu in latin

Is this guy the fat witch?

But no matter how you look at her chanting spells, she doesn't look like a witch, but rather like a Taoist priest from Maoshan.

"This is your fat witch? But the fat witch can't fly. What are you doing with a broken broom?"

The woman replied, "She's a witch who sweeps the floors part-time. Someone has to clean such a big castle, right?"


Zhang Fan didn't hold back again and laughed out loud.

The woman turned back and glared at Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan hurriedly shut up.

The woman continued to walk forward with Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan turned around as he walked, just in time to see that the fat witch was looking at him. His gray eyes were full of desire for blood and flesh.

Zombies? !

Zhang Fan froze in his heart.

I thought this castle was full of blood races, but I didn't expect that there were still zombies.

Soon, the two entered the factory.

On the side of the factory building, a black cat suddenly jumped over and rushed towards Zhang Fan.

The woman kicked the black cat so loudly.

Zhang Fan remembered the lyrics:

Her black cat laughs like crying

la la la woo

Zhang Fan understood, it seems that everything in this castle is based on the lyrics of that song.

Zhang Fan recalled the lyrics:

The bearded face of the castle owner William II

Get used to snoring after taking blood

The butler is a French-speaking and graceful pig

Will read the Gospel of John as an apology before sucking blood

Princess Catherine with blue eyes

Love to eat male mice with AB blood type

Then he suddenly remembered Although this woman is an oriental woman, her eyes are actually blue.

Apparently she was wearing contact lenses or something.

" Katherine?"

Zhang Fan asked tentatively.

The woman turned back in surprise and looked at Zhang Fan: "How do you know?"

Zhang Fan spread his hands and said, "You can tell by looking at your devilish figure and your face in this prosperous world."

In my heart, I said with contempt, you, this cottage factory, everything is based on the lyrics of the cottage people.

Anyone who has heard the song knows it.

The woman smiled and said, "I am, but not Catherine, but Princess Catherine."

"Then... do you eat male mice with AB blood type?"

The woman shook her head slightly disappointedly: "Don't eat."


Zhang Fan asked.

"The blood types of mice are only A and B, and there is no one with AB blood type. And I'm afraid when I see mice, let alone eat them. I'm sick to death."

Zhang Fan was speechless for a while.

It seems that this blood-sucking family of copycat lyrics still has a long way to go.

(End of this chapter)

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