The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 231: Storm Rider

"Golden Summoner (

Xia Ping’an’s consciousness was immersed in the changes in the secret mandala...

The upper limit of the divine power in the Cangqiang Mojing of the Temple increased sharply by 188 points, from 1437 points before to 1625 points. From the divine power, unsurprisingly, he has already met the conditions for the advanced two-sun realm.

During the period when he was in the capital, Xia Ping'an didn't consume much of his divine power. Coupled with the natural recovery every month, his divine power at the moment was basically full.

The biggest change is not the increase in divine power, but other changes in the secret mandala.

In the northwest of the secret mandala village, Xia Ping’an just saw a building that had not appeared in the secret mandala before. It was a barracks. The barracks were a bit like the Yanmen Camp at Yanmen Pass, and it was also built in two places. The valley in the middle of the mountain occupies a large area.

In the center of that barracks, there is a huge bronze relief. The picture on the relief shows the scene of Xia Ping’an and Li Mu walking through the court of the Xiongnu with iron horses. The iron horses on the relief are lifelike. The knights wear armor and hold bows. Holding a spear, holding a knife, a galloping war horse, standing on both feet, majestic and arrogant, the Huns on the relief are either wolves rushing towards the rat, or full of horror...

This is the first relief that has appeared outside the temple. This relief has a beam of light that shoots into the temple and complements the golden words of the temple, directly igniting the word "Iron Cavalry".

Xia Pingan was stunned in the secret mandala for a while before summoning a cavalry in relief.

A cavalry, consumed 18 points of supernatural power.

When the cavalry in the relief came out from the shining relief on the horse, the majestic appearance made Xia Ping'an also shine.

The summoned cavalry, wearing armor, carrying a strong bow, a quiver on the saddle, and a long spear in his hand, was full of fright.

Xia Ping'an's eyes only lingered on the iron cavalry, and the attributes of that iron cavalry appeared in front of Xia Ping's eyes.

In the secret mandala, the character will have attributes, which means that the character can be summoned in large numbers and is not unique.

Summoning character: Storm Knight-Elite

Consumption of supernatural power: 18

Life: 140

Wisdom: 75

Force: 62

Skills: 1. Death assault, 2. Ride and shoot. 3. Trample

Talent: Light of Life

Plane arrival time: 720 minutes.

The storm cavalry is the strongest cavalry that Yanzhao Naner, the world pearl, can summon, but the storm cavalry summoned by himself has the three characters "elite", which seems to be somewhat different.

For a summoner, the attributes of the characters he summoned are the best secrets that only he can know. Few summoners will disclose the attributes of the characters he has summoned to the public, so Xia Ping’an does not know that other summoners can summon them. What are the attributes of the storm cavalry, but he feels that the storm cavalry summoned by him should be stronger than the ones summoned by other summoners.

Just when Xia Pingan summoned this storm cavalry, Cangjie appeared at the entrance of this new barracks. With a wave of a jade pen in his hand, he wrote "Storm cavalry camp" on the gate of the barracks.

Xia Pingan directly consumed 180 divine power and summoned 10 storm cavalry.

Because it was late at night outside, it was also late at night in the secret mandala. There was no sun in the sky, and there was silence. The farmers and pill masters had rested. As soon as the 10 storm knights were summoned out, they rode out of the camp and plunged into the darkness. , Went to patrol automatically.

Before patrolling in the secret mandala were slave soldiers, now with the addition of the storm cavalry, Xia Ping'an can finally summon a decent regular army.


Xia Ping'an in the underground secret room suddenly opened his eyes.

The secret room was completely dark, but for the summoner, he could still see clearly in the dark.

"The return of the Yanzhao man's Boundary Bead is indeed too rich..." Xia Ping'an muttered to himself, then took out his pocket watch and took a look. It is only 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, and there is still plenty of time.

Xia Pingan came out of the basement and came to the top.

The small yard was quiet, only a few crickets crowed in the garden. The woman slept in the guest room, the door was tightly closed, and she was already asleep.

Xia Pingan went directly to the bathroom.

The bathroom in this yard is very clean. There is a beautiful bathtub with tartar attached to the bathroom. The hot water pipe of the bathtub is connected to the gas in the kitchen, and you can use the gas to boil hot water for bathing.

For people like Xia Pingan, it doesn’t matter if you take a bath in hot or cold water. Xia Pingan puts a pool of cold water.

Then take out the Shenquan of the Second Yang Realm and pour it into the water.

The cold water of the full pool became hot after being poured into the divine spring of the two sun realm, just like a hot spring gushing from the ground, the water in the bath also turned pale green.

Xia Pingan took off his clothes and soaked in the pool. The feeling was just two words—comfortable!

A burst of energy and heat went from the water into Xia Ping'an's body, warm, the whole secret mandala was also bathed in a faint green light, and the second round of sun was slowly condensing.

Xia Ping'an closed his eyes, savoring the changes in his body and the secret mandala, the fatigue of body and soul disappeared.

Finally formally advanced to the Second Sun Realm.

For the summoner, the two-sun state is an important watershed.

Even in the world of Yuanqiu, many of the summoners in this world have spent their entire lives wandering in preparation for the summoners and the Yiyang Realm. The summoners of the Two Yang Realm can already make many low-level summoners in the group of summoners. The master looks up and awes the master-the last time Sun Hao asked to deal with the boss of his bounty hunter, that is, the two summoners of the two sun realm who were not very strong.

The strongest summoner that most ordinary people in this world can come into contact with in their lifetime is the summoner of the two-sun realm.

To advance to the Three Suns Realm, the divine power of his secret mandala must exceed 2520 points.

A long way to go!

Every time one level is improved in the future, the difficulty will become greater and greater.

But as long as there is a Boundary Pearl, it should be possible for oneself to steadily break through to the Six Suns realm.


After taking a bath, Xia Ping'an went back to the room to sleep. She slept until she woke up naturally. The sun was shining on the bed from outside the window. It was warm, and the sun was shining when she opened her eyes. Xia Ping'an only got up, put on clothes and finished washing. After that, humming a song slowly came to the kitchen and cooked breakfast for himself.

Xia Pingan made himself a bowl of noodles, made soup with shiitake mushrooms, shrimps, scallops, and beef bones, fried eggs, blanched vegetables, and fried meat with sauce and kitchen spices...

There are ice cellars and ice rooms under the kitchens of these big families. Before Xia Ping’an had found time to buy some kitchen ingredients in the city, they put them in the ice room and made breakfast very convenient.

It goes without saying that Xia Ping’an’s cooking skills were developed by taking care of Xia Ning for many Cooking in the kitchen is a way of rest and relaxation for Xia Ping’an. Of course, also He needs to be in a good mood to do it.

Xia Ping'an is in a good mood after he has just advanced to the two-yang state.

It’s been a long time since I came to Shangjing to cook anything by myself. Today is Xia Ping’s first time.

The noodles are boiled, and the thick soup is poured. The red shrimp and golden scallops are neatly laid out. A fried golden egg is placed in the middle, like the sun outside. Several green vegetables hot in boiling water are like clouds. Place the same next to the egg, and then pour the fragrant meat on the nose. In a moment, a large bowl of fragrant, full of color, fragrance, and taste is pleasing to the eye. The noodles filled with eating desire are placed in Xia Ping’an’s. front.

Xia Ping'an looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, untied his apron, and was about to take out the noodles to enjoy, and then at this moment, he heard the sound of someone sucking saliva.

As soon as Xia Ping'an looked up, he saw the "caggy girl" with a fluffy head standing outside the kitchen, staring at the bowl of noodles he had cooked, and sucking drool.

Last night, "Caocao Girl" didn't seem to sleep well. At this moment, there are still two dark circles under the eyes, but this does not hinder "Caocao Girl" from appreciating and judging the food.

The aroma from the kitchen is so tempting...

"Guru... Guru..." Xia Ping'an faintly heard the stomach of "Girl in Grass" calling out. By the way, this girl probably didn't eat dinner last night.

"What's on the table, it looks so good..." asked hastily, staring straight at the bowl of noodles, sucking saliva, and walking like sleepwalking, directly towards the kitchen, oh No, I walked towards the bowl of noodles that Xia Pingan cooked...

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