The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 288: Boundary Bead Potential

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The two little gangsters didn't even look at the place of Upper Capital, and they dared to make their own ideas. Now Upper Capital is short of summoners as coolies. They send them to the door by themselves, and Xia Ping'an will fulfill them.

Xia Ping'an naturally laughed at the twenty or thirty gold coins on the two of them.

The cold fire and autumn smoke of Zhougong Building is in sharp contrast with the lively of Wuyou Building.

Pedestrians who come and go will occasionally take a look, but the sign at the entrance of Zhougonglou that says "Hundreds of gold for dream interpretation, no bargaining" is enough to scare people away.

Xia Ping’an walked into the Zhougong Building. The woman guarding the shop inside was so bored that she was dozing off. Seeing Xia Ping’s return, the woman stood up a little flustered, but accidentally put the book on her knees. The book fell to the ground.

Xia Ping'an read that book, it seems that it is quite popular in Dashang Country, this is the ordinary people used to pass the time.

"I have seen the son!" The woman was embarrassed and panicked.

According to the rules, she was dereliction of duty. When she was on duty, she read a book. If she was seen by a few female officials in the palace, it would be a felony.

"Uh, let's go to rest when you are tired. You can close the door early today!" Xia Ping'an smiled, and pointed to a vacant place in the front hall, "I am going to put a bookshelf here, and you can pick one tomorrow. Bookshelf, buy some books you like and put them. When there are guests, you can let the guests read the books while waiting here. You can also read more often to facilitate communication with the guests. Well, just press fifty gold coins. Come on the budget..." Xia Pingan said, took out a gold ticket of fifty gold coins and put it on the table.

The woman knew that Xia Ping'an was giving her steps so that she would not be so bored here, and that she would be able to stay open and read novels in the future.

"Thank you, son!" The woman covered her mouth and smiled. The whole person is not so nervous, and her eyes are refreshing. "Our family...The lady is actually very good to us, and there are not so many rules. Like the son, you two are still Quite... Stop like!"

Okay, just say that I and your young lady are a natural match!

"By the way, what is your name?" Xia Ping'an asked.

"My name is Xiaodie!"

"Xiaodie, it's okay today, you can close the door early!"


After Xia Ping's confession, he went straight into the inner hall, summoned an elite slave soldier to guard outside, and then entered the underground secret room, preparing to fuse the boundary beads.

Today's eight world beads moved Xia Ping'an's index finger.

When he came to the underground secret room, Xia Ping'an sat cross-legged on the soft collapse, rubbing his hands, and then took out all the eight world beads and placed them in a row in front of him.

"Lu Ban made a saw," "Great righteous extermination", "Gan Luo Baixiang", "Playing a sword to make a song", "Xue Guoshi Yi", "Cunning Rabbit Three Caves", "Tao Kan", and "Song Fei Emperor Feng Pig King" these eight world beads were taken out.

The eight world beads, with different colors, flashed with a deep glow in the dark secret room. In Xia Ping'an's eyes, they were very cute.

Xia Ping'an started from easy to difficult, picked up the "Luban made a saw" world bead and began to drip blood and fuse.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Ping’an was wrapped in a green light cocoon, but the light cocoon did not last long, but within five minutes, the light cocoon shattered, and Xia Ping’an opened his eyes, this world bead. The integration has been successful.

Luban in Jiezhu went to the mountains to cut down trees, but he was cut his fingers by the jagged leaves. Luban got inspiration from the jagged shapes of the leaves. After returning, he made a saw to cut down trees and process wood. It becomes easier.

Xia Ping'an made a saw and saw off a section of the tree trunk. This world bead was successfully fused, and the world of the world was shattered. By the way, Xia Ping'an wanted to build something else to try to break through.

Luban made the saw, in addition to giving Xia Ping an extra spell for summoning the saw, he only gave Xia Ping an 10 points of divine power. After the integration, the victory limit of Xia Ping's Secret Mandala reached 4065 points.

Later, Xia Ping'an merged with the world pearl of "Great justice and extermination".

The story of Dayi’s destruction of relatives is also very simple, and many people are familiar with it. This story tells that Shi Hou, the doctor of Lu Yin’s four years of guarding the country, killed Zhou Yu, who was self-supported by Wei Wei Huan, and had to kill Shi Hou, his biological son who followed Zhou Yu. s story.

In the world of boundary beads, Xia Ping'an became the guardian's stone chin, and then proceeded step by step, perfectly blending. When the light cocoon on Xia Ping's body was shattered, the time was less than twenty minutes. This divine power world bead was given to Xia Ping'an. 30 points of supernatural power.

"Playing the sword and making a song", "Xue Guoshi Yi", and "The Three Caves of the Rabbit" all tell the story of Feng Huan, a sect guest of Mengchang. Feng Huan can be regarded as the representative of the sect guest of that era. The combination of these three beads It's easy to be ruthless, Xia Ping'an hurriedly integrated these three divine power world beads directly, and the total time was more than forty minutes.

These three divine power world beads gave Xia Ping an 90 divine power. After fusing these three world beads, Xia Ping's divine power upper limit reached 4185 points.

Every time the divine power increases, Xia Ping’an’s body will also get a chance to cut the body with divine power. After the divine power initiation, Xia Ping’s physique will unknowingly improve slightly. This is also the power of the summoner. .

The sixth boundary bead that Xia Pingan merged is the "Tao Kan" boundary bead.

Tao Kan was a famous official in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In the period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the gentry and wealthy family took the liberating and wild waves as their romantic. The so-called era when the so-called celebrities were proud of their maverick behavior. Tao Kan's down-to-earth style of being a person was a real clear stream. .

Tao Kan’s deeds are many, but when the summoner introduced that this world bead could use divine power to "make clay into bricks", Xia Ping'an was a bit speechless. Tao Kan became attached to the bricks. It was Tao Kan's purpose to exercise his body and will. I am sympathetic to the people and don't want to waste money and food, so I got a bunch of the cheapest bricks where I live, and move a bunch of bricks around sooner or later.

Tao Kan is the first person to move bricks since ancient times.

In addition to moving bricks, Tao Kan actually has many deeds. Xia Ping’an doesn’t understand why this world bead only provides one magic method. It is because the time in this world is too short. Once the brick world is moved, the world of the world bead is too short. Crushed? Or do other people have no idea that Tao Kan can make other achievements?

If the reason is the latter, then the most likely reason is that the things recorded in the mind crystal fused with this realm bead may not be known much, so the consequence is that the person who merges the mind crystal will only move bricks instead of Know other deeds. There was only one magic spell in the end.

It is absolutely possible that the things recorded in the so-called Divine Mind Crystal are not perfect in Xia Ping'an's eyes.

"Perhaps this world bead can try to make a breakthrough on its own, and see where the limit of this world bead is?" Xia Ping'an took the "Tao Kan" world bead, his eyes flashed, muttered to himself, and then started. Fusion.

As Xia Ping An's blood fused again, Xia Ping'an was surrounded by a group of colorful light cocoons in the secret room.


Xia Ping'an opened his eyes and found himself sitting in a carriage, which was walking on the road outside the city. Behind his carriage, he was followed by a group of sergeants on horseback. This accompanying was a guard of honor for the governor. .

The scorching sun was high above my head, and the noise of cicadas was everywhere on the road.

Pedestrians on the road are endless, and those pedestrians will pay attention when they see the convoy of Mr. Cishi.

It was late summer, and the convoy was driving outside the city. Along the way, you could see paddy fields along the roadside. The rice in the paddy fields was growing well and had already set ears.

If ordinary people merge with this world pearl, seeing such a scene, they must have no feeling, or even know where they are. Xia Ping’an sees the unripe rice on the side of the road, but his heart is moved, and he suddenly thinks of Tao Kan once. One thing done.

There won't be a person holding rice ears on the way.

Xia Pingan said this in his heart, and couldn’t help looking at the side of the road outside the car. The carriage was walking on the road. Suddenly, a figure came into Xia Pingan’s eyes. It was a pedestrian on the road and the man was a man. , In his thirties, while walking, holding a handful of unripe rice ears in his hand.

Damn it, it's you!

When the convoy drove to the man, Xia Ping'an suddenly shouted, "Stop!"

Tao Kan's voice was majestic and low, and the carriage stopped as soon as he said the word parking.

Xia Pingan got out of the car directly.

People on the side of the road were shocked when they saw Xia Pingan getting off the car.

Xia Pingan got off the carriage and came directly to the man who was on the road holding a handful of rice ears in his hand.

"Thorn, Master Cishi... Your lord..." The man was already frightened, and he didn't understand why Master Cishi would stop and walk directly in front of him.

"Where did the rice ears come from?" Xia Pingan asked the man directly.

"I saw it on the road just now, so I just grabbed it!" The guy replied frightened and honestly.

There was a rice field on the side of the road, and the man owed his hand. Walking along the road, he grabbed a handful of rice ears and tossed it in his hand.

Xia Pingan was furious and pointed to the man’s nose and cursed, “Asshole, the rice ears in your hands are ungrown grains, and the fields that others have worked so hard to grow. What is the point of taking them without telling them and being a thief? The difference is that this rice ear needs to grow so large, it needs human cultivation, rain and dew, and fertility to grow. A grain of rice condenses the good fortune of heaven, earth and people, you ruin it at hand, and you waste other people’s hard work. Grain, do you know how many people starved to death because they couldn’t eat the food, come here, tie me up!"

Several entourages who looked like wolves came over and directly **** the guy whose face was pale.

The guy thought he was going to be chopped off, and almost peeed in shock.

"Bring a whip..." Xia Ping'an reached out and someone took a whip. Xia Ping'an took the whip and slapped the man more than ten whips, but didn't make a cruel hand. The person suffered a lot of skin and flesh, so that the person's tears and nose came down. He cried his father and called his mother, confessed his mistakes and said not to dare.

The people watching on the road saw Master Cishi pumping people on the road for an ungrown ear of rice, and they all cried out.

After smoking the guy who owed him, Xia Ping'an let his subordinates release the guy and got into the car again.


After experiencing such an incident, Xia Ping'an has been determined that the "potential" of this world pearl may not have been tapped by the people who previously merged.

The convoy returned to the Cishi Mansion and saw that the backyard in the Cishi Mansion was "empty", with only flowers and plants, and no exercise equipment. Xia Ping'an directly ordered that people go and pull a cart of bricks and put them in his study in the backyard of the Cishi Mansion. At the door, every morning, I moved the cart of bricks from the study to the garden, and in the evening, I moved the bricks from the garden to the study.

Within a few days, the news that Master Governor likes to move bricks spread through the city.


In the secret room, after more than an hour, the colorful light cocoons surrounding Xia Ping’an disappeared. There was a crackling noise in Xia Ping’an’s body. Xia Ping’an opened his eyes, the light flashing in his eyes, and his face did not know it. A smile appeared.

At this moment, in the temple of Xia Pingan’s secret mandala, there is a sculpture of Tao Kan. Among the iron sculptures, besides Tao Kan’s allusions of moving bricks, there are several other allusions. Among the sculptures Bricks, whips, sawdust and bamboo heads all flashed.

Sure enough, this world bead provided more than one magic method, but a total of four. In addition to the "refining soil for brick" magic method, this world bead also provided three other secret methods, which made Xia Ping'an the most attractive. Fortunately, this world pearl can actually allow him to summon a long whip.

The long whip is Xia Ping's favorite weapon, because Tao Kan Xigu, who owed the man who grabbed the ear of rice by the roadside, did not expect to be able to summon the long whip.

The other two spells are very special. They are not summoning spells in the ordinary sense, but spells that the summoner can cast. When casting, you need to borrow wood chips or bamboo heads as the props of the spells, with the help of wood chips and bamboo heads. In order to display.

Interesting, this world pearl is too interesting.

This Tao Kan's world pearl directly increased Xia Ping'an's divine power by 80 points.

Make a big profit!


Thinking of the long whip that this world pearl could summon, Xia Ping'an didn't hesitate at all, and directly consumed 36 divine power. With a wave of his hand, a dark whip appeared in Xia Ping's hand.

This long whip is slightly longer than the "black cobra" used by Xia Pingan It is heavy in the hand, and it is also a metal whip, interlocking, the whip is slightly like a rice ear. On the whip handle, there are three small characters "three talents whip".

Holding the whip in his hand, the feeling is indescribable, as if it were merged with Xia Ping's hand.

Xia Ping'an's hand turned gently, and the black whip whizzed out in the secret room, and a few snake-shaped whip flowers swayed in the air. The speed of that whip broke the speed of sound in an instant, snapping in the air. The explosion made the whole underground chamber roar.

Not bad!

After playing twice with the whip, the feeling of using the whip returned, and Xia Ping'an was in a good mood.

Xia Pingan was about to fuse together. Suddenly, Xia Pingan's brows moved and stopped. With a wave of his hand, Xia Pingan received the remaining two beads in the space warehouse. .

After finishing this, Xia Ping'an continued to sit cross-legged, pretending to be practicing.

A minute later, on a wall of the underground secret room, a figure that faded into a shadow, came out from behind the wall, rushed towards Xia Ping'an, with a bit of cold light on his hand and took Xia Ping'an's throat ...


ps: The four thousand-character chapter is here, and the next chapter will be updated later!

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