The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 291: Encounter again

Sure enough, the assassin summoned!

Although Xia Ping'an had some guesses before, the assassin's ability was too strong, and he would still summon spells, which made Xia Ping'an always suspicious.

Xia Ping'an had merged the Assassin's Realm Orbs, and could actually summon assassins, but the assassins summoned by Xia Ping'an absolutely didn't have those skills, and the assassin's abilities seemed to be beyond the scope of assassins.

Xia Ping'an frowned slightly and asked, "What assassin has been summoned, so powerful?"

Priest Baizhu's expression was already a bit solemn, "The summoner who sent the assassin has already integrated four assassin world beads, so what he summoned is not an ordinary assassin, but a dragon slaying assassin!"

Just like the Pharmacist, after some of the same type of world beads are fused, the level of the characters that can be summoned can be continuously improved, and the assassin is one of them.

Tian Guanglunyong’s assassin’s world bead is by no means the only one. In fact, Tian Guanglunyong’s assassin’s world bead is the most common assassin’s world bead. In addition to that one, there are other assassin’s world beads, and other assassins. Realm beads can also summon assassins.

Fusion of an assassin world orb summons a first-level assassin, then a second-level assassin, and a third-level assassin. After fusing four assassin world orbs, the summoned is the dragon-slaying assassin.

The assassin has an exclusive name, it is terrifying, can summon a summoner of this level of assassin, the possibility of eating the assassin's bowl of rice is very high, this is the specialization of the art industry.

Xia Ping'an's expression also became serious, "You always mean that the summoner who wanted my life last night was a professional assassin and killer?"

Priest Baizhu nodded, "Yes, and it's not an ordinary assassin or killer. That person's use of summoning the assassin has been superb, and he has reached the level of fusion with other summoning secrets. In addition to summoning the dragon slaying assassin, Also on the body of the Dragon Slaying Assassin, he was endowed with an earth-walking technique, a flame explosion technique, and his own summoner projection. With this triple spell empowerment, he summoned the dragon slaying technique. Assassins can escape into the secret room, and can clone themselves, cast their summoning spells, and finally die. With this assassination configuration, the summoners of the Five Suns and Six Suns may not be able to survive. You can survive, but your life is not. Normally big, I want to ask you, when an explosion occurred in this secret room, there was a Void Thunderbolt outside. Two big kills, one mile and one outside, were waiting for you, flanking back and forth. In such a dangerous situation, How did you survive?"

This is the second time that the priest Baizhu said that Xia Ping'an was dead.

In the eyes of Priest Baizhu, it is indeed incredible that Xia Ping’an could survive such a killing. After changing other people, he could avoid one and definitely not the second. He would definitely have died long ago, but Xia Ping’an had no hair. Drop one.

Xia Pingan smiled bitterly and pointed to the small pit in the secret room. "When the explosion happened, I used the earth digging technique to instantly hit a deep hole here, and hid in the hole and used a water shield to protect my body. Then I used the illusion of the princes of the beacon to bless the water shield and rushed out of the underground secret room to detonate the ambush outside. Finally, after the person showed up, I counterattacked, but I didn't expect him to escape far!"

After hearing this, the priest Baizhu shook his head and sighed, "It's too dangerous, because you were still sober at that time, so you can seize this vitality..."

"Look at it all the time. This is something that the man left before he escaped. I don't know what kind of magic it was?" Xia Ping'an said, with a move of his hand, he took the faceless man out and handed it to the priest of Baizhu.

Priest Baizhu took the face to look at, "This is the face puppet of the substitute puppet. The substitute puppet is a rare summoning spell, which requires the use of these magic props to cast. If there is no such thing, that person may have been You hurt or killed!"

The priest Baizhu holding the faceless man stared at the crystal ball in his hand. There was also a faceless man in the crystal ball, pointing in one direction, and the priest Baizhu walked out of the deep pit of Zhougong Building and brought Xia Ping an toward the crystal ball. The face man in the ball walked in the direction pointed by him, and finally came to an alley more than 300 meters away, the face man in the crystal ball slowly dissipated.

"That person disappeared here last night!"

"Can you always lock that person's breath from this thing?"

"No!" Priest Baizhu shook his head, and looked at the face man again, "With the use of this double puppet technique, all the auras on it are completely annihilated, only a trace of divine power is left!"

"Is that person from the Blood Demon Cult? There are still a few people from the Blood Demon Cult in Shangjing. Could it be them?" Xia Ping'an asked.

Priest Baizhu stared at his crystal ball, and after a while, he shook his head, "I am not a person of the blood demon sect. The imprint of divine power on that person's body and face does not have the aura of the blood demon sect. It can be ruled out, it should be the other people who want your life!" At this point, the priest Baizhu put away the crystal ball in his hand and took a deep look at Xia Ping An, "That person is already in the Six Suns realm, can have this At this moment, the killer by this method is definitely not an unknown person, and it is not something ordinary people can ask for. Think about who you have offended!"

"You still don't know the person I offend, if it weren't for my duty as an inspector, I wouldn't offend so many people!" Xia Ping'an smiled bitterly and spread out his hands.

"I will let the ruling army pay attention to the abnormal figures that appeared in the capital recently, but you must also be careful. This time that person did not succeed. There must be a second time. You have recently kept a low profile and showed less publicity. If you can't, you will live in Pingshan. It’s safest to stay away from the limelight in Pingshan Base Camp for a while!"

"Okay, I remembered, thank you for your old advice, I will pay attention these days!"

"There is nothing beautiful here, I'm leaving!"

"I will send you old!"

Xia Ping'an sent the priest Baizhu to the carriage again, helped the priest Baizhu get into the carriage, and finally watched the priest leave in the carriage.

Priest Baizhu came here to investigate again, and he still brought a lot of important information to Xia Ping'an. At least, Xia Ping'an could rule out the Gorefiendism.

Xia Ping'an actually would rather that person be the Blood Demon Cult. If the person is the Blood Demon Cult, this at least shows that the Blood Demon Cult has already taken action against him, and that he does not have that many enemies in Upper Capital.

Finally, he glanced at the Zhougong Building that was turned into ruins. Xia Ping'an shook his head. Fortunately, Xiaodie had left last night. There were no people in Zhougong Building. Otherwise, someone would be implicated.

How did that person discover that Yangcheng was his own?

Xia Pingan thought about it carefully as he walked. There were just a few people who knew that Yangcheng was him, the crown prince, Cao Cao, Lin Yi and others. These people knew how to measure and would not reveal their identities, and they were even more unlikely to find a killer. Deal with yourself.

Apart from these people, the only reason Yangcheng's identity was leaked was that he had been targeted for a long time.

It’s the easiest thing to be stared at when you go to and from the inspection office. As long as someone stares at the inspection office, you can bite yourself. That person has already stared at yourself and stayed quiet. Only then can you find yourself incarnate. Chengyang City, and the Fushen Boy had not been by his side these few days, so he didn't notice any signs of being followed.

The time that the person chose to shoot was after he bought a bunch of boundary beads from the Pengwang auction house. He wanted to shoot when he merged the boundary beads. It was just because he could not specifically grasp the state of his fusion of the boundary beads, and he didn’t. Knowing that I have remote viewing capabilities, this is a little bit worse.

Speaking of fusion world beads, among the world beads that I auctioned last night, the two world beads "Gan Luo Baixiang" and "Song Fei Emperor Feng Pig King" have not yet merged themselves.

Who is that person? Since it is not the Blood Demon Cult, the assassin requested by the Huang family has not yet arrived in the capital, who sent that person?

Xia Pingan thought hard while walking He always felt that there seemed to be some key information that he had forgotten, but for a while, he couldn't grasp it, and only felt that a little light was in his mind. The middle is looming...

By the way, today is the day when the Blood Demon Cult Poison Demon is equipped with the Poison of Shadowless Shadow, and it is also the day when the Judging Army cleans up the Poison Demon. The poison demon is cleaned up, but there is another Dark Demon who is ready to take action at any time.

Or just clean up the dark demon together, one less is one, so don't worry...

When Xia Ping'an was thinking about this issue, he unknowingly walked out of Tianyuan Bridge.

A gorgeous black carriage drove up from behind and stopped by Xia Ping'an. The curtains behind the carriage windows opened, revealing a radiant and picturesque face.

"I don't know where Young Master Xia is going, I will send Young Master Xia on the way!"

The woman in the car is holding the incense fan, smiling lightly, her eyes waved.

Mrs. Xuan!

It's been a long time...

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