The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 580: 1 Sword Slashing Demons

"Hahaha, a lot of corpses can be used to make iron corpses. I didn’t expect that these people on the Pantheon would be sent here by the turbulence of space, and it saves us from going to the Pantheon to catch them. Brother Wu, be careful, but Don't let these corpses be washed away, it will be wasted..."

Upstream of the river, the killing has ended.

On the edge of the river beach that stretched for more than 500 meters and covered with pebbles, more than two hundred corpses fell all over the beach. Most of the corpses floated in the river. They wanted to cross the river and escape but were killed. People in the river.

There is a thick ice dam in the river. If there is a summoner here, you can see at a glance that the ice dam is a masterpiece of the summoner. There are holes in the middle of the ice dam. The corpses that were washed downstream by the current were caught in a net, like a dead fish, lying in the water lifelessly, letting the current wash away, and the expressions of pain and horror were still on their faces. The blood had drained, and the water was dyed red.

On the bank of the river near a forest, there are some small wooden houses built of simple wood. Those wooden houses are primitive and rough. They seem to be the places where the riverbanks and rivers lived before. It’s just that at the moment, those small wooden houses have been Collapsed and turned into rubble. A summoned giant, dozens of wild wolves, and hundreds of summoned archers and sword players were ruthlessly searching for the crevices and bushes in the nearby rocks, and be sure not to miss one.

These summoned soldiers are dragging a corpse to the bank of the river and laying them neatly.

A young man with a lime-smeared face and a hint of peach in the corners of his eyes was talking to a nearby person while standing next to the corpses that had been collected and placed neatly by the soldiers on the river beach. Grabbing the corpse of a forty-year-old woman whose neck was cut in half, took a black pill from her hand and raced it into the corpse's mouth.

I don’t know what the pill was made. As soon as it entered the corpse’s mouth, the corpse’s already pale complexion instantly turned dark, the skin showed a trace of metallic light, the wound on the neck gradually closed, and the body became stiff. , He stood upright in an instant, with his eyes closed and motionless, and then the man with the peach color at the corner of his eyes waved his hand and received the blackened corpse into his own space equipment.

Afterwards, the man picked up another corpse and fed the corpse a black pill to make the corpse discolored and stiff, and then put the corpse into his own space equipment.

Living people cannot be received in space equipment, but corpses and inanimate puppets can.

Looking at the proficiency of the man's movements, it seems that this is not the first time he has done such a thing.

There is another man with a face like lime, but with a thin face and a goatee. Standing by the river, he also summoned a giant, and let the giant pull the net in the river and catch the dead bodies in the river. The net is pulled to the edge of the river beach.

"Unexpectedly this time in the world of killing the gods and insects, we can still add these corpses..." The man by the river also smiled and said, looking at his expression, like a fisherman fishing in the river. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the dead bodies soaked in the water.

Both of them were dressed in black robes, and their bodies were gloomy, as if they had emerged from a grave.

"Don't you think it's a bit too much to kill innocent people so indiscriminately here?" Suddenly, a voice appeared from the sky.


The two people by the river also reacted extremely quickly. Almost as soon as they heard this sound, they had already risen into the air and stood in front of Xia Ping'an all of a sudden.

Xia Ping'an at this moment is the appearance of that immortal wind, Taoist expert, but the aura on his body is still in the Six Suns realm, in this Divine Insect Realm, there is not much deterrent power.

"Who are you?" The thin-faced man with goatee's beard scanned Xia Ping'an with triangular eyes, and then scanned the surrounding sky. He found that only Xia Ping'an was standing here, and his breath was not too strong. The light in a pair of triangular eyes became weird.

"I was the one who passed by. I saw blood in the river in this mountain and the creatures were covered in charcoal. Come and take a look..." Xia Ping'an said calmly, then glanced at the corpses on the river beach, shook his head unbearably. Deep down, his eyes sank, "They are both human races, why bother to kill their own clan, those people are ordinary people who have no power to fight back, so the same race can kill each other, I am afraid that even those Zerg races and wild beasts can't do it!"

"Hahaha, why do you need to be an outsider here to talk too much about my God Tomb Sect, who do you think you are, dare to take care of our nostalgia..." The young man with a hint of peachy color in the corner of his eyes looked at Xia Ping'an with a sneer. His tone was extremely arrogant, and he didn't put Xia Ping'an who looked like six suns in his eyes, "This is the world of killing the gods and insects. Isn't it right that the weak and the strong eat? Those people are just untouchables on the Pantheon. Being swept here by the space turbulence and lingering, even if I don’t want their lives, they won’t survive here for a few days. They can die for our **** tomb sect, and they can be regarded as their blessing... "

God Tomb Sect? Xia Pingan hadn't heard of it, but looking at the appearance of the two people in front of him, they were lifeless, and as a man whose face was as pale as a geisha, it was not a good bird.

"It's better for the two of you to do well, let me resurrect these dead people, how about?" Xia Ping'an stepped back and said with a benevolent expression.

The two looked at each other and exchanged a weird look.

"Oh, you can still resurrect, why not call out a requiem banner to let us have a look..." The thin-faced man with a goatee was speaking on his mouth, but he had quietly approached Xia Ping'an, and besides A person also approached Xia Ping'an.

"What do you want to do?" Xia Ping'an seemed to realize that something was wrong, his face changed, and he backed away quickly.

"Things that do not live or die, do you still want to go now, send it to the door by yourself, let me see what is on your body, and dare to come here to die..." The young man with a hint of peach blossom in the corner of his eyes showed a trace of disdain. With a smile, he rushed towards Xia Ping An violently, and with a wave of his hand, a cone of ice surrounded by black mist slammed towards Xia Ping An.

When he did it, the other goatee also did it. As soon as the man waved his hand, a fire snake flew out of his hand and swept toward Xia Ping'an.

Xia Ping'an retreated abruptly, but his body shape had quietly changed a position when he retreated. He, who was sandwiched between the two, flew diagonally to the left, and immediately approached the corner of his eye with a hint of peach blossom. Young man.

The young man with a hint of peachy color in the corner of his eye rushed over without Xia Ping' The goatee on the right wanted to chase him, and the three figures moved at the same time, and they instantly became in the air. A straight line.

The two smiled sternly, thinking they had a chance to win.

But in the next second, Xia Ping'an showed a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, and coldly spit out three words-"Emperor Sword!"

A majestic and tall emperor with a crown of the emperor suddenly appeared in front of Xia Ping'an. He looked at the two chasing people with the majestic gaze of an ant, drew out the long sword at his waist, and cut it out with one sword.

The sword of the emperor came across the sky, driving the energy of the surrounding mountains and rivers, and it was as powerful as the might of heaven.

As soon as the sword was out of its sheath, the fire snake, ice cone, and black fog that rushed towards Xia Ping’an, all disappeared instantly like snow in the sun, and then in less than a thousandth of a second, the sword light swept across the sky. Mi, like piercing a piece of paper with a guillotine, crossed the young man with a hint of peach blossom in the corner of his eye, and directly evaporated the figure of the man in the sword light under the man’s astonished gaze. Jue, then cut to the goatee behind.

The goatee's face changed drastically when he saw Xia Ping'an summoning the emperor. He immediately summoned an ice shield. He wanted to escape, but his speed was not as fast as the emperor sword. Almost his thoughts had just come out, and the ice shield had just been summoned. His body wanted to move, and the sword light of the emperor sword had already been cut in front of him, directly turning the ice shield and his body that he had summoned into the sword light. As gray...

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