The Great Conqueror

Chapter 208: The Inheritance Dedicated to the Opponent (Part 3)

This is the state, if people say that they don't take this path of cultivation, they can't tell at all, but the path that Osho took has achieved a lot.

He could sense the danger of the other party.

This trick is called not attacking!

It's called non-attack, but it's a kind of great oppression. Osho's expression became more and more ugly, and finally he shot with a violent killing sound.

If he didn't make a move, his aura would be completely suppressed.

Spike Crazy Killer appears here!

The monster with three heads and six arms rushed towards Zou Liang, but this time Zou Liang was not polite, and suddenly made a sliding shovel, which was the biggest gap in the first part of Osho's move. Osho changed his move quickly, and even bent his legs to block the sudden attack.

split contact~~

With a clear and crisp sound, Zou Liang's shovel chain slashed almost 150 degrees, unable to resist, Osho hit the head violently, followed by a 360-degree roundabout flying kick.


Osho was completely kicked away.

This is Shura.

Thunder serial killing!

Completely defenseless, Osho is a well-known genius in the boxing world. It is said that he has mastered the rhythm to the extreme. Even if he can suppress him in terms of beast spirits and attributes, he cannot break his rhythm. He is favored by many people who really understand martial arts.

Being hit by such a big move has never happened before.

Osho fell to the ground and got up quickly, which is not reflected by the data. His body was tempered by countless heavy blows. Since the day he was sensible, he had started this kind of training.

In the Beast Race, there is a cruel family called Monta Iris. Being a direct descendant of Monta Iris is recognized as the most tragic thing.

As for the royal family of the wolf family, to be strong, they must endure what ordinary people cannot bear, do things that ordinary people cannot do, and achieve the most powerful strength.

Zou Liang's combo just now, I'm afraid a white warrior with full stats can't stand up, but Osho quickly took it up.

After wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth, Osho showed a smile on his face. He didn't feel any better when he was in good health, but now he felt a little pain, how wonderful it was.

Osho who stood up beat his body, and let out a stern wolf howl, which seemed to reveal the century-old desolation of the wolf clan.

There is no madness, Osho who has howled well has become more ruthless, boo...

Zou Liang also smiled excitedly with the swift wolf steps and chaotic rhythm. The wolf clan in front of him actually knows how to play chaotic steps. It's interesting!

That's why the warriors who saw Osho's steps had a sense of distortion. They put themselves into this battle. This kind of too painful, just looking at them makes them feel like they can't use their strength.

Some fighters with good strength turned pale in an instant, obviously they were too devoted.

At that time, I still remember that genius opponent, in the semifinals, with a pair of high myopia glasses, and his speech was incoherent, but he gave Zou Liang the strongest resistance when he was at his peak.

It's called: Hong Yan plays violently and violently!

It is a genius technique that combines steps, body rhythm, and even expressions.

Super self-created, the two fought hard for 21 sets, so that the finals became a cloud.

The Osho in front of me has a bit of charm, but it is still far from enough. I would like to miss my former opponent with this.

During the chaotic performance, Shura changed, first of all was the change of aura, controlling the aura with qi, this is an incomparable transformation, the aura changed first, followed by the change of the body, the twist of the center of gravity, and then the change of the steps.

Hong Yan played violently and violently!

This is a complete reversal of people's habits, positive and negative, twisted anyway, a complete reversal of prosperity amidst constant chaos.

When Zou Liang saw this rhythm, he had only one feeling, a genius, a real genius!


In the audience, especially in the most recent game, several fighters who were watching engrossed suddenly spurted blood and quickly closed their eyes.

They were too involved, too substituted for the rhythm, and they were already hurt by Osho. Once Hong Yan's chaos and violent killing appeared, they couldn't resist it at all.

Osho, who was in the middle of the game, had a mouthful of blood in his throat, and the figure in front of him was getting bigger and bigger, and Shura, who was connected to the sky, was unheard of.

No one knows better than Osho how terrifying this rhythm is.

He doesn't believe it, he refuses to accept it!

This person will never be more than eighteen years old, even if he started practicing from the womb, it is absolutely impossible to realize this state. Maybe the beast spirit has a genius, but there is no shortcut in martial arts, it is absolutely impossible!

Osho resisted desperately. Each race has its own characteristics and strengths, but when it comes to mentality, no race can compare to the wolf clan.

Zou Liang could conclude that even a white-clothed warrior would vomit blood and die under this kind of traction. If Osho hadn't awakened his memory and senses, he wouldn't be able to display such a level of red flame chaos.

This is the understanding of martial arts.

Countless phantoms passed by, Osho's mouth was seeping blood, drop by drop, in the ice and snow, he was only five years old standing in the wilderness, the fierce wind was raging, and the only thing that accompanied him was the monster that appeared in his body.

The wolf clan fights against the sky, the earth, and the entire beast clan.

In that world, he survived, his body is like steel, his will is stronger than steel.

His teeth were clenched, he couldn't make a sound, but his heart was screaming silently.


Zou Liang took a step, which was a blow to Osho's mind, and it undoubtedly shook Osho's heart, but Osho still stood with red eyes, which was the unyielding wolf clan.

With this kind of persistence, Zou Liang seems to have seen the man with glasses, clenching his teeth tightly, without saying a word, but his delicate hands can explode to the limit.

In the twenty-first round, it was an unprecedented fierce battle. Crazy, everyone was crazy. In the twenty-first round, Zou Liang finally won the game relying on his extremely solid basic skills and experience, and even physical strength.

The eye-eyed man fell down with a smile on his face. It was Zou Liang's most perfect battle. He won, but he actually lost. He didn't defeat this genius in terms of skill, nor did he subdue the opponent in terms of will.

The figures of the two seem to overlap.

Zou Liang took the second step, and the aura had completely enveloped Osho. It was Osho who forced him out of this state, so he would naturally reciprocate.

Osho's world of ice and snow began to collapse, and his body had already collapsed first. What a terrifying opponent, so strong. My father often said that there are countless capable people in the Mengjia Empire, especially many races who have innate advantages, while the wolf clan has no talent at all. All they have is tenacity!

The tenacity beyond any race, this kind of tenacity can bring them strength, defeat those existences that rely on talent, and become the strongest.

And in the history of the wolf clan, there have indeed been more than one top masters in the world.

The wolf clan, once the eight major races.


Osho let out an earth-shattering roar and withstood the second step. At this time, the area around the battle altar had collapsed, but the weaker ones didn't know what happened.

third step!


The breeze helped the willows, but they couldn't resist.

This is Hongyan Luanzao.

Osho's body turned into nothingness.

Zou Liang stood quietly. He knew that with this Osho's will, he would meet him one day in reality. He was creating a powerful opponent.

On the road of pursuing the ultimate martial arts, they will definitely meet each other!

Glasses, this is your legacy.

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