There was a faint sound of the rubble on the top of the rubble about to break, and when I looked up, I could see that the broken light that had squeezed through the gap gradually converged, and before long, more stones fell from above, and the boulder broke open with a loud bang, and the cold sunlight filled every corner of the crypt, and Huang stepped on the side of the hole with a hot chainsaw.

"You-you-don't--matter-" I saw a pair of slender rabbit ears sticking out from the other side, and Amiya put her hands to her mouth and shouted at us with a worried face.

Froststar seemed to be able to move on her own, and she smiled reassuringly as she looked at the Snow Monster Team members surging up around the hole.

This scene means that instead of fighting each other after we fell, they worked together to dig us out...

"It seems- you're a lot better than I thought." I had just peeked out of the ground when she whispered to me.

In fact, I was dragged hard from the ground by the rope, and I was still immersed in the nausea that seemed to come out of my mouth like squeezing toothpaste.

Watching them whisper around in a circle, I couldn't help but ask after a while.

"What do your brothers and sisters think?"

The well-trained strong men and the cloaked elite warlocks turned their heads one after another.

"Where the eldest sister is, we will be there."

Well-the expected answer, if the white rabbit doesn't agree when it's underneath, I'll have to make her faint, and then use her as a bargaining chip to force these guys from the Snow Monster team to stay and break off, and now retreating with them will certainly have a lot of losses, but I'm still glad I didn't have to get to that step...

With their reinforcements, it would have been much easier for us to withdraw from here, but if we were discovered, we would not only betray the Dragon Gate, but also be questioned about Rhodes' position in the negotiations...

Thankfully, not many people on the island knew Froststar - it was great that Mephistopheles didn't send Frostleaf and them that time.

While I was thinking about what I was not doing, Amiya hurriedly called in the medical staff to check my body repeatedly.

The child's dark coat was covered with dust, the original snow-white knitted sweater was also a little black from the dust, her chest was stained with a few points of blood, and the black silk on the lower half of her body was tattered from the violent friction, and the exposed skin was covered with striking bruises. Looking up, the blood on the right side of her face had not been completely wiped off, and the corners of her eyes decorated with slender eyelashes were red, as if she had secretly cried somewhere. She deliberately kept her distance from me, her little hands behind her back, looking sneaky.

"Amiya, show me your hand."

She hesitantly twisted her petite body and looked to the side with some embarrassment.

I pulled her hand.

The pair of delicate hands were worn to the ground, mud and blood were intertwined, covered with terrible scars, the palms were deep and the bones were visible, the white phalanges were exposed, the skin and flesh were rolled like rotten vegetable leaves, the ten nails were almost all broken, the viscous blood mixed with the swarthy soil was constantly oozing, and the tiny debris was mixed with fine slag from nowhere to wrap the shocking wounds.

With hands... Why?

"She was crying just now while finding your place with her bare hands, oh, saying that emotional detection is only more accurate when you touch it with your own hands..."Huang stood beside me, deliberately pretending to be careless in a flat tone, trying not to look at us, "Without her efforts, we would almost never have found you so quickly." "

Miss Huang!!!"

Amiya suddenly cried out loudly, and her little face flushed.

"Alright, alright- hey, please trouble here."

As soon as she finished speaking, she greeted the medical operators who were idle in the distance, and Amiya was treated normally.

"Retreat, take Miss Froststar with you."


"We're just being used as bait... Since just now, the number of enemies has been abnormally high..."It

was the first time I had seen that face with an expression bordering on anger.

Could it be that they were constantly being attacked when they were digging us up just now?

Wrong...... You don't need to ask...

In other words, the purpose of Longmen and our cooperation has been achieved, right?

Looking at the soldiers of the integration movement who continued to pour in from all directions, we began a new round of escape without thinking.

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