The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 52: Amethyst Honey

After Zhang Yue had chatted with his father, he began to concentrate on training, feeling the power of the starry sky and the earth. He has been practicing for more than a year with the shield position. Except for the day he was injured, he has not stopped any other time. Zhang Yue held the shield position. The deeper the understanding, the more I feel that I am smaller and smaller between heaven and earth.

The more he explored with the shield, Zhang Yue found that his homogeneity with the starry sky and the earth became more serious. Once Zhang Yue almost got lost in the most original world of the shield, Zhang Yue saw in the world of original wish A giant with his feet on the endless earth and a vast galaxy on his back, holding a shield and walking between the heavens and the earth, at that moment, he seemed to be a giant, feeling that everything in the world was under his control.

   At that time, Zhang Yue woke up already the next morning, he found that he had a strong shield, but the desire to indulge for a lifetime made Zhang Yue empress frightened.

   The next day, the world of heavens.

   Zhang Yue went to the master’s mansion to practice.

   "Is it possible to be Tier 3 today?" Zhao Gaoshi asked surprisedly while drinking tea. According to his calculation, it would take at least one month.

   "When the seasons change, the energy between heaven and earth is active, so I complete ahead of schedule and prepare to advance." Zhang Yue replied.

Zhao Gaoshi thought of the situation when he was promoted to Tier 3. At that time, he was also a genius, immovable like a mountain, the power of the earth, and the power of solid gold. At that time, he was proud of the spring breeze. He had already planned the route of the demigod early. But now it's nothing compared to my own apprentice.

   "Cultivation here these few days, you also have the key here, and you have questions about cultivation. Ask me when I am here, and ask your Master when I am away. He must be very happy to explain to you."

   Zhang Yue heard what the master said, there seemed to be a sour taste, I don’t know if it was an illusion.

"I was promoted to Tier 6 some time ago, and today I promised to help Shen Manjin to open up wasteland in a medium-sized fragmented world. You said that Shen Manjin is such a chicken thief, and we have all the masters and apprentices. Favors firmly hold us, some requirements I'm embarrassed to refuse." Zhao Gaoshi said.

   Zhang Yue was silent, thinking that you sent me over.

   "You practice hard at home, I'm out."

   "Master, go slowly." Zhang Yuegong delivered it.

   After Zhao Gaoshi left, Zhang Yue sat under the eaves of the training ground and began to practice.

   The second-order promotion to the third-order is mainly the transformation of energy gas in the body into liquid. As long as the energy in the body is compressed into the first drop of liquid, it is the third-order promotion.

Zhang Yue began to concentrate on compressing the energy in his body. Due to the purification of the heavy soil, the energy in Zhang Yue's body is in the purest state, and it is 4 or 5 times more than the energy of a normal Tier 2 professional. Once compressed, the first drop of liquid energy was formed in the body. All the energy in the body was transformed into liquid in the morning, but Zhang Yue observed that the liquid energy in his body was already in a solid state and was in a very viscous state.

   At this time, the energy in the body began to deny the spirit and system, and Zhang Yue's system and spirit began to grow slowly, which was visible to the naked eye.

   It didn't stop growing until night. Zhang Yue knew that he couldn't rest at this time. He needed to stabilize the amount of solid energy and build a better energy state in the body.

   Listening to the drizzle of rain outside, Zhang Yue fell into a strange state, as if he had returned to the warmest place in the beginning.

   Zhang Yue’s spirit began to slowly extend outward, 100 meters, 150 meters, 200 meters, 250 meters,...

   Until 300 meters, Zhang Yue's mental power stopped extending.

   In the early morning, it was drizzling, and the sky was still shrouded in clouds.

   Zhang Yue slowly opened his eyes, and the overnight practice made him a little tired, but he was immediately filled with joy.

   Feeling the energy in his body ten times more than before, Zhang Yue couldn't help but start testing the power of his current skills.

   walked to the backyard of the mansion.

   "Shield up!" With a roar, a yellow crystal shield wall 10 meters long, 6 meters high and 3 meters wide appeared in the courtyard.

The wall of the shield wall has turned into an extremely smooth crystal shape. Zhang Yue condensed a spear in his hand and threw it hard against the shield wall. Zhang Yue felt that his current javelin should be able to hurt Tier 4 monsters. The initial speed of the spear has broken through the speed of sound.

   With a "boom", the spear shattered and exploded into countless fragments. There was no trace on the shield wall.

   "There should be no problem trapping Tier 4 monsters this time."

  Sun forest

   Zhang Yue looked at the Purple Blade Praying Mantis that was rushing towards him with an expression of excitement.

   "It's a pity that little tiger died a few days ago, and now I can only take you."

   After the Purple Blade Praying Mantis approached Zhang Yue for ten meters, Zhang Yue fully turned on the gravity and shield.

   The purple voice suddenly slowed down, but a knife arm still cut down at Zhang Yue, but it was still blocked by the shield wall.

   The shield wall directly buried the body of the Purple Blade Mantis in mid-air, leaving only one head outside.

   "Little praying mantis, you are struggling, this time I see how long you struggle to get free."

   Five minutes later, a purple shadow broke through the shield wall and quickly attacked Zhang Yue.

   "5 minutes, that's okay."

   The four shield walls directly block all the retreats of the Purple Blade Mantis.

   The four shield walls are capped to form a closed room, and it slowly sinks into the ground, directly 50 meters underground.

   "This trick is called burial the beast."

   Zhang Yue's shield wall release distance is now 300 meters, and the gravity range is 20 meters.

"Now you can go and fetch those treasures." Zhang Yue said with saliva. When the four of them were hunting in the blinding forest, they found a super large amethyst honey beehive, a second-order amethyst bee, and said little when they appeared. Thousands of them were sent out together to cover the sky and the sun. Amethyst honey is a superb good thing. It has an excellent nourishment to the soul and spirit. The favorite of all professions that require mental power is also good for the injury of the father. Reduce the effect.

   When the four of them saw Amethyst Bees, they wanted to sell the news, but Zhang Yue stopped He wanted to get them by himself when he had the strength, and then gave them a few.

Hum~~~~~, I heard a buzzing sound before getting close to the amethyst honeycomb, let alone more than 100,000 amethyst bees, Zhang Yue slowly sank to the ground and moved towards the largest honeycomb, Zhang Yue knew Where is the Amethyst Queen's secret.

While the Amethyst Bee was working unsuspectingly, a five-meter-high giant suddenly emerged from the ground, holding a huge sword, directly cutting down the ordinary beehive, holding it and sinking into the ground, the whole process did not exceed 40 Seconds, clean and neat.

   Zhang Yue had been sneaking underneath for 20 degrees kilometers before he emerged.

   Looking at the magic gold armor that is mostly damaged, he exhales.

"No matter how slow it is, I will die. I used all my strength to condense the earth element into a giant. It was shown to me in less than 30 seconds. Fortunately, I was running fast." Zhang Yue was scared for a while and almost went unfavorable. .

   Zhang Yue looked at the large honeycomb in the storage space, which was more than 2 meters high, and said that he could produce more than 200 catties of honey. Master gave three friends. 20 jin per person, 50 jin for the master, and 20 jin for the full amount of gold can't just benefit him.

   Water Blue City, West Gate.

   "Welcome, what business does Master Yue have." Shen Manfu welcomed Zhang Yue into the reception room.

   "Uncle Fu, help me find a professional to deal with the hive and extract honey." Zhang Yue said.

   "What kind of honey?"

   "Amethyst bee, mine should be amethyst queen honey."

   "Amethyst Queen Bee Secret! Master Yue, how about 2 million kilograms." Shen Manfu said with eyes full of energy when he heard it.

   "I won't buy it this time, you take out 20 kilograms from it, and count it as a gift to Boss Shen." Zhang Yue waved his hand and said.


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