The Heaven’s Jailer

Chapter 307 Du Mansion

Although the news that Mu Xueqing was pregnant before marriage and that she was about to hold a wedding with Liu Lang spread all over the Mu Group, Liu Lang and Mu Xueqing, who were the parties involved, chose to remain silent, because, whether it was Liu Lang or Mu Xue Qing, it is very clear that this kind of gossip is usually described more and more darkly. In the consciousness of most people, explanation is tantamount to covering up, and covering up is the truth.

Rather let time tell.

After a few months, when everyone found that Mu Xueqing's belly hadn't grown, they naturally knew what was going on.

Of course, the rumors were not without impact, the impact was that the relationship between Liu Lang and Mu Xueqing suddenly became awkward.

Liu Lang even felt that Mu Xueqing was deliberately avoiding him. The two of them had their offices on the same floor. A few times when Liu Lang came out, Mu Xueqing also came out, but when she saw Liu Lang, Mu Xueqing pretended to forget something Things, and turned back to his office without even saying hello.

At the same time, Liu Lang was also annoyed by those people who kept saying congratulations. Except for going to the bathroom, he didn't leave his office much of the day.

When he was about to get off work, Liu Lang received a call from Song Lala.

"Master, can you come to Huayuan tomorrow? I can't handle those stubborn old people!" Song Lala said with resentment as soon as the call was made.

"What's going on?" Liu Lang asked curiously.

Under Liu Lang's persuasion, Song Lala has been following the advice of those company elders during this time, and Xuyan Steel has gradually returned to the right track. Liu Lang thought that Song Lala had become one with those people, but now it seems that , things are far from what I thought.

Song Lala sighed, and explained: "Two days ago, the president candidate you recommended to me, when I told those old stubborn people, they immediately exploded. They are young and have no experience in the same industry. Anyway, I found a lot of negative reasons, and there is still one person who said that the person you recommended to me was unlucky, and which company or company went bankrupt, it really pissed me off!"

When Liu Lang heard this, he also had a headache.

Before, when Du Ruming and Caifeng brothers and sisters met each other, Liu Lang had planned a place for Du Ruming, and that was Song Lala's Xuyan Iron and Steel.

After Song Lala took over Xuyan Iron and Steel, there has been a lack of a capable helper around her. Liu Lang once asked Qian Wei to pay attention to suitable management talents, but he never got a reply.

In fact, Qian Wei is not to blame for this. Xuyan Iron and Steel is a large group with a market value of nearly 100 billion, and a professional manager who can manage such a large enterprise,

Not to mention none, but there are only a handful of them. It is quite difficult to find those who meet the conditions and happen to be unemployed or want to change jobs.

In Du Ruming's words, although he was a little younger, his ability was unquestionable. Liu Lang believed that handing Xuyan Iron and Steel into his hands would definitely be a hundred times stronger than it is now.

That's why he recommended Du Ruming to Song Lala.

It's just that he didn't expect that this matter would encounter resistance from Xuyan Iron and Steel.

"Even if I went there, I might not be able to convince those people about Du Ruming's airborne president. Besides, I haven't said hello to Du Ruming about this matter yet." Liu Lang thought about it and said, "Well, let me contact Du Ruming first If he is really interested in joining Xuyan Iron and Steel, let him first draft a development plan for Xuyan Iron and Steel. Whether it is a mule or a horse, let's pull it out for a while. If you are old and stubborn, explain your own development philosophy clearly, as long as what he says makes sense, he will definitely get support."

"Okay then! Master, you have to hurry up. I look forward to someone who can help me every day. I am really exhausted during this time." Hearing what Liu Lang said, Song Lala on the other end of the phone could only nod. , to agree.

Although Song Lala has no experience in managing a company, she also understands that if Du Ruming does become the president, those old stubborn people will not be convinced if he just blindly suppresses it with violence. . It's better to pave the way ahead of time, as Liu Lang said.

After hanging up Song Lala's call, Liu Lang directly found out Du Ruming's cell phone number. This was the last time, before leaving Qingshui Town, Liu Lang stayed here on purpose just to find Du Ruming.

However, after Liu Lang dialed the number he left behind, he was prompted to turn off the phone. He called again after a few minutes, but it was still off. Power on, and you can get in touch at any time.

In the evening, Liu Lang called again without giving up, but the phone was still turned off. When he called again the next morning, the phone was still turned off. Liu Lang was completely depressed this time.

He also vowed to tell Song Lala to ask Du Ruming to make a development plan for Xuyan Iron and Steel, but now, he can't even get in touch with anyone.

Song Lala was still anxiously waiting for a reply, Liu Lang thought for a while, and directly took out the compass of immortality.

Since the phone call couldn't be reached, let's find Du Ruming's location, or go directly to him at worst.

After writing Du Ruming's name, he recalled Du Ruming's appearance in his mind, and soon, the compass gave Du Ruming's direction.

"Willow City?"

To be honest, Liu Lang really didn't have much impression of this city. He turned on his computer and searched, only to find out that Liucheng is located in Qingjiang Province, which is adjacent to Jiangbei Province, and is more than a thousand kilometers away from Nanshan.

Perhaps, Liucheng is where the Du family is located.

Last time, Liu Lang didn't ask Du Ruming where his hometown was.

After thinking about it for a while, he located Caifeng again, and found that Caifeng was indeed in Liucheng, so it was basically certain that the brother and sister had returned to their hometown in Liucheng.

Waiting for Du Ruming to start the machine, Liu Lang simply booked a plane ticket and flew directly to Liucheng.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Lang arrived at Liucheng Airport.

According to the reminder on the compass, Du Ruming and Caifeng are currently in Qimen Town, which is less than 70 kilometers away from Liucheng Airport.

Liu Lang took a taxi and headed straight to Qimen Town.

More than an hour later, the taxi stopped outside the small town. From a distance, Liu Lang saw a large area of ​​quaint buildings on the edge of the small town. Although it looked very old, the momentum was still there.

If you didn't guess wrong, this piece of quaint building is the Du family. According to Du Ruming, the ancestor of the Du family, Du Wuque, was a wealthy gentry back then, how could his house be ordinary.

After getting off the taxi, Liu Lang walked along the bluestone wall of the building and turned to the main entrance.

Sure enough, there is a plaque of "Du's Mansion" hanging above the main entrance, but it is difficult for Liu Lang to enter, because there are hundreds of people gathered in front of the entrance at this moment, including men and women, old and young, and the way in is completely blocked up.

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