The Heaven’s Jailer

Chapter 417 Peace and Violence

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It took nearly two hours for Liu Lang to try to play all the audio data at hand, and finally conducted a voting statistics, allowing thirty-one gods in the chat room, including Ke Qingmiao, to choose the one they like the most. Content, the final result is that popular songs, operas, cross talk, storytelling, and audio novels all received a certain number of votes.

This is similar to Liu Lang's expected love, turnips and vegetables, everyone has their own favorites, no matter how good something is, it is impossible to satisfy everyone.

But this is not a problem, as long as these things in the mortal world have a free audience among the gods.

These 30 gods who are in charge of promotion can completely choose the content they like and play it in the voice chat room. The gods who are drawn will also enter different chat rooms according to their preferences. The city will be full of people, and at that time, the charging mode will be turned on.

Of course, just playing some songs and operas is not enough to catch all the gods. After all, some gods are single-minded in cultivation and are not interested in these messy entertainment activities. In addition to this group of people, Liu Lang still held a promotion force in his hands.

That is the prisoner in the mortal prison.

However, the prisoners in the Mortal Immortal Prison are not doing unchallenging things like playing recordings. Liu Lang has more important and high-end tasks for them.

However, what exactly will be done remains a secret for the time being.

"Master Ke, if you have time tomorrow night, come down to the Mortal Immortal Prison. I will prepare today's audio materials and the audio playback equipment, and you will bring them back and distribute them to everyone. Different voice content is the theme to promote the voice chat room. In addition, if you bring me fifty improved sound transmission stones, I will be useful."

In the early hours of the morning, Liu Lang finally explained the promotion plan of the voice chat room to the gods, and finally he confessed to Ke Qingmiao.

"Okay, tomorrow night, I'll go to the Immortal Prison. We'll see each other." After Ke Qingmiao agreed, she closed the training chat room.

The next day, Liu Lang declared that he had something to do, and finally got out of Mu Xueqing and Elena's clutches, and he no longer had to go shopping with these two women.

Don't think that Liu Lang is lying. In fact, he really has something to do, which is to prepare the playback equipment for Ke Qingmiao's voice chat room promotion.

Considering that the mobile phone in the heaven shows the identity and dìwèi,

It is not suitable to spread, Liu Lang directly gave up using the mobile phone as a voice playback device. Of course, there is another important reason, that is, the mobile phone is too expensive. Liu Lang has not made any income during this period, and his pocket money has been almost spent. One or two hundred thousand to buy thirty Yali 7, he is really a little reluctant.

After shopping around in Digital Electronics City, Liu Lang finally selected a suitable playback device.

That is the plug-in card radio used by the elderly. This kind of radio is very loud and has a subwoofer. It is no problem to use it as a square dance speaker. The key is that it is cheap. One set costs only a few dozen yuan. It only cost less than 2,000 yuan, and each radio was equipped with a 16G memory card. The total cost was a little over 3,000 yuan, and everything was done.

After buying these things, when they returned home, Mu Xueqing and Elena had already left the house.

Liu Lang turned on the computer, downloaded various audio materials by category, and then copied them into different memory cards according to the categories of songs, operas, storytelling, cross talk, and audio novels, and marked them at the same time. up.

After sending the 30 radios with inserted cards to the Immortal Prison, Liu Lang was about to call Zhang Kaigang and ask when the second episode of "Invincible Heroes" would start recording.

However, as soon as he took out his mobile phone, a call came before he dialed a number, and it was an unfamiliar number.


"Mr. Liu Lang? I'm Wei Cheng." A thick male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Wei Cheng?" Liu Lang was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly said, "Director Wei, what happened to Xu Zitao?"

Wei Cheng's contact with him must have something to do with Xu Zitao, there is no doubt about it.

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that he wants to ask you to meet." Wei Chengyu said.

"Meet? He wants to screw up money and show off his wealth again? You tell him, he can play as he pleases, and I don't have time to spend with him." Liu Lang said angrily.

"No, no, Mr. Liu, you have misunderstood." Wei Cheng felt that zìjǐ, the director, was really aggrieved, and he was angry with both sides when he passed on a message. He patiently explained: "I think this time, Xu Zitao really wants to talk to him." Tell me, he has already booked the hotel, but he doesn't have your contact information, so he asked me to check your contact information, or let him tell you in person?"

"No need, isn't it just a meeting? Tell me the time and place, and I'll go over." Wei Cheng is also an official after all, and Liu Lang doesn't want to give Xu Zitao face, but he also has to take into account Wei Cheng's secrets.

"It's in the three-three-three private room of the Golden Lion Hotel. If you have time, come here now. Xu Zitao is already waiting." Wei Cheng said.

"Okay, I'll be there later." Liu Lang nodded and hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, Liu Lang's extended Land Rover stopped in front of the Golden Lion Hotel. It was eleven o'clock, and most of the diners hadn't come yet. Therefore, the hotel was very quiet. Under the guidance of the waiter, Liu Lang came to Sansan Three compartments.

Wei Chengcheng waited outside the box, saw Liu Lang coming, and walked a few steps to Liu Lang.

"Mr. Liu, Xu Zitao is inside, and he said he wants to talk to you alone."

"Speak alone? No problem!" Liu Lang wanted to go in as soon as he took a step.

Wei Cheng grabbed Liu Lang's arm.

"Brother Liu, let me call you brother. Don't mind. Before you go in, I want to ask you one thing." Wei Cheng said solemnly.

"Director Wei, please tell me." Liu Lang turned around and said.

"That's it. I know that Xu Zitao is a guy who deserves a beating. He often forgets to take his medicine when he goes out. Although he said it was a sincere talk, it's hard to guarantee that he won't run away from the train. In a while, if the talk falls apart, you must not do it." , I am the person in charge of receiving him, if something happens to him, I cannot escape the responsibility, so just give me a face?"

Wei Chengman said sincerely.

"Don't worry! I'm actually a peace-loving person." Liu Lang smiled, patted Wei Cheng on the shoulder and said.

"Peace-loving?" Looking at Liu Lang's harmless eyes, Wei Cheng smiled wryly. If he really wanted to be peace-loving, why were Xu Zitao's eight bodyguards still lying in the yīyuàn?

As far as he knew, those eight people were all thrown out by Liu Lang through the human wall. If they were peace-loving, there would be no violence in the world. (To be continued.)

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