The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Man Chapter 687

In Tiamat's eyes, this planet is the same as an alien, and all species are like aliens in her eyes.

Her former children, the Sumerian gods were far away from their mothers, turned their backs on their mothers, and no longer needed a mother.

Instead, they stripped all of Tiamat's existence, denied her tree of life, and created a new life system.

This is undoubtedly a blow to Tiamat.

What Goddess of Creation grieves is that she, as a mother, is not needed by her children, which makes her full of maternal love unable to spread anywhere.

"From your point of view, you are not wrong, Tiamat."

"...But as a mother, your love should be more tolerant. I will work with you to spread the seeds of life all over this planet."

"Let hundreds of millions of living beings become your heirs."

"...Death is rebirth, death is the beginning, and the world will eventually return to its original place, to its original point."

"As a mother, you should not use cruel destruction to give your children the wrong education, you must tolerate them, and you must give them the correct love."

"...a mother who loves all life will be needed and loved by her children."

"As a mother, you are still too young, Tiamat...but the failed education of the former children is just a new experience that can give you inspiration."

"...I think, in front of the new children, you will definitely be more careful, stop making mistakes, and give them the correct guidance."

"You need tolerance, but you also need to be strict!"

Roy walked towards Tiamat step by step, his tone was gentle, and he looked at the mother god who only looked like a teenager.

As a mother, she is indeed too young and too inexperienced. After all, she is also a mother for the first time, and her education for her children has deviated.

So the children turned their backs on her and rebelled against her.

But failure is the mother of success. With this failure, she will definitely be able to reject those wrong choices next time.


"You're right. As a mother, I should tolerate my child's willfulness, but I must never spoil her."

"I want to give the children the right guidance."

"But... where is my child, where is my child... my child, let us have a new heir quickly, my child, my child."

Tiamat suddenly became excited, she slid forward and hugged Roy, her frail body trembling.

Roy was stunned for a moment, but couldn't laugh or cry: "...I'm not your child."

"...Also, don't be impatient, this planet, this world cannot accommodate your tree of life."

"There is no place for you in the current ecological niche, so wait a moment, Tiamat."

"...Since this world does not have your ecological niche, what we have to do is not to force our own ecological niche, but to change the whole world."

"In this way, you will be more like a kind mother than this cruel world."

Roy slowly raised his hand, stroking Tiamat's dragon horn.

His tone was gentle, like a child singing softly for his mother, calming the anxiety in the mother's heart and soothing Tiamat's spirit.


Tiamat, who destroyed the city of Uruk, the huge dragon body became quiet, and she lay on the ground with all four limbs, as if she had fallen into a peaceful sleep.

Seeing this scene, Gilgamesh and everyone in Chaldea looked at Tiamat vigilantly, but no one made a move, for fear of disturbing her deep sleep.

"How is this going?"

The Temple of Time has been destroyed by Tiamat, and the seventy-two demon gods have also turned into spirit particles and dissipated.

Roman stared at the huge dragon snake lying on the ruins of Uruk, and asked in amazement...

Standing beside Roman, El-Melloi II, whose suit was all broken, said in a deep voice with an ugly face:

"... before Tiamat stopped moving, she broke free."

What Weber's words made Roman Manche think of, his face changed drastically: "...Tiamat, who broke free from the shackles, returned to a full-bodied beast, so the condition has been fulfilled?"

Chaldea had long known that Roy's purpose was to make all the beasts perfect from his past experience in the Heterogeneous Belt and the Singularity.

Then the current Tiamat will stop moving, which can be explained.

Because the task has been completed, there is no need for Tiamat to destroy it.

Gilgamesh said with an ugly face, "...My king's Uruk is the prop to bring Tiamat back to its original form?"

At this time, Gilgamesh also understood that because Tiamat was exiled, she had resentment for life and the seal of personality.

As for Tiamat, who returned from the Persian Gulf, the first target to bear the brunt was Uruk in the Mesopotamia Basin.

Whether it is the resistance of Uruk and Chaldea, or the invasion of Uruk by Tiamat, it is actually part of the ceremony.

Part of returning Tiamat to its original form.

Uruk is the sacrifice of Tiamat!

But now, Uruk, who was a sacrifice, was destroyed, and the others paid a hard price, finally allowing the Creator Goddess to achieve a perfect body.

In other words, Uruk and Chaldea are the culprits, and all their resistance is the means to make Tiamat return.

Thinking of this, even Gilgamesh felt that he was going to lose his sanity, and all of them were being manipulated in the palm of his hand.

"If Tiamat had also returned, there would now be only one beast left."

Waver lowered his head and thought.

At this moment, on the temporarily quiet battlefield, Nero's laughter came again:

"...1.1 Hahahaha, Son of God, go to Rome with Yu and accept the trial of King Herod!"

Nero, who separated the world with a golden theater, returned to this world again, and it was Lixiang who had passed out in a coma in the hand of the Roman emperor.

The Roman emperor, who had completed his task, would stop when he stopped.

She ignored the other people present at all, and when everyone hadn't reacted, she mentioned Li Xiang and left the battlefield quickly.

At this time, it was too late to catch up again.

Weber looked at Nero's back quickly going away, he opened his mouth, and said with a wry smile: "...well, all the conditions are really gathered now."

Roman opened his mouth in astonishment, and murmured: "...all the conditions are met, what will happen?"

Weber said impatiently: " are King Solomon, you don't know what will happen, how could I know!"

"...But what will probably happen is that the era of the 'single God' has come completely, and that is the new "Bible"!"

The seven great beasts have all returned to their places, Roy's spirit is about to be sublimated, and the trinity of the Christian God will be born in this boundless universe. .

Chapter 356 Ten Crosses and Seven Words

(It's my birthday, I'm going home today, and I can resume updating tomorrow.)

The capital of Rome is full of people.

Many Roman citizens gathered in the square, noisy and lively.

The citizens of the Roman imperial capital scrambled, they gathered together and made a lot of noise.

People looked together at the huge cross on the square and the girl bound to the cross.

"This is the person, this is the person, she is the one who brought disaster to Rome!!"

"Hearing from His Majesty the Emperor, she actually called herself a god in vain. This is blasphemy, the greatest blasphemy against God!"

"Crucify her, crucify her!"

"Put her blood on us and our descendants!!"

"She dared to call herself a child of God and call God her father. This is blasphemy, it is a crime, and it is a heinous crime!"

"...It is her blasphemy that caused Rome to suffer such a disaster, let the whip of God flog Rome, and let the witch and the angry dragon bring down judgment!"

"Nail her on the cross and make atonement!"


The Roman people were excited. They glared at the crucified girl and cursed loudly.

14 And the Jews from the Promised Land also cursed loudly.

Because this person dared to claim to be God and a child of God, this is simply the greatest evil against the Jewish faith.

Especially those who accepted the true miracle of God when Rome was ravaged by natural and man-made disasters not long ago.

Many miraculous people also gathered in the capital of the Roman Empire at this time, talking about what they saw and heard,

God is clearly a man in a white robe with a compassionate and soft face, so how could he be a woman.

How could it be possible for God to have children? She calls herself a child of God, which is demons and crooked ways.

The dazed Lixiang wanted to speak and move, but the holy nail on the cross made him lose the ability to speak and act.

She didn't feel any pain, but the mysterious power brought by the holy nail completely suppressed the magic circuit that connected her to the root.

Now Lixiang has completely become an ordinary person.

She can only silently accept people's scolding, and silently accept that people blame her for their crimes.

The only thing Lixiang can do now is to bear the deepest evil for everyone.

"Residents of the Roman Empire, I am the fifth emperor of Rome, Nero Claudius!"

Amidst the angry curses of the crowd, a beautiful voice suddenly spread throughout the entire city of Rome.

Emperor Nero, wearing a golden and red dance dress, was on his way to the execution ground in a luxurious carriage under the guard of many guards and amidst the cheers of the crowd.

She stood at the highest point of the carriage, waving her hands to the people around her, enjoying people's love and admiration.

Countless flowers were thrown onto Nero's car by the beautiful girls by the roadside. They screamed and adored, and the people applauded and slapped their palms hard.

Nero enjoyed this scene very much, as if she was in her own golden theater, receiving people's praise for her art.

She is born with a strong performance personality, and likes to stand in the center of the stage and become the object of everyone's attention.

Not long ago, Nero defeated the King of the Huns, lifted the crisis in the Roman capital, and encircled and wiped out all the fleeing Huns.

This made the residents and nobles who were about to flee the Roman imperial capital return to the imperial capital again.

After all, no one would be willing to give up their status as a resident of the imperial capital, which was Rome's greatest glory.

And Emperor Nero defeated the enemy who invaded Rome, so she was naturally loved by the people.

Even the reason for the disappearance of the Dragon Witch is considered by the people to be the emperor's credit.

And in such an environment where the people wanted, Nero won the support of everyone in the Roman Empire, from the nobles to the residents.

Also in this context, in a certain day when Rome was being rebuilt.

Emperor Nero suddenly announced that the culprit who caused the collapse of Rome was the girl who claimed to be the Son of God.

Because of her blasphemy against God, God punished Rome.

And Emperor Nero caught this demon who blasphemed the Lord, and he will have a public trial today.

From nobles to civilians, they actually don't know Lixiang at all, and they don't even know whether she really blasphemed God.

Some interrogators even understood that this young girl did not commit any crimes, and she did not commit any of the Roman laws.

It should not go to trial, all this is nothing more than a conspiracy.

But everyone is silent, no one will expose, everyone has become Judas.

The nobles at the upper level need someone to bear all the sins and divert the people's disgust and contradictions towards the nobles.

Residents at the bottom also need a vent.

In this riot in Rome, I don't know how many people lost their families, friends, and lovers.

They need someone who can bear all the sins, and someone who can bear the grief and sorrow in their hearts.

So Lixiang became the best target.

Whether she is really guilty or not, whether or not she really claims to be the Son of God.

But since His Majesty the Emperor has said so, people are willing to believe and let this girl take away their resentment.

The Roman emperor stood on the execution platform, she raised her arms, and the whole square fell silent in an instant.

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