The Human Emperor

Chapter 2128: Steel fortress!

"The back is straight, be cautious! I’m going to fight now. Are you doing this on the battlefield?"

"Hold your hands and wait until life and death, no one can control you cold or cold!"

"A long-song snake, once again practice!"

"God Arrow Group, check your bow and arrow again!"

Throughout the camp, the rows of infantry and cavalry were divided into neat arrays, some of which were patrolling guards, while the rest were drilled in the center of the base.

In the center of the army, two black flags hunted and danced in the cold wind, a red dragon flag, and a five-pronged golden dragon flag.

The two flags represent the army of Prince Edward and Wang Lu and the general of General Luo.

"Going forward!"

Wang Chong’s mind flashed a thought and soon returned.

Here is the frontline base of the entire Northeast.

A small area, so far, has gathered more than 400,000 soldiers and horses, the military capacity is unimaginable, not to mention the two powerful generals of Wang Zhongyu and Albus.


Thinking of this, Wang Chong steeply caught a horse's belly, braving the snow between the heavens and the earth, and headed for the front.

Passing through a lot of space, at the forefront of the base, a row of terracotta warriors form a neat queue, and at the forefront of the team, two huge breaths are far from the storm.

It is the Prince Edward and Wang Zhongyu and the General Luo Dajun.


With the general of Luo Da, Albus looked at the front, and the light flashed in his eyes, manipulating the bronze horse, and leaping out, heading toward the front.

In the rear, Prince Edward Wang Zhongyu nodded and nodded, and suddenly slammed the horse's belly and followed it up.

Just the time to be embarrassed, just in the place of six or seven hundred feet from the camp, the three top commanders of Datang gathered together.


Without too much chill, Wang Chong took hold of the horse and asked.

"Well. Has your decision been made?"

Prince Edward, Wang Zhongyu said.

Wang Chong did not speak, but the palm of his hand turned over and took out the waist card.

“How long will the follow-up troops arrive?”

Aside, Albus also looked serious.

"All within seven days, you must arrive!"

Wang Chong rode on the horse, faint.

Upon hearing this sentence, Wang Zhongyu and Albus both took a long sigh of relief.

Although the forward base has gathered 400,000 soldiers and horses, the entire Yuzhou boundary is in addition to the 600,000 soldiers and horses in Youzhou, as well as the warriors of Goguryeo, Khan, Khan, and Khitan, which add up to millions. It is not enough to rely solely on the 400,000 troops and horses of the base.

But when Wang Chong’s follow-up army arrives, the situation in the entire Northeast will be completely different.


On the other hand, Wang Chong did not stop. After finishing the sentence, he staggered the horse's belly and immediately interspersed him from the middle of the two empires.

Wang Zhongyu and Albus looked at each other and quickly followed.

In the center of the entire forward base, the cold wind hunting, Zhang Shouzhi, the old man of the map and the top craftsmen of the entire artisan group all gathered together, looking up at Wang Chong who was sitting in front of the battle.

"Wang Ye!"

Everyone went to salute and waited silently for Wang Chong’s last order.

Surrounded by silence, Wang Chong’s gaze skipped the heavy space and looked towards the distant direction of Youzhou.

Although the surface of Youzhou still looks calm, but Wang Chong can clearly feel the strong suffocation that rises from the horizon.

When Wang Chong is fully recruiting troops here, the Yuzhou boundary is also in the Li Ma Bingbing.

This has become the greatest scourge of the empire.

"Anshan rolling down the mountain, this time, I will give you a real surprise!"

Wang Chong looked cold and cold, and his thoughts passed through the thoughts in his mind. The next moment, his palm waved and fell heavily.

"let's start!"


At that moment, the earth moved to the sky, and when Wang Chong gave orders, the pattern of the entire Northeast and even the land world changed.


Just around Wang Chong, in the entire forward base, I received an order, hammering the hammer down, and in a flash, accompanied by a burst of cracking sound, tens of thousands of ships were transported to the forward base before hoarding. Huge wooden boxes opened one after another, revealing one huge steel module inside.

This is not the first time Wang Chong used this method, but this time, it is different from any previous one.


As the hammer fell heavily, Mars slammed, the bellows pulled open, and the thick smoke and flames of the sky rose.

There was only one iron stove at the beginning, followed by two, three, four... But for a moment, hundreds of iron furnaces all ignited a blazing flame.

"Oh la la!"

And just for a moment, the hot iron of a hot stock is so bright, along the iron trough, the rushing.

At this moment, the entire forward base, such as the steel behemoth that has awakened from the same head, is fully operational.

The height of the piece was one by one, and the huge steel module was quickly removed from the wooden box. Under the trolley of a special truck and the pull of the iron ride, it was pulled to all corners of the base at an extremely fast speed.

Unlike previous steel modules, this batch of steel modules has a darker color and a thickness that is more than double that of previous steel modules.

And look closely, the surface of the steel modules forged by these fires are covered with a circle of fine and complicated patterns, which are a block of inscriptions and inscriptions.

Moreover, these inscriptions and the rulings clearly echo each other, and it seems that each other belongs to a certain part of a large array of laws and has a special role.


Just after the giant ring of horses in the circle, after the module was delivered, it was quickly set up, followed by the raging molten iron, but only half a cup of tea, tens of thousands of pounds. Heavy heavy iron blocks are built at an alarming rate, then the second and third sides...

Around these iron blocks, countless warriors and artisans were busy, fixed, connected, poured, and in a short while, the edge of the entire frontline base, a magnificent and solid steel wall was quickly formed from scratch.

More than that, from the endless heights overlooking the junction of Zhangzhou, Zhangzhou and Hengzhou, a black steel wall is rapidly forming and growing.

Although it is still a simple prototype, it gives people a huge pressure.


In the distance, the horses screamed, and after a hill on the surface of the slightly elevated hills, several secluded iron horses responsible for monitoring the forward base slammed their eyes.

"What is this? What do they want to do!"

"Somewhat bad! Go back and report to the Lord!"

A few of the Youzhou Iron Riders said, they swayed their horses and quickly darted away in the distance.

They have been here for a long time. Before that, the entire forward base, in addition to adding some horses and spikes, and some objects shipped in and out, in general, the daily changes are not large.

But this time it is completely different, even giving people a feeling of shaking, the dragon snakes landed, and will soon change.



When the entire forward base was fully opened, the earth roared, and the huge movement even went all the way north to the Youzhou area.

In the An Dong Du Hu, in front of the huge sand table, Anshan Rolling Hill, Cui Ganyou, Tian Chengyu, noble... The entire Jingzhou elite is almost here, carefully discussing the operational strategy against Datang.

At this time, the whole hall was shaken.

"what happened?"

Anshan rolled a brow with a slight wrinkle and raised his head sharply.

"This is...the southwest direction!"

In the hall, other people also felt the movement.

The An Dong Du Fu government was built for a long time. All the materials are also very strong and extremely dense. Under normal circumstances, this kind of jitter will never occur.

At least, this is not caused by normal vibration.

"Southwest? I am going out to see!"

Anshan rolled his eyes and rubbed his eyes. Suddenly, the sleeves slammed, and immediately left the sand table, gloomy face, striding toward the outside of the hall, and behind them, everyone followed.

In the southwest direction, if they remember correctly, that is the direction in which Datang's forward base is located.


When the door was out of the hall, a cold wind rolled up with snow, and the chaotic airflow was like a sword.




Far away, at the southwestern horizon, there is a faint voice, like a wave, constantly coming. Although the sound is extremely low, but carefully listened to it, the sound of the waves was screamed by thousands of people.

For a moment, everyone changed their faces.

It’s been a long time since there was no such movement. What happened to Datang’s side? !


When I was puzzled in the hearts of the people, suddenly a rush of horseshoes came from a distance, and I looked at it. I saw a Youzhou iron rider, flying behind the snow, and rushing toward it.


"The main public! There is movement in the southwest direction. All the craftsmen in the forward base of Datang are casting the wall!"

As soon as he arrived, the name of the Youzhou Iron Rider immediately turned over and slammed on one knee, and the voice was fast and urgent.


Anshan rolling his brows frowned, his eyes full of doubts.

Even the nobleness behind him, at this time is also a puzzle.

Building a city wall?

What do you mean?

In the forward base of Datang, hasn’t the giant refusal and spikes been placed?

Even if you add a wall, what is it worth making a fuss?

However, noble also knows that things are not so simple. I watched the name of the Youzhou Iron Rider panting and arrogant. I also know that some of these things are unclear.

"Go! Lord, let's see it in the past!"

Noble condensed channel.

In front, Anshan has already had this intention. Only a moment, everyone turned to the horse and quickly headed for the direction of the southwest forward base.

All the way to the south, the sound of the waves is getting bigger and bigger, listening to the sound of the uniformity of the sound, everyone is serious.

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