The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 225: Challenge the Spider-Man of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower?

The ad countdown ends, the screen goes black, and suddenly a flash of light flashes, as if the sun tears the darkness, a person opens his eyes, the screen gradually lights up, Yang An, wearing special equipment, appears in the camera, he stands on the top of a high mountain , Open your arms with your eyes closed to the rising sun.

The cheerful BGM music sounded, the aerial camera revolved around Yang An, he was tied with a huge set of gliding wing equipment, the wind was blowing the huge wing wind net bag, and it was almost going to take him to the sky, the lens was pulled farther and farther, There were no hang gliding instructors around, and no one saw him running up, rushing down the hillside, and then taking off!


They used to laugh at me as a weirdo,

The head is not smart, the body is not developed,

It ’s just like A-Gump can only run.

Challenge fearless I'm not afraid of anything,

Even if stumbled and ridiculed,

Ordinary me will definitely shine,

I will run all the way against the light,

Challenges are infinite to be proud,

Great challenge (X4),

I will run all the way against the light,

Challenging until the end

... "

Yang An's song appeared. This "Great Challenge" is the theme song of the same name, very dynamic, inspiring, and inspirational!

The shots of the six male guests took turns, all in the picture were their performance clips.

Zhou Jinci roared and shouted hard, Ning Hao's face was full of mud and sweat, Shabe was in a strict sanitation suit, Yang An stared at the Manzhang Gorge and yelled, Xiao Dongbei cried and laughed, Li Jingtian Qingjin exposed the scream Everyone ran in heavy rain, threw in mud, roared in front of oil wells sprayed with crude oil, and wept in coal mines. Six men supported each other, encouraged each other with their fists together, took the punishment of icy wind and rain, and enjoyed victory together. Joy, laughter, tears, more courage!

The opening promotional video was shot before the Spring Festival. I went to Baodao to take a picture. I went to the Pearl TV station to help Spiderman. I went to the northeast to get oil rain. I went to Xishan to squat a coal mine pit. It was a stadium borrowed by the General Administration of Sport of China, poured a lot of water, and artificial mud. As for Yang An, even the coach did n’t want it, a shot on the mountain alone. Please, Yang An is not a god. That lens is stitching. Yes, plus God-level PS technology.

The ignorant viewers are all silly!

Would you like to toss this way?

When was the star so miserable?

The most frightening thing is the Spider-Man. The Oriental Pearl TV has more than 400 meters and the main body of the tower is more than 300 meters. Not the most experienced and daring Spider-Man, they dare not take the job of cleaning the outer wall. Their stars dare Go challenge?

There is oil rain, and the dark oil is dripping on you, are you disgusting? But in the eyes of petroleum people, this thing is the most delicious liquid, success, joy, and sense of accomplishment!

In the fading BGM voice, six stout arms were held together, and the six men solemnly swore to the camera: "From today, I officially became a member of the" Great Challenge ". In the next challenge, no matter Whatever difficulties and obstacles you encounter, you will never give up and guarantee the completion of the challenge! "

Ordinary life, great challenge!

Stars are also people, and people are also stars!

After shouting these two publicity slogans, the whole group applauded and cheered, full of endless expectations for this show!

"Nice, Yang An, your new show is awesomely positioned and looks quite interesting!" Mo Wen patted Yang An's shoulder and was quite interested!

Huang Xiao was unhappy and said, "Yang An! You do n’t even call my brother for such a fun show? I am a man who has participated in the army and has fired artillery. I can do all of your tasks!"

Before Yang An had spoken, the miserable picture of him getting wet in the rain appeared on the screen.

He simply nodded and motioned to Huang Xiao to watch TV. Everyone was laughing at the premiere hall. The promo video in front of them was so clear and exciting.

Gradually, the Yes-Or-No air hammer session ended. After the six personnel gathered, the program went to the first advertising time, and everyone began to applaud again to celebrate the success of the program.

Needless to say, this show must be welcomed by the audience, because it is novel enough, and the six guests have no star celebrity, very close to the people.

The amateurs watch the liveliness, the friends in the entertainment industry are joking and good-looking, the insiders watch the doorway, and the friends in the TV media circle are all thinking. Where is the selling point of this show?

Zhu Xiaoming of Dongshan Satellite TV was also present today. From the beginning of the song of the same name, he frowned and thought.

"The problem of the song of the same name is not easy to solve. Yang An's ability to write songs is too strong. This song is too close to the program's positioning. We cannot find a suitable song in a short time. We can only abandon this one."

"Looking at the promotional videos and side-effects, they are the men who help the line and challenge difficult tasks. I can't compete directly with them. I should put more on female stars and take a different line."

"Looking at their cameras and preparations is actually not that good, which shows that they are also a new team. As long as I bite, I can catch up soon."

"Now look at the content, I want to see where their bottom line is ..."

Zhu Xiaoming was not the first unit. He had to look at the entire unit, see all the weaknesses, and hold on to a little bit of attack, just like a poisonous snake, killed in one hit!


In a boy's bedroom at Bohai University, several boys who were playing games were suddenly stopped by their classmates and shouted to watch CCTV live.

"Don't play a game. Today, Yang Geer's new show premieres! Friends circles are all crazy, and they say it's beautiful!"

"Yarn! Where can I see a CCTV show? It's all types of newscasts and focus interviews!"

"Don't believe it! It's wrong for Brother Yang's show?"

These people were dubious, switched games, and found a webcast software. It seemed that they saw the chicken jelly trio standing in front of the bus and chose an Alto without a windshield!

"Ha ha ha ha! These three unlucky ones didn't answer a single question! Dad laughed!"

"I wipe it ~~ Shabei completely subverts Brother's imagination! He is a host of a legal program, it turns out to be a big tease!"

"Wow haha ​​~ Here's a pair of funny hoods with open hoods! I remember, this news went to the pop-up window a week ago, it turned out to be true!"

"This" Bing Rain "sounds pretty good! Is there a lossless audio download on Yang's Weibo?"

All the bedrooms were giggling with laughter, and what kind of games do you care about? Classmates without a computer in the bedroom next to them also came to watch, and every two or three minutes, a large burst of laughter broke out.


The training base of the General Administration of Sport of China and the athletes' rest center. Athletes who have no training tasks today will come together to watch CCTV.

The girl is enough to be headed by Zhang Wen. The diving team takes the lead by volume. Everyone watched the show for half an hour and their faces were swollen with smile!

"Ha ha ha! The chicken jelly trio really deserves its reputation! It was choked by an automatic car washer!"

"Too bad ~ Yang An, Shabei, Xiaodongbei, the three of them are really funny! They are the best laughter in China!"

"Shabe was really unexpected and subverted my imagination! So was Xiao Dongbei. It turned out that he was a funny man outside the play!"

After looking at it for a while, Zhang Wen's eyes became red hearts: "My brother Yang is the most handsome and the best! Compared with that Li Jingtian, let's make more!"

"Look at you idiot ~" The girlfriends pushed her.

Tian Liang was also surrounded by his brothers and asked, "Tian Liang, it seems that Yang An came to you the day before yesterday?"

"What is he looking for?"

"Leader Ma knows this. It seems like he wants to transfer some people to the show?"

"Is it true, Tianliang? What's the situation?"

Tian Liang was annoyed and raised his hand to surrender: "I really don't know. The leader of the horse didn't give me a word. What is really needed, shall we not listen to the order above?"

The same is true, but after the news was released, the athletes of the diving team and the swimming team all became alive. Is there really a chance to make a show with Yang Geer? No, ask the team leader later!


Red Maple and Wang Xiaoyi's family laughed and never thought that CCTV's program would be so funny!

Pharaoh laughed and laughed: "This Shabe, children's package!"

Pharaoh's wife also covered her mouth and smiled: "Grilled sheep with white waist ~~"

Wang Xiaoyi's face all smiled and asked, "What is sheep white waist?"

Pharaoh cursed: "Go back and do your homework! You've been watching it for an hour ~ ~ enough rest?"

Isn't it the roasted white waist of the sheep?

Wang Xiaoyi was upset. After a long while, he was about to enter the door and saw Yang An's figure. He couldn't move his feet anymore. He stood at the door of the house and looked at him for a long time. He also used the excuse to drink water, go to the toilet, and pump his nose. Drink water again ...

In short, I do n’t want to enter the house, my feet are too heavy to move ...


There are too many people like Wang Xiaoyi, while CCTV is playing, and the Internet is swiping the screen to discuss.

A and B refer to two well-known barrage websites, mostly anime, games, and self-made videos. The watching group is mainly young people. Usually, few people care about TV programs, let alone CCTV. .

A sudden outbreak of the program made the station A's editor helpless. A UP master used instant broadcast technology to steal a CCTV TV program that was being broadcast, attracting tens of thousands of fans.

Network hacking is normal, as long as the copyright owner does not complain, station A generally does not care.

The same is true for station B. Many of the UP masters on both sides are friends. Station A suddenly burst into a program. The station B followed up after ten minutes, and due to the long time delay, plus station B. Here is a more popular UP host. One hundred thousand fans directly blasted the video of "Amazing Challenge" and reached the top page hot list!

The editor on duty at station B was about to cry, and quickly called to report to the leader: "Boss, we have someone stealing CCTV programs, or a set! What to do?" (To be continued.)

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