The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 240: Yang An's Red Carpet Girlfriend

In Yang An's prediction, the strong CCTV is in charge of the overall Golden Eagle Awards, not the local Huangmangtai, so it has a strong official brand.

This made Yang An, who was holding the invitation letter, feel at a loss, feeling like he was tied to a hoop curse. Even if he wanted to refuse to participate, he could only hold his nose to accept the opportunity to make friends with his colleagues.

"After all, my appeal is not strong enough now, anyway, I'm still young, so I should go see the world."

Yang An was comforting himself. To be honest, in addition to knowing some variety shows, he turned the first few pages of this thick book of society. Even if he was stupid, he knew that he couldn't offend everyone in China, otherwise it would be impossible to do so.

The organizer of the Golden Eagle Awards called the next morning. Yang An went and took his mobile phone with him.

The general director Kang Jinlong was very kind. He took a few minutes to receive Yang An during his busy schedule. The two met at the CCTV Studio 7 hall. Behind him were busy staff and field affairs. Seeing this familiar scene, Yang An smiled slightly.

Kang Jinlong stretched out his hand: "Let Yang Dao laugh! This little scene certainly can't get into Yang Dao's eyes?"

Yang An shook hands and smiled: "Where is Kang Dao's big deal? Isn't this a small investment?"

Kang Jinlong said with emotion: "If it wasn't" Good Voice of China ", how could CCTV be willing to spend money on audio and dance beauty? This is the equipment of" Singing China ", which I moved over to use."

The last sentence said that there should be some flavor. The two looked at each other and burst out laughing together. Everything was silent, and it was extremely fun!

Kang Jinlong said, "I came to see you today. Our director team wants to be your guest of honor. Everyone knows that you have another nickname," Viewing Iron Stone. "

Yang An was so praised, of course, she was very happy: "This nickname was temporarily sealed by Kang Dao, isn't it? I haven't been a guest of honor, and I don't know if there are any taboos that will bring Kang Dao. trouble."

Kang Jinlong was very happy: "As long as you are willing to come, as for the awarding female guests with you, do you have any special requirements?"

Yang An thought for a moment: "Be flexible and quick, and respond quickly, just kidding."

Kang Jinlong shouted: "There are very few actresses with domestic conditions. Everyone knows that following Yang Geer's partner, there is no pit, but only more pits. There are not many actresses who can keep up with your rhythm! Well, before entering the evening I will tell you the award and the name of the female partner. At the same time, you do n’t mind the lines, because it is really difficult to arrange, and there may be some controversy ... "

Yang An didn't mind. The director of the Golden Eagle Awards said this to him personally, and it has already explained the problem very much. Kang Jinlong personally admired him, but not everyone liked him. It is very likely that his journey to the Golden Eagles will not be rewarded. Many, maybe not even harvested.

Kang Jinlong said: "In addition, according to the regulations, each guest must prepare a show. If you win, you can perform the show after speaking the award. Singing is the best. Isn't this your strength?"

Yang Anyang said on his mobile phone: "I'm ready, can I just give the music to the band teacher?"

Kang Jinlong nodded, beckoned, and asked the field assistant to take Yang An to the band area.

The band is very kind. After all, in the ballad world, Yang An is famous, and the music director is happy when he sees the score: "Yang Geer, this is a very special song!"

Yang An blinked: "Don't forget my identity, I'm a crossover star."

The music director all laughed: "No problem! Give it to us. To be honest, I really hope you can win the prize, this song is interesting and I look forward to your performance on the stage!"

The two sides shook hands with a smile. Yang An casually looked at the scene and made two suggestions that were not irritating. After being polite with Kang Jinlong, he returned to the hotel to rest.

Rong Feifei called and she knew that her husband was waiting for Golden Eagle. She mobilized many networks in the rear. The news that could be heard was not good for Yang An.

"Husband, the Golden Eagle is just an award, and it is mainly a TV series. You don't have to take it too seriously, even if you don't get anything, you still have us ~"

Yang An's heart was very warm: "Thank my wife for your support. Seriously, what I value most is the audience and fans. Their satisfaction outweighs everything. I never care about my reputation. Unfortunately, too few people understand me. "

Rong Feifei grinned: "I know you! All of your closest friends understand you. So, if you don't feel happy, just leave your face and ignore them, how about coming back?"

Yang An laughed: "Did you have a child, your violent factors have been activated? Don't be stupid, how can you shake your face when you promise someone else?"

Besides, it ’s not a deep hatred. If you really want to throw CCTV's face away, do n’t mix it in the TV circle. He wo n’t have ancient poems, bad luck halo, no prestige lottery, and no mathematics. , And will not scold, it is really better than the Zhang Almighty teacher.

Rong Feifei said: "I'm not worried about your anger, then it won't end well ... If you have any anger, come back to me, don't pity me ~"

Yang An laughed. This Nizi was more and more relaxed. The woman really changed before and after marriage. Maybe she dare to breastfeed in public!

"And there are, are you going on the red carpet? You are not allowed to hang out with other women!"

"I can't decide this. Your husband and I are so sought-after. The show team has given me the title" Viewing Iron "and will definitely make the most of me. Maybe I really sent a topic actress to partner with me."

"Then ... you can't treat her and Yan Shanmu either!"

"Wife, you think too much, you still have to do when you are in the field. Actors, walking on the red carpet is also a star reality show! I strive to apply to the crew to find a good female star, of course, it is best not to have female stars to accompany me. "

Rong Feifei was tired for a while, and only let him go after he got Yang An's promise.

Rong Feifei still trusts Yang An. After all, the two have lived together for so long, and they know the whole thing. She just said that, just coquettishly.

Women will only coquettish the person they love most. This is nature!


To go to the red carpet in the evening, Yang An arranged for a friend from China and Beijing to order an evening gown in advance. Of course, dressing up has always been a handsome and spiritual image.

In the afternoon, the organizer called, and the actress who arranged to go with him on the red carpet was Gao Yuanyuan. This temperamental actress was nominated for the most popular actress for her role in the TV series "Let's Get Married". It is strange that the organizer did not Putting her and the actor together on the red carpet, Yang An guessed that she might want to intensify the hype and intend to draw votes for Gao Yuanyuan.

It was a pleasure to meet Gao Yuanyuan in advance. Upon meeting, the two took out a small book and handed it over, then they looked at each other and laughed, and they both wanted to go together!

"Yang, please sign for me!"

Gao Yuanyuan ’s eyes are really big, she smiles softly, and has an old-fashioned and weird feeling. Looking at her shawl with long hair, the same shape as in the “Let ’s Get Married” drama, it looks like she is really going to sprint the most popular actress this year Awards up.

Yang An signed the name and handed it over: "Sister Yuan Yuan, help me sign, my wife loves watching your TV show!"

Gao Yuanyuan pursed her mouth deliberately: "I don't like to hear the word, it seems how old I am!"

Yang An sighed: "No way, I can only blame me for being too tender and seeing everyone as a younger brother."

Gao Yuanyuan laughed so hard that she could not breathe for a long time, but she recovered from Yang An's gaze, and she couldn't help laughing: "No, you can't look at me ... You look at me, I want to laugh!"

Yang An did it, the beauty was very eye-catching. Whether talking or posture, he was very comfortable in all aspects. The two discussed the red carpet walk. Yang An was a novice, but Gao Yuanyuan had gone through many occasions and taught some robbers. Mirror considerations and tips.

After talking and laughing for a while, the goddess situation is much more stable, and she will not laugh easily, Yang An can finally talk about business.

Yang An asked, "If I start a new variety show, would you like to come?"

Gao Yuanyuan's heartbeat accelerated, Yang An unexpectedly invited her to a variety show? This ... this ... She was confused, thinking of rumors that the actresses who could cooperate with Yang An would have a high degree of exposure, and her career would go up a big step. Of course, she did not want to give up this opportunity!

She hesitated: "Can you tell me what type of show? I have a few more shows here ..."

Yang An said: "It's about your old business ~ ~ let's get married."


Gao Yuanyuan was startled, stuttering, "You ... you and me? Aren't you married?"

Yang An couldn't laugh or cry: "Please, I mean, your TV show" Let's Get Married ", and my variety show is also called" Let's Get Married ". It's a blind date show. I want to invite you to be a female guest in the field. Well, do n’t get me wrong, not to find you a blind date, but to let you comment on other blind dates, you and the host. ”⑧ ☆ miào⑧ ☆ bi (. *) Gé⑧ ☆. $.

Gao Yuanyuan was relieved. She is now in a love period. Her boyfriend is about the same age as Yang An and she is also an actor. However, no matter whether it is fame or word of mouth and appearance, her boyfriend is not as good as Yang An, and she is not to blame A hop.

"A blind date show ..."

Gao Yuanyuan lost her mind: "Well, can you let me go back and think about it? I'll discuss it with my agent."

Yang An didn't force her: "Okay, I'm not completely sure about this show, I just want to breathe with you first, I think, it's just such a fire as" let's get married ", it's a pity not to take the opportunity to speculate."

The red carpet female companion returned to her mind. On the one hand, she must consider the feelings of her boyfriend and the content of the blind date show. The most important point is that this is Yang An's program. If she refuses, which female star will Yang An choose to replace. Her position? Isn't that hitting her face?

If Gao Yuanyuan doesn't come, there are a lot of female stars waiting in line, so she won't be willing to give up this position!

She was already thinking about how to convince her boyfriend and agent!

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