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Yang An caressed her hair, and Rong Feifei shyly covered her face, her face was blushing, but her heart was sweet. -Fiction-

The audience was booing, and Chen Yu protested: "You show love in front of the audience. Is this really good?"

Yang An grinned, although there was a show element in it, but most of it was his sincerity.

Chen Yu asked, "Fifi, are you particularly moved at this time?"

Rong Feifei put down her hand, her eyes circled red: "This song should be sung to you, the most precious one should be yourself."

Yang An smiled and said to Chen Yu, "Look, this is called Xiu En'ai!"

Chen Yu looked at them with a smile. The ratings of this program should not be low. Yang An and his wife were on the interview for the first time and sang two new songs. They also showed affection on the spot and were too topical.

Yang An and other sound engineers were ready to start singing.

This is Zhou Huajian's "Dear My Baby", he has sang with Rong Feifei, it is a very cute song.


My dear baby, i want to cross the mountains,

Looking for the missing sun, looking for the missing moon

My dear baby, i want to cross the ocean,

Look for the missing rainbow and catch the missing meteor.

I want to fly to the endless night sky, pick a star as your toy,

I will touch the moon with my own hand, and write your name on it,

La la la la la la la la la, you still write your name on it,

La la la la la la la la la la

Come back to tell you everything, kiss my baby!

... "

Yang An and Rong Feifei held hands and finished singing this song, which aroused everyone's chorus.

Very simple melody, especially the part of Hula La, even if the music melody has been finished, Yang An still took everyone to sing it twice.

Chen Yu screamed, "Do you listen?"

The audience shouted in unison: "Good!"

Chen Yu reached out: "Old rules!"

After the song of the China Music Association was released, Yang An laughed and laughed: "Please ask the audience to drop a 10-point evaluation vote while downloading. I can also make a list by the way! Then, when I will be free, I Find another director and make two songs into mv. "

The topic shifted quickly, Chen Yu said, "Why find another director to shoot, aren't you making a movie? When will" Mad Stone "meet you?"

Yang An and Rong Feifei sat down and said, "" Crazy Stone "is currently being filmed. It will probably be in August. We originally planned to release it on the Mid-Autumn Festival. If the schedule cannot be reached, it may be dragged to 11 Month, even Christmas. "

Chen Yu was interested: "Can you briefly introduce the general content of the movie with the audience?"

Yang An smiled: "Yes! This is a murder caused by a stone ~"


After the broadcast of "Chen Yu has an appointment," it caused a very good social response.

An interview allowed Yang An to quickly grab the headlines of the entertainment industry. The interviews related to him occupied almost the most prominent position on major portals.

The first is two songs. The most intuitive feeling of netizens is that Yang An and Rong Feifei really love children. They are trying to be a good parent. The two songs are full of deep love for children. very nice to hear.

In the week ’s top downloads list of the China Music Association website, two songs followed one another, occupying the fastest rising first and second place, with a 100% praise rate.

Mr. Ma Kun, a senior commentator of the China Music Association, received a reward of 5,000 yuan for his website review of "Goku". He is now more motivated and writes a thousand-word long comment.

Although the meaning of doing things with money is a little bit, the core sentence has won the consent of the whole society: "Only when you really put in your emotions can you write such a loving song. Poor parents!"

Professional critics can use thousands of words to compliment. Some singer friends of Yang An in the entertainment industry are all boiling, their expressions are more direct, without turning!

Huang Xiao said on Weibo: "Yang Yang, one of my trainees has just become a father. Can you write a song for him? Really, this is not an invitation song. I just want you to help a father realize his dream. You Would n’t hesitate to refuse? @ 安然 电影 娱乐 杨 安. "

Yang An was summoned, cried and laughed, and only replied: "In the next program, you let that student speak to me! Don't think I didn't know your little daughter just learned to speak!"

Li Xintong called directly: "Fifi, I will be pregnant about six months later, let your husband write a song to be a gift! When I get married, he only packs 9999 yuan, too stingy!"

Rong Feifei chuckled and smiled: "Sister Xin Tong, can you calculate when you are pregnant? Too great for you!"

The mobile phone company invested 30 million yuan to buy the rights to the ringtones for these two songs. Users only need 5 yuan wallet months to get multiple good ringtones for themselves. It only took less than a week to buy "Baby" and The new users of "My Kiss My Baby" ringtone bag increased by more than 5 million people, and after a month it exceeded 20 million, and the mobile phone company made a lot of money.

Music circles focus on songs, and ordinary fans will also pay attention to other content, such as Yang An's debut movie.

There are rumors that when they saw the site selection and scene selection in Shancheng, Shabey was very harmonious and friendly, and the shooting scene was very funny. The crew took the opportunity to release a few stills. This film caught everyone's interest at once.

Fans are excited, and they can see "Crazy Stone" shortly after the night of the peak of good sounds. It's really refreshing to wave after wave.

Also benefiting is Red Maple TV, which originally had a ratings of about 2% for Chen Yu, but because of this episode of Yang Anrong Feifei, the ratings soared to 2.4%.

Red Maple TV increased its investment and invited a few big stars with a high notification fee. The monthly ratings were not less than 2%, and the stage was full of joy. This program finally entered the 2% step. !!

After headline master Yang An ended "Chen Yu has an appointment", "China Good Voice 2" played a key fourth issue.

This episode will undoubtedly expose Yang An's intentions for the selection of songs this season.

The four mentors each formed seven or eight team members. The slightly better one was the newly joined queen Fei Jie, including Mo Wen, followed closely by the women. The women initiated the surge, and they suppressed Liu Feng and Huang Xiao. Robbed most of the three- and four-turn students.

In the fourth issue, the first one to come on stage was a special female lead singer. When she opened her mouth, she shocked four mentors.


Distant night sky ~

There is a crooked moon ~

Under the crooked moon ~

It's the curvy boat ~ "

These four songs just touched the four mentors. Her unique singing voice and ability to accurately control the sound, the mentors can feel the shadows of r & b, soul music, and jazz from her singing. The main thing is that she It is very rare to be able to control with ease. This is very rare!

Liu Feng took the first shot and Huang Xiao took the second shot. Mo Wen and Fei Jie were a little hesitant. Such players are very different from girls 'popular singing styles. They have not been able to tell what the players' song is.

But when the whole song was about to end, Mo Wen couldn't help it, she took it, and just saw Fei Jie took it, it was four turns!

Yuan Yawei, the only professional female lead singer in China who is based on jazz and combines soul music, punk, rap and other styles, is very, very rare. A large part of her success was obtained from the producer boyfriend. Her Boyfriend is a very talented black soul singer.

I won't say much about Yuan Yawei's praise. Liu Feng, the only surviving professional band in China, must support it anyway. "Come in my team, I will do my best to help you in Zhongjing!" "

Yuan Yawei chose Liu Feng. This is a smart choice. She floats in Zhongjing and can be covered by Liu Feng. The future is bright!

In the first season, Jin Junhao studied black singing. This season, a four-turn black soul singer was also introduced. The intention of good voice to expand overseas became more and more obvious.

Next up, the intention was further expanded, and everyone could see what Yang An was going to do.

There are a pair of mother and daughter figures in the vcr. They are wearing gorgeous ethnic costumes. After a brief interview, the daughter sings on the stage to perform a blind selection.

The four mentors originally thought that this was a very ordinary student. I did not expect that the first sentence of her voice would make the four look amazing!

"Auntie ~ Auntie ~

Auntie Ajie ~

Auntie Ajie ~

Auntie ~~ "

This voice is also no one!

"Song song, another song!" Huang Xiaoxin swore, nodding.

"Which ethnic minority is this?" Mo Wen and Fei Jie were both curious. Before that, they were fighting for Huang Qiong's blood, and now there is another student singing folk songs.

Huang Qiong returned to Mo Wen. It seems that this should be Fei Jie's turn?

After thinking about this, Fei Jie was in no hurry, because Mo Wen could not gather two similar singers at one time, otherwise she would be stupid.

Liu Feng sat up straight and listened to the students singing the song.

Suddenly the music style changed dramatically, from a folk song to a funky type of black music. The female student sang, "

... wo!


i-knew-that-i-wouldn \\\ 't-of!

... "

What are you waiting for!


Fei Jie's favorite fan is here!

This is more suitable for her than Huang Qiong!

A look at Fei Jie took ~ ~ Is this all right? Even if Mo Wen doesn't want to shoot, she has to shoot! This student is really terrible. The mountain sings well, the pitch is good, and he can control English songs!

If this was taken away by Fei Jie, my God, Mo Wen would not dare to think!

The two turned their heads and their eyes glowed. The dress was really stunning, and they also sang folk songs. Do different ethnic minorities have so much difference in their national costume tastes?

Pop! Four turns!

Photographed by Liu Feng and Huang Xiao, they knew that they might go to the theater, and they had to do it. They had to do it. Not taking it was disrespect to the students!


ps: Welcome to add the book Penguin Group 230142457, occasionally give out red envelopes + benefits, chat can be added, welcome girls, only the honest gray wolf in the hands of the wolf (to be continued.)

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