The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 669: The truth is out!

As a well-known plastic surgeon favored and trusted by many celebrities, Jiao's wife is pregnant, and a successful career elite, He beautiful life is almost perfect.

But a medical accident destroyed everything he had. The partner who was still a brother the other day turned his face in the blink of an eye and threatened to kill him to repay his girlfriend. The Health Bureau sent a working group to the police to investigate the criminal responsibility. The family of the deceased was pulling a banner in front of the hospital. He was pretty overwhelmed. He didn't even carry his luggage. He fled alone and fled.

He hates that, although he knows that this business is very risky, walking on the edge of morality and law, almost making money with his head, and doing nothing legal, but he hates it, he hates everyone who ruins his life .

He beautiful only brought his wallet and mobile phone out. The wallet contained a key debit card with someone else ’s name. The key evidence was not found. This was his small vault. He took out the money from it and finally hid after three months of hiding. Come down.

Revenge became his only goal. He commissioned the Enron Detective Agency to investigate the situation of everyone in the hospital, and he got a message that made him even more distressed. His brother and his wife were infected!

Anger was burning in He's beautiful heart. As the investigation deepened and his revenge idea became more and more mature, he finally decided to use his superb cosmetic techniques to change the face of another person. He wanted to replace a new life. !!

What he hated most was his younger brother and investor. The latter was the cause of the catastrophe. The former was a betrayal who stabbed his wounds with salt. He wanted to remove both of them.

There is also a sand patient that he is familiar with. In his opinion, it is an excellent candidate for the dead ghost. If there is a black pot, it must be carried by the sand patient.

After eight months of preparation, He Qingzheng became his brother, and recorded his voice in advance to grasp the movements of everyone. He decided to start with his brother first, wait for the sky to pass the sea, and after the first step of borrowing the soul to return the soul, he would kill. To die the second betrayer, his wife is a nurse, and then kill Yang Investment. He wants to pay the price of all the sources of evil. He wants to make everyone who betrays him taste the taste of death. He wants to use The anger of your own vengeance ruins it all!

The movie picture faded slowly and returned to the scene of "The Great Detective". Yang An sat at the table in the voting room, holding handcuffs, and said with a little annoyance, "I finished the vote of Vice President He a minute ago. I saw a smug smile. I stopped him, raised his hand, and tore the band-aid, and found a long scratch, so I figured it all out, but it's too late! This bizarre story, twists and turns, below Let me walk you through the whole process. "

Just like the movie, Yang An's narration appeared in the restoration of the case, and the movie began again.

At 6 o'clock, He pretty called Yang Investment and met him at about 7:30. In the camera, he paused the recording pen and did not let Yang Investment hear the last word.

At 6: 5, He Meilai called Nurse Yi and told him to meet at 7:30 and asked her to help him to make an appointment with the Vice-Presidential Hospital.

At 6: 8, the shocked nurse Yi called the Vice-Hospital. The two had an appointment to meet at 7:30. Li Qingjie just passed by the room and heard everything.

The key part came. At 6:15, He Meili personally called the key vice-president He found the key evidence, but it was not revealed: "Brother, did you call you sweetly?"

Seeing that the caller number on the mobile phone was indeed my brother's, and he spoke in the same manner as his brother. He was a bit surprised: "She already called and said you are back at 7:30. Let's meet in the office. What's wrong with you ? "

He pretty covered her mouth: "Cough, it's a bit uncomfortable for a cold. I arrived at the hospital in advance, and you will be in my office for half an hour."

Hanging up the phone, He beautiful walked into the hospital and saw Li Qingjian. Well, he went into the office and took out the whiskey from the suitcase. This is the material evidence that he planned to blame Yang Investment, and locked the box under the bookcase. By the way Keep the key in the switch holder.

At 6:45, Vice President He knocked on the door and saw his elder brother with a mask. It was strange, but the brothers finally met.

Just a few words of conversation, Vice President He felt that his voice was not right. Looking at his face, the brother said that he had a cold and was afraid of infection, but he had a familiar eyebrow sensation outside the mask. He was alert and blocked his brother's attack on him. During the pull of the dispute, the key evidence of the back of He Fuyuan's hand was scratched, but it was not revealed, but he successfully removed the other party's mask, and he saw a scene that made him terrified. It was his own face that he was extremely familiar with !!

He Fuyuan was stunned, he instantly understood what his brother was doing!

He and his sister-in-law were embezzled. He embezzled key financial evidence of the hospital and found it undisclosed. He has lived in the shadow of his brother since he was a child, so he saw his brother deliberately cosmetically become himself, knowing that his brother had killed him!

"The vice president's hospital chose to spray an anesthetic on his brother's face and successfully subdued his brother. He checked his brother's mobile phone, saw the communication records, thought of the meaning of different phone contents, and turned to the wallet that had been burned in his clothes and The identity card immediately understood his brother's overall plan. So he calculated the plan, doing the same, but the person lying on the ground should have been his vice-president, but now the designer of the plan is so beautiful! "

With all this done, the time was close to half past seven, and the Vice-President He lit the spirits and left deftly!

"The detective arrived and all the suspects rushed to the scene. With the analysis of everyone, the vice president He continuously improved the fragments of his brother's plan and quickly guessed his entire plan. He was the first person to know the truth! He constantly accused Yang Investment of deliberately suspecting the patient Sha, and finally successfully eluted his suspicions. "

In the camera, He Jiong's various small details are constantly flashing when recording the program. For example, he always deliberately covers his palm with his plaster sticking on it, reveals a look of comprehension when others analyze it, constantly confuses audiovisual, misleads others, He is a clever actor, calm, calm, faced with doubts, he can calmly cope, and made a lie, but also a second lie without flaws.

At this point, all the doubts have been resolved. Yang An smiled bitterly: "I guess we all missed an important clue, that is, there must be a key clue of blood in the nail nails of the body. The red blood stains do appear in the photo, which is the first link of the key evidence chain! If I notice this, I will think that he must have had fierce fighting actions such as tearing before death. The post will cause my alertness, all the clues will lead to the vice president of the hospital! So He beautiful called him at 6:15, it was not that his brother was worried that if the nurse forgot to notify me, he called me again to confirm But it was the death call that he was asked to try to kill! In addition, I was asking why he embezzled the 500,000 dean's emergency funds, and it wasn't the explanation that he said that it costs money to fall in love, and that the search brother also spent money. I guess, Yi Should the nurse have evidence of where the money went? "

That's right, in Yang An's narration, all these key evidences appeared in the camera. These are the mistakes caused by careless search!

The screen returns to the recording scene, and the director announces: "Then the real murderer is ... Ho Vice Court!"

"No way?"

"how is this possible?"

When Jiong Li and others were in doubt, He Jiong raised his hands and laughed proudly: "All the gold bars are my haha!"

Everyone shoved He Jiong, asked why, and asked the director what went wrong.

The general director announced several details that everyone didn't notice. When they heard the red bloodstains on the nails of the body, Li Yifeng was about to collapse: "Please, can you find a better-quality dummy next time? I also When I saw it, I thought that the stain was not washed out! "

"It's too difficult, right? Who wants this?"

"Oh my God, do rubber dummies have nails? Wouldn't you be teasing me?"

The general director laughed so much ~ ~ When the prop group dealt with this detail, a light nail polish was drawn at the position of the dummy's nail seam, only a thin one, which is in line with the facts. Scratches originally had only a small amount of skin fines hidden under the nail seams, which could not cause major bleeding.

In addition, there is a quirky bank card in the nurse's room with the password 520520 on the back. If you open the computer and log in to the bank website, you can find that a fund has just been transferred. The amount is 520520 yuan, which shows that the money misappropriated by He Fuyuan was not used to search for his brother at all, but instead became a means for him to play romance!

Of course, this is just a variety show. It is not a true reasoning story. Many details can't stand close scrutiny, but anyway, it is good to be able to round the story.

He Jiong proudly received six gold bars from the director's finger, and left hurriedly alone. The others shook his head helplessly, sighed, and left the scene sadly.

Li Ye and Yire Guli left together and said to the camera, "Next, we will be more proactive in searching for evidence!"

Yang An and Li Yifeng also left: "It is impossible to make accurate judgments only by speculation, we must find decisive evidence!"

After the five had left, only Shabei, who was kept in a cage, was ignored, and no one spoke to him. In the camera, even the staff started to pack up and went out one after another.

"Hey, I'm not a murderer, let me go!"

Shabei in the iron window stretched out her hand and cried heartbrokenly: "Let me out! I was wronged! Yin Shuang !!! Yin Shuang !!! I don't want you to see my place in my head ~ www. Friends of ~, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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