The Knight In The Big World Of American Tv Series

Chapter 39 Canonization (seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

Why didn't King Uther understand what Kai said, but like all parents, he was a little bit resistant to subdue to his children. This behavior is very common.

In many cases, even if parents know that they are not doing the right thing, they are more willing to use a tough attitude to cover up, rather than apologize to their children happily, as if doing so is detrimental to their parents' majesty.

King Uther is even more so. His arrogance really makes it difficult for him to subdue anyone, especially since he doesn't feel that he is wrong. Instead, he feels that Morgana and Arthur can't understand his painstaking efforts.

So Kay had to be the peacemaker.

Morgana and the others didn’t know good or bad. After Kay explained King Uther’s painstaking efforts to them, Morgana and Arthur also understood how much their self-righteous justice had hit King Uther, they tried their best. Protect them, don’t want them to be exposed to danger, but what about them? But they uphold their own justice, and comfortably deceive and harm King Uther, and even make their own claim that all this is attributed to King Uther's fault.

This kind of thinking is not only irresponsible, but it also seems to avenge revenge.

After understanding this, Morgana still didn't think there was anything wrong with letting a child go, but for King Uther, they did wrong. They should not treat and treat their father in this way.

In this way, under Kai's mediation, the relationship between father and daughter, and father and son was greatly eased.


Just when the royal family was enjoying themselves, the enemies of Camelot, who were once unwilling to be lonely, returned here again.

A witch came to Camelot under the cover of night. She looked at Camelot, who was still prosperous today, and her anger could no longer be contained.

"It's time to pay, Uther!"


After Kai came back, an important ceremony that had been prepared a long time ago can finally be carried out!

Prince's canonization ceremony!

Canonize a prince? Who canonize? Kay? Isn't Kay an adopted son?

definitely not.

The canonization here refers to Arthur. In the Celtic kingdom, the "prince" is only called Roar, not an official title, so the prince will definitely have an official title when he reaches adulthood. For example, Kai is a prince. When King Uther adopted Kai as his adopted son, he was a prince. Arthur is even more so, this does not need to be officially canonized.

It is the title that really wants to be canonized! For example, Kai, he is a prince, but his knighthood is a knight, which means Kai has his own territory. The prince must have a knighthood, otherwise they have no official official status. This is also a chance for the heir to the throne to start forming his own team. It is also a ceremony to formally establish an heir.

For example, the eldest son of later British monarchs will be named "Duke of Cornwall", and the second son will be named "Duke of York." Theoretically, the eldest son of the monarch is the heir to the throne, but the United Kingdom does not have the title of "Prince Prince", and the title of the heir to the throne is "Prince of Wales" (Prince of Wales). But in addition, the monarch generally does not have only one son, so other princes must also be knighted.

Arthur was already an adult, and it should have been canonized long ago. But at that time Arthur was the only male heir under King Uther's knees, so there was no need to worry, and he kept dragging him, but now it is different. Kai's return requires the heir to the throne to be established as soon as possible.

Don't forget, Kay also has the right to succeed to the throne. Coupled with Kai's reputation and Ability are unassailable. If King Uther drags Arthur's canonization ceremony, this will cause the foundation of the kingdom to be unstable. In feudal society, inheritance is more important than anything else.

The knights need to understand who they will be loyal to. Otherwise, it is very likely that the heir is not clear, leading to the division of the kingdom.

Although King Uther is very relieved, this kind of thing can't be arrogant. This is not even the rule of King Uther's own will. In the two months since Kai came back, many nobles have verbally advised King Uther to establish his heir as soon as possible.

To put it simply, the canonization of Arthur is related to the stability of the entire kingdom, and it is not the turn of King Uther to be sentimental.


On the third night of Kay’s return, the canonization ceremony officially took place.

On this day, almost all the nobles of Camelot came to the palace. Their arrival is not just as simple as eating and drinking at the ceremony. It is also a very important political occasion. Here they first want to do it to Came. Lot's undisputed heir swears allegiance, followed by an important social event within the kingdom.

In this era of very low productivity, it is not easy for the nobles of the kingdom to gather together. Although they are all in the same kingdom, the distance between everyone is still quite far. There are no roads and cars, and the road is full of savages, robbers, beasts and monsters. The cost of communication is too high.

In order to gather the nobles of the entire kingdom, there are usually some very important occasions, such as the king's wedding, the king's enthronement, the death of the king, and the canonization of the prince.

Today, Kai’s eldest brother and sister-in-law are here. They came from the family territory with Kai. Kai received Morgana’s messenger before, so he left the army and rushed to Camelot, and they came back in Kai. Camelot arrived the next day.

Originally, Kay’s father should have personally attended this occasion, but unfortunately, Sir Eckert’s old waist can no longer support him to come to Camelot all the way back. Sir Eckert is older than him. King Uther was slightly older, and he was seriously injured on the battlefield before, and now his physical condition is much worse than that of King Uther.

Faced with the absence of his old friend, King Uther was disappointed for a long time. He hadn't seen Eckert for two years. He understands that as time goes by, the chances of meeting between them will become less and less. But for the arrival of Kai's eldest brother Eric, King Uther was still very enthusiastic.

Eric is Ackert's heir, and now Ackert sent him here, the meaning is very obvious.

Thinking of Eckert's approach, King Uther was happy, but also thought of himself. He felt that he was the right choice to canonize Arthur at this time, after all, he was not much younger than Eckert.

In the evening, everyone gathered in the palace hall. Under the witness of all the nobles in the kingdom, Arthur knelt before King Uther on one knee.

"Are you willing to swear an oath that you will rule the land of this kingdom and its people, and follow the customs and laws passed down by your ancestors?"

Arthur solemnly swore: "Ido, sire." (I do, Your Majesty)

"Will you swear to be fair and kind in words and deeds?"

"Ido, sire."

Speaking of this, King Uther placed a gold scepter horizontally in front of Arthur.

"Would you like to swear to Camelot to fulfill your life's duties?"

Arthur held the scepter in his hand and swore aloud, "I, Arthur Pendragon! Swear by my life, I will be loyal to the kingdom and protect the kingdom and its people!"

King Uther smiled and let go of the scepter and asked Arthur to hold the scepter in his hand, and then took a crown from Kay's hand.

"Now, starting now, you will create your own era."

King Uther placed the crown on Arthur's head and officially declared Arthur's title.

"I named you Prince Camelot in the name of the kingdom and ancestors."

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