The Last Dark King

Chapter 115 Who said that?

Latest website: Rhodes has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

[Justice Execution] has been stuck in a weak burning position for a long time, and he has not even ignited the fourth star.

Otherwise, in the non-constant burning state, the stars will continue to consume human nature, and the loss will be too great.

It's a bit unbearable to be human all the time.

He just wants to be fucked.

After careful preparation, the team hunting the evil spirits set off quickly.

The Corpse Wasteland is a large area in front of Sword Pass, and at its end is Liguang Fortress, one of the core strongholds of the inner defense circle.

The so-called defense circle is actually an extended line of defense established by human strongholds such as castles, fortresses, fortresses, and outposts. It relies on patrols and regular hunting to clean up monsters coming from the depths of darkness.

The defensive circle is divided into three layers: outer, middle and inner.

The outer defense circle represents the limit of what the royal city can control. It faces the darkness of desolation and resists the greatest threat.

The middle defense circle is the backbone of the entire defense line. A large number of patrols and battle groups will eliminate the vast majority of monsters arriving at this level.

The inner defense circle is at the end of the defense line and is responsible for cleaning up threats missed by the first two layers, including parts of the red clay plains, some cities and towns, and areas outside the royal city.

However, this still cannot guarantee the absolute safety of the hinterland of the kingdom.

Therefore, the Royal City has also set up a large number of defense zones. The defense zones headed by the guardians are responsible for the security of the area. The Royal City also regularly organizes cleaning or hunting teams to eliminate threats that appear on the red clay plains.

Sword Pass belongs to the seventh defense area, and the guardian is Jon. He is responsible for the middle part of the inner defense circle including Sword Pass, Dawn Fortress and Giant Fortress, as well as the southeastern area of ​​​​the Red Clay Plains.

Along the way, Heiyu, the leader of the hunting team, kept introducing them to the situation here.

He is a young seventh-level combatant, about 20 years old, tall and thin, very enthusiastic and talks a lot.

There were ten people in the team, five scouts and five combatants. They only brought peripheral vision and red tear stones, so the range of the light was only a few yards, and the black mist was within reach.

But everyone was not worried because they knew that Jianguan Fortress was nearby.

Soon, they arrived at the scheduled location.

"We separate here."

Blackfish said.

"Two people work in a team, with one psychic and one combatant. The evil spirits are spread over a wider area. This method is more efficient for us."

"This is the ghost bomb. Use it to call for help when you encounter danger. This is the astrolabe for positioning. Don't lose your way."

"Now, let's calibrate the time. It's one o'clock, three quarters and seven minutes of evening time. The hunting time is two o'clock. We must return to Jianguan Fortress before night time. Are there any questions?"

Everyone answered in unison: "No."

"Annabelle, Mia, Ian, and Rag, each of you will be assigned a combatant. Rod, you come with me."

Annabeth couldn't help but said: "Captain Blackfish, Rhodes is very fragile, you must protect him carefully."

Heiyu smiled and said: "Don't worry, your captains warned me in turn when we came out of the Sword Pass, and the guard chief also warned me. After all, I am a completely psychic person. Baby, he will not die even if I die."

Annabeth didn't believe in his strength: "Why don't I team up with Rhodes?"

She paused slightly and said.

"My characteristic is magic awakening."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's eyes turned around.

Heiyu was stunned for a moment and uttered two words: "Awesome, awesome. It seems that your combat level does not represent your strength, but in this case, you two psychics can come together, and we will have two Shimuxin It's empty."

He patted his chest and smiled.

"Don't worry, my characteristics are defensive barriers. I am a seventh-level combatant. I once went in and out of the Hill of the Dead with Lord Alan and killed countless enemies..."

A soldier shouted: "Don't brag! Your turtle shell was blown out. Lord Alan dragged a dozen of you wounded men through the Hill of the Dead before he rescued you."

Heiyu's face turned red and he said angrily: "What do you know? I helped Mr. Alan block several attacks. Without me, Mr. Alan might not have been able to come out so quickly."

"Yes, yes, captain, you are so brave."

"I once fought against a corrupted dragon. Do you know? That dragon was bigger than the entire Sword Pass."

"Forget it, you've told me a hundred times, does firing a shot two thousand yards away count as a battle?"

Heiyu said angrily: "If you belittle me again, I will be angry! What do you mean by two thousand yards? It's obviously only eighteen hundred yards!"

The soldiers all showed helpless expressions and remained silent.


Heiyu slapped his chest.

"I'm very reliable! Brother Rod's safety is all about me."

"Okay, okay, captain is invincible, captain is awesome, captain holds the torch high and leads us forward."

Heiyu nodded with satisfaction: "Let's go!"

Annabeth sighed and had no choice but to set off with the other warrior.

Rhodes also followed Heiyu toward the northeast.

Along the way, Blackfish constantly emphasized how strong, reliable, and proficient he was in combat skills, and instilled in Rhodes his superior war philosophy.

"My psychic strength is as high as 21 thousand moments, and my psychic level has reached 5. Whether in the academy or in the legion, I am the strongest in the same group and on the same team. You only need to boldly point out the location of the monster, and everything else will be done Leave it all to me.”

"Although I don't know your organizational numbers, I can see that you have been active in the safe zone and core area for a long time, and you don't know much about how we fight in outer areas."

"When you see a threat here, you must not rush forward hastily. You must approach it cautiously and follow Flor's principles to check whether there are traps nearby and whether there are other threats..."

"By the way, what's your preferred fighting style?"

Rhodes replied casually: "Steady."

Heiyu slapped his thigh: "That's right, you have to be steady! You have to have patience, perseverance and perseverance, because there are endless monsters to kill and threats are endless. You need to keep your edge and stab out at the critical moment..."

Rhodes hardly listened to him. He just wanted to hunt more monsters quickly, obtain more souls, make [Soul Firewood] as soon as possible, and increase the intensity of [Justice Enforcement].

The blank space on the invasion surface gave him a strange uneasy feeling.

Only stronger power and more trump cards can free him from this feeling.

Suddenly, Heiyu shouted: "Here we come! There is something nearby!"

Rhodes quickly turned around and saw a white spirit body.

It was about two people tall, with a head like a crushed mush, hands like slender scythes, and no legs.

Words quickly appeared on the Soul Eye.

"Raging Evil Spirit"

Rhodes knew that this was the true name fed back by the Eye of Soul based on its soul fluctuations.

There is no specific data about it under its real name, indicating that there is no record of it in the Soul Altar.

——These are the results of Rhodes' recent research on dreams.

Evil spirits were swimming in the air, making strange whining sounds.

Blackfish shouted: "Be careful, it's nearby, my badge is vibrating! These evil spirits are very difficult to deal with. The sickle in its hand does very high damage, and ordinary psychic defenses cannot withstand it. Its attacks are strange and difficult to deal with." Check, don’t approach it rashly, we’d better... what are you doing?”

Rhodes stomped his feet and rushed out in one stride.

The evil spirit was alarmed, roared, and rushed towards him.

The badge on Heiyu vibrated crazily, indicating that the evil spirit had been enraged.

He hurriedly opened the barrier, and the light and shadow of the barrier flashed across his body. He pulled out the knife, and powerful spiritual light flashed on the blade.

"Don't be afraid, Rhodes, I'm here to save you!"


Rhodes shot the evil spirit.

There is a huge hole in its soul, its protective spiritual power is incomplete, and there are flaws everywhere.

The soul-sealing bullet has a powerful psychic impact effect. Even if there is no flaw in the soul, it can force a flaw. If it directly hits the hole in the soul, it will instantly cause a huge freeze and pause effect.

The evil spirit was hit at its most vulnerable point. The spirit-sealing bullet hit the spirit body and shattered into powder. However, the powerful psychic impact effect had penetrated through the spiritual gap and penetrated into the hole of the soul. The entire spirit body caused a huge shock.


There was a strange muffled sound in the void, like a broken drum of the soul being hammered.

The evil spirit fell directly from the air, its spiritual energy was chaotic, and its entire spirit body was extremely unstable.

Rhodes raised his right hand, and a sickle-shaped moon hook appeared on the back of his hand. His right hand became transparent, and dazzling light steamed up.

"This, what is this? This feeling of soul oppression..."

Blackfish stopped in mid-air and looked at Rhodes' right hand in confusion.

"This is an attack on the soul... My soul is trembling, and its instinct threatens my soul. No, no, this feeling is that it is squeezing my existence..."


There was the same muffled sound again.

Blackfish saw Rhode's right hand thrust into the void, raised upwards as if he had grabbed something, and then jerked outwards.

An invisible roar echoed in the air.

Blackfish noticed the wail of the evil spirit.

A monster's soul is gone forever, and the condensed darkness is lifted into the void, returning to their origins.

The fine black ash dispersed, and a ball of pale ash fell to the ground.

Blackfish took two steps and picked up a lump of clot from the ashes.

It resembles a badge with crossed swords.

These are the ashes of evil spirits.

Blackfish looked at Rhodes, who was looking into the void, looking at something with joy.

He couldn't help but ask: "Is this what you call robust?"

Rhodes turned his head, and the good harvest put a clear smile on his face.

"Yes, only when the monster is dead can we gain absolute safety. Isn't this the greatest stability?"


Heiyu choked for a long time and did not speak.

According to this reason, his combat style is the least stable and the most risky.

"You absolutely must not do this!"

Blackfish said seriously.

"When you act outside, you must obey the captain's arrangements, and I am not only the captain, but also the strongest person. Although your strange soul attack is very strong, it must consume a lot of money. I guess you won't be able to use it a second time. Don't be brave, just point out the location and I'll kill you... It's coming again! My badge is vibrating!"

Rhodes quickly turned around, and sure enough he saw another evil spirit. He rushed forward with a quick stride.

The evil spirit was instantly enraged and rushed down towards the Rhodes, its spiritual energy gap and soul flaw becoming even larger.

These evil spirits seem to be born with imperfections, and their flaws will be magnified when provoked.

Rhodes hardly needed to aim, and with his current spiritual energy, the spirit gun was fully charged in less than a second.


The spirit-sealing bullet hit the evil spirit instantly.

Its whole body shook, as if a bomb had exploded inside the drum.

Its spiritual energy was torn apart, its spirit body trembled unsteadily, and fell from the air.

Rhodes concentrated again, and it only took three seconds to fill up the sickle-shaped emblem. With a sharp thrust of his translucent right hand, he directly pulled the entire evil spirit to pieces.

[The soul of the furious evil spirit]

Soulless Soul +17

This is also the benefit of using "Soul Crit". It seems to be the reason why the entire spirit body is torn apart, and he can directly obtain some soulless souls.

Based on the amount of soulless souls obtained, he can roughly infer which strength area the soul is in.

This should be a medium soul.

If you sacrifice it, you can get a spirit and about 400 soulless souls.

The harvest is good, but the key is that the skin is thin and the filling is large, making hunting easy.

Rhodes was extremely happy. Even if he couldn't find a powerful soul, hunting more than a hundred such evil spirits would be enough to make [Soul Firewood].

Heiyu walked up, his expression a little dull.

"Why is your gun so powerful?"

Rhodes smiled and said: "Because my bullets are extraordinary."

"How many more times can you use your soul attack?"

"Hmm... about fifty times. It seems that the strength of the monster's soul is different, and the spiritual energy consumed is also different. The soul of the evil spirit is too brittle, like paper."

Blackfish's eyes bulged out.

"Who the hell said you were fragile? Huh?"

( = )

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