The Last Dark King

Chapter 126 Indescribable

Latest website: Rhodes arrived at the top of the fortress surrounded by everyone. Every soldier hugged them. Then, Egg turned into white smoke, wrapped the two of them, and plunged into the darkness.

Thick black fog rushed towards my face, and the dim light around my waist could only dispel the darkness around me.

When the shining fortress disappeared into the vast darkness, Rhodes felt like he was far away from heaven and fell into the abyss.

Bach used an astrolabe to determine the direction. This magical crystal compass ensured that they would not get lost in the endless darkness.

Egg wrapped them around like a white cloud and flew deep into the corpse wasteland.

In the originally empty wasteland, monsters emerging from the black tide can now be seen everywhere. Most of them are mainly soul demons and ghouls. Their eyes are glowing red and they are rushing in all directions in a chaotic manner.

They didn't react to the three people passing by from above.

But the air is not absolutely safe. There are flying blade demons, wandering evil spirits, and some strange unknown monsters.

Rhodes tried his best to direct Egger to avoid them. The too frequent changes of direction made Egger, who couldn't see anything, a little dissatisfied.

"Hey, my flying spirit consumes a lot of energy."

Rhodes hesitated and asked, "Shall we kill him?"

Bach shook his head and said briefly: "Hunting, not eradication, hide yourself."

Rhodes didn't quite understand this sentence until he raised his head and saw an extremely mammoth being passing through the cone of light in his line of sight above the thick black fog.

His vision went dark, and Bach covered his eyes.

"No, look at the sky... if it's too high, you'll go blind."

Rhodes lowered his head, and Bach's cold hand was removed from his eyes.

Only then did Rhodes feel that he was crying, his eyes were stinging, and something was twitching in his spirit.

A feeling of fear arose in his heart. If he looked at it for a few more seconds, he might really be blind.

"What on earth is this?" Rhodes couldn't help but ask.

Bach shook his head and kept his words brief.

"In the darkness, there are unspeakable horrors. Don't explore them or get close to them, otherwise, misfortune will come."

An incomprehensible fear rose in his heart. The confidence and dreams built up by a series of victories during this period were suddenly shattered. Rhodes felt that his understanding of the world was only on the surface, extremely superficial.

He thought of a lot at once and couldn't help but ask: "Have you ever encountered this kind of existence? Have you... ever defeated it?"

Bach stared at the astrolabe and was silent for a while before replying: "What you said, I don't know. We have defeated many extremely powerful enemies, but we have never encountered the unknown existence deep in the true darkness."

Egger couldn't help but interjected: "There have been several major ruptures in the history of Trolian. For the latest major rupture, many scholars believe that the royal city at that time expanded too rapidly and touched the indescribable things in the darkness. existed, thereby causing the mass extinction.”

Rhodes felt unbelievable: "Can it develop even if it becomes extinct?"

"It is said that the fire of civilization was preserved. The remaining humans hid the holy fire underground. After the disaster passed, the holy fire was rekindled. It took hundreds of years to rise again, but many precious historical materials in the big library were also lost. , making it difficult for us to clearly understand the history of earlier times.”

Rhodes asked in confusion: "If the fire of human civilization is so fragile, then what are we working so hard to protect?"

Egger smiled and said: "Of course it is to protect ourselves, to protect our beliefs, our home, our relatives and friends, everything we love, existence itself is the meaning, we don't have to keep looking back, the withered flowers cannot bloom again , but the flowers left behind bloom in hundreds of ways.”

Bach also showed a rare smile: "Our fire will never go out."

"That's right." Iger shouted: "We will definitely succeed in this mission. We will kill the evil spirits, block the black tide, return to the royal city, and grow taller!"

Rhodes breathed out.

Fortunately, your wish is just to grow taller, not to go back to your hometown and get married.

It should be stable this time.

Not long after, Egg wrapped the two of them and landed at the foot of a hill.

"is it here?"

Egg took a look at the hill. There was nothing on it.

Bach shook his head.


He walked around the hill and soon found a narrow passage.


He only said one word and took the lead to get in.

The corridor was pitch black, with rotten black floc covering every place.

All three of them turned on their spiritual vision and quickly walked deeper into the area under the leadership of Bach.

The silence oppressed the eardrums. The deeper he went, the more wreckage he saw. Most of them had been extremely corrupted and had only remained normal over the years. Any slight disturbance would quickly cause them to collapse.

This is not like a man-made grave, but like a nest dug by some kind of wild beast, and these remains are the remains of its eaten corpses.

There were more and more wreckage, and a large number of broken armors appeared. They didn't have much decay in the black mist, and their original appearance could still be barely seen.

Most of these armors were made of brass, with simple and heavy shapes. The damaged areas were full of claws and gnawing marks. The corpses inside had already turned into black floc, flowing out with their footsteps and collapsing to the ground.

Rhodes couldn't help but ask: "Are they the Twilight Legion?"

Bach nodded silently.

"How many years ago was this? Why don't we have this legion now? Has their establishment been cancelled?"

Egg replied: "They are the legions of the Third Era and have nothing to do with us."

"What is the Third Age?"

Egg glanced at him strangely:

"The Third Age is the Age of Fire. Legend has it that in this era, the light of fire shines in all directions, and human cities are spread all over the earth. Brave warriors hunt monsters in the darkness. Darkness can only occupy remote areas and a small continent. But I don’t know why it was destroyed later.”

"What era are we in?"

"The Fourth Era, the era of the demise of the Fire Lord, is also called the Dark Era. Humanity has only a limited number of Fire King cities left. The Holy Fire cannot even shine outside the King's City. Darkness spreads across the land, and monsters and demons are rampant. We can only Huddle behind the thick city walls and survive under the protection of the sacred fire. According to our calendar, this is the .asxs. of the Teslevian Gregorian calendar."



The weight of history is overwhelming. The corpses here existed more than a thousand years ago.

If we follow common sense, they should have been a pile of bones long ago, and their armor should have been corroded into slag.

This is obviously the influence of the black fog.

Rhodes couldn't help but ask: "Where are the first and second eras?"

Egger replied calmly:

"The First Era is a conceptual era. We generally call it the Era of Chaos. Everything at that time was chaos. It was the era before the emergence of civilization."

"The Second Era is called the Era of the Gods. It is an era where gods and mortals exist together in legend. It is said to be an era where there is no black mist. It has been so long ago that the age cannot be verified. A group of people in the royal city specialize in studying this era. But I don’t know very well.”

Rhodes asked again: "Then do we know where the black mist comes from?"

Egger smiled bitterly and said: "The entire Jianguan can be filled with academic materials derived from this topic. I can only tell you that this mist full of evil and curses came out of nowhere. It suddenly appeared one day. Appeared and enveloped the entire world. Monsters survived and grew up in the black mist. People gradually lost their minds and turned into monsters in the black mist. The same goes for other creatures."

"Only fire can dispel it."

He touched the lamp with residual light on his waist and added.

"And the power derived from fire."

Rhodes asked: "Then where do our current animals and plants come from? I heard that we also have the City of Beasts, the City of Wood, the City of Mushrooms and so on."

Egger said dissatisfied: "Why do you have so many strange questions?"

“Some of it is preserved seeds.”

Bach gave a rare answer to Rod's question.

"Part of it is derived from the remains we found and put into the Holy White Tree."

Rhodes was surprised: "The Holy White Tree still has such a function?"

Egger showed a proud smile:

"You don't know much. If you have time, go to the Uptown Botanical Garden and take a look. You will know why it is called the Tree of Life."

He was a little less vigilant. After all, he walked for a long time and found nothing unusual. Even Rhodes couldn't help but wonder if the higher evil spirit had already escaped.

Suddenly, Bach raised a hand to block them.

"What's wrong?"

Rhodes became vigilant for a moment and scanned around with his soul eyes, but still found nothing unusual.

Bach said calmly: "I smell decay, death, taboo and devouring, it's just ahead."

This was the first time that Rhodes met someone whose nose was more sensitive than his eyes.

"what should we do?"

Bach put it succinctly: "My characteristics have reached the Six Fireworks, and I can use a very powerful blow."

"If we kill it, Iger will drag us away and return to Jianguan."

"If not killed, Rhodes uses the psychic cannon."

After saying that, he closed his mouth.

Rhodes felt something was wrong, and when he was about to ask, Egger suddenly interrupted and asked:

"Mr. Bach, your very powerful blow must have a price, right?"

Bach glanced at him and replied calmly: "My characteristics will go down a level."

Egger breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay."

Bach continued to move forward, and Rhodes had to follow behind.

There were more and more corpses, and the space was getting larger and larger. The smell of decay went straight to their noses. The sound of crashing continued to appear with their steps. Piles of corpses collapsed, and the armor was scattered on the ground.

Suddenly, Bach stopped.

"It's a ghoul."

"What?" Rhodes looked around, but saw nothing unusual.

The physical isolation in the passage was so thick that he couldn't see very far.

"Stinky, greedy, and ancient. It digs up the corpses of the Dusk Knights and devours them here. It has been going on for hundreds, even thousands of years."

Rhodes and Egg both became nervous: "Isn't our enemy a high-level evil spirit?"

"Yes, a high-level evil spirit is being born from the body of the ghoul. The ghoul has eaten countless corpses and has also gathered the remaining resentful spirits of countless knights. They are gathering and breeding in the body of the ghoul. After many transformations, he has become a powerful high-level evil spirit."

"It is about to break apart and be born."

Egger was shocked: "What should we do? Should we kill it quickly?"

Bach didn't answer.

He continued to walk forward, but his steps were much more cautious, and his nostrils kept twitching, as if he was smelling the smell in the air.

"Remorse, resentment, hatred, apart from hatred, there is only devouring and killing."

"A very strong spirit-eating field. It has a special connection with the evil spirits in the wasteland. It is devouring their souls."

Rhodes suddenly thought that when he was hunting evil spirits in the wasteland, they had very few souls and their spiritual bodies were full of holes.

At that time, I thought it was natural, but I didn't expect that it had been eroded.

Bach continues: "Its metamorphosis is driven by it, hunting for it fresh living creatures and souls."

Rhodes instantly thought of his experience of killing powerful monsters twice but not getting souls.

Was it its body?

Such a powerful monster turned out to be just its body?

Bach's tone became anxious for the first time:

"We have to hurry up, a shell of it is returning, its spirit smelling of hunger and impatience."

He quickened his pace, and spiritual energy rose from his body and gathered quickly.

Rhodes and Egg followed him nervously. Suddenly, there was a light movement under their feet, and the entire ground collapsed. Countless corpses and broken armor collapsed into pieces underground.

In Rhode's sight, he saw an unprecedentedly huge spirit body.


Sorry for being late. The long plot of Jianguan will be finished soon. My manuscript is about to be picked up, so I will update it quickly.

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