The Last Dark King

Chapter 197 The king wants to see you

Latest website: The investigation team is composed of three parties: the Military War Department, the Internal Affairs Adjudication Office, and the Royal City Tribunal. Its main purpose is to find out everything that happened after Theodore fought with the giant snake in Laisuo City.

From the perspective of the royal city, the process was very analogous. After the big snake was repulsed, Theodore disappeared. When he returned to sight again, Rhodes had obtained the soul ripples, but he was neither alive nor dead. corpse.

What exactly happened during this period, and whether Theodore confessed anything, is what the investigation team is eager to know.

In view of Rhodes' almost heroic performance in this battle, the investigation team chose the villa where he was staying as the location of the investigation with great respect.

The leader was a fat man with a round face, Zhang Bai, the second defense minister of the Military War Department.

He smiled kindly and spoke politely. He never interrupted Rhodes's statement. He was also very careful when asking questions and trying to reduce the suspicion in them.

But because the process was too bizarre, Zhang Bai really couldn't control it.

For example, why would he leave the lighthouse and act independently instead of waiting for rescue or returning to the unit?

For example, Theodore was seriously injured and corrupted, so how did he suddenly improve?

After he got better, why didn't he reply to Wang Cheng, but took him to act alone? How did they find another entrance to the abyss? Why not call for assistance, and countless other questions.

Rhodes is really hard to explain.

He cannot reveal anything about the dream, which makes the whole process jumpy.

Especially the "Tears of the Goddess" that can cure the poisonous snake.

This is a dream creation, and its effect is very miraculous. There is no such potion in the royal city at all.

Theodore woke up from his coma after taking it. He eliminated nearby threats, entered the abyss rift that he had accidentally discovered before, and after killing the abyss troll, he discovered the spatial kink connected to the Serpent Abyss.

When he tried to kill the big snake again, he failed, and that's what happened next.

But what Rhode was most worried about was his killing of Theodore, but no one questioned it.

The higher-ups knew very well that Theodore's soul had been deeply corrupted. His life had been barely maintained. If the war had not been critical, he would not have been dispatched at all.

Of course, the details about the dream were concealed. It was said that Theodore gave him most of the soul ripples, and then he could not bear the consumption of the spell and died.

There is no need to change anything after this. Most of the details have been figured out by the Military War Department.

Rhodes just had to do his best to plug the previous loopholes.

If it really can't be made up for, I will pass it on to "the great Theodore" and "magical spells".

This method worked wonders, and most people in the investigation team accepted his statement.

Except for one person.

Grand Inquisitor Manolo Bana.

This extremely disgusting guy was reported by Raistlin and others because he was suspected of being involved with the doomsday cultists.

But he actually withstood the investigation and was reinstated. He was also selected into the investigation team for unknown reasons.

He was exactly the same as before, picking on Rhodes and hinting that Rhodes was a doomsday cultist. He murdered Theodore and defrauded Theodore's soul ripples to gain merit for himself.

Rhodes couldn't believe it. Why would there be such a stupid person?

If you are a doomsday believer, aren't you afraid of being exposed by dancing like this? If you're not a doomsday believer, then why are you? For your master Jon?

But Jon has already extended an olive branch to me, why are you still biting me like a dog?

What's worse is that this kind of person has not yet fallen.

Fortunately, his opinion was not adopted by Zhang Bai.

Zhang Bo believed Rhode's words and prepared to write it into the dossier as the most important branch of the entire battle, and finally sealed it in the Trorian Museum of Literature and History, becoming a part of human history.

The inquiry was completed without incident, and then there was a discussion of merit.

Rhodes undoubtedly played an extremely important role, enough to be called a "hero".

The only point of contention is whether the merits performed while Theodore was possessed should be credited to Rhodes or to the late Theodore.

If it is calculated to Rhodes, how much should it be calculated?

In this regard, Manolo Bana raised sharp objections.

"It would be the greatest stain on Trorian history if the deeds of a true hero could be stolen by thieves."

"He didn't do anything, he just happened to appear there. Anyone who appears there would have the same result. He has no merit. Instead, he should be held accountable for using Lord Theodore's soul ripples to maliciously harass female warriors."

This sounds reasonable, but it is not the case at all.

But Rhodes couldn't tell this fact.

But this achievement is very important to him.

In the royal city's system, as long as he has enough merit, he can serve as captain, regiment leader, commander-in-chief of the major legions, or become a commander at all levels.

In this case, wouldn't many things be much easier to handle?

Wangcheng's core criterion for judging whether a person can serve as a leader is past "qualifications." What you have done in the past and what your brilliant achievements are are the most important.

Whether you are a student or not, or how old you are, are not considered.

Not only that, such a great achievement can also bring him countless honors, obtain more rewards, help him get promoted faster, and eliminate the negative impact of Gregorian fruit as soon as possible.

There is a disgusting guy making trouble here at such an important starting point in life.

Rhode's face turned cold, and he said in a cold voice: "Lord Manolo Bana, I don't know what kind of mentality you have in saying such a thing, but in your words, I seem to be outing in the wild in the warm spring. I just happened to encounter all this and got such a big advantage for nothing, right?"

Manolo Bana asked coldly: "Isn't it?"

Rhodes sneered and said, "It's hard to understand your hatred for me. Could it be that I met your half-dressed mother on an outing like this, picked up a big piece of fat, and then gave birth to you?"


The invisible impact exploded in front of Rhodes' eyes, and was blocked by the invisible wall.

Zhang Bai looked at the livid Manolo Bana with warning eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Lord Gula, please pay attention to your identity. Your doubts have exceeded the necessary limit."

Rhodes sneered and said: "According to your understanding, does this mean that I hit your pain points and you are so angry that you want to kill people and silence them? Or are you a doomsday cultist who wants to murder the rising stars of mankind?"

Zhang Bai also looked at Rhodes with a warning look: "Shut up and stop making trouble!"

Manolo Bana's face was as blue as iron. He stood up and walked away, leaving only one sentence.

"No matter what he says, I firmly oppose his inclusion in the first-class merit list. This man is a cancer on mankind, and he will eventually destroy us."

Rhodes replied dully: "If such a day comes, I will kill your whole family first."

Manolo Bana did not answer and left quickly.

Zhang Bai looked at Rhodes with a reproachful look and scolded: "How can you talk like this? If you don't have so many achievements, just this sentence, you will be investigated, do you know?"

Rhodes smiled and said: "Master Zhang Bai, this guy is already unreasonable. You don't know that he has been targeting me from the beginning, as if I had betrayed his whole family..."

"Uh, cough, cough, cough!" There was a sudden cough.

Zhang Bai scolded: "Be civilized! After all, you are the chief adjudicator, you must have basic respect! In addition, I have received a report from Grand Leader Shilin. You did have the behavior of repeatedly touching the other party's parts that are not suitable for contact. Discipline The committee decided to fine you one hundred silver ropes and impose a day of cleaning the sewers.”

Rhodes' face suddenly fell: "Isn't it a bit unreasonable for you to ask a warrior who has returned from a bloody battle to clean the sewers? Can't you let her touch it back?"

Zhang Bai patted him on the shoulder and said sincerely:

"It doesn't matter if the young man has to suffer a little more. Besides, we also know that you are good at cleaning sewers. The 'Big Blight' hunter of the hunter group is known as the king of the sewers in the north and south, and Shilin is the most beautiful girl in Jinworth's 13th class. We How many people want to touch but are not so lucky..."

His words were interrupted by a series of coughs, and if he continued speaking, they would all become perverts.

Rhodes was originally full of grand plans related to the ancient gods, but suddenly he was thrown back into the sewer, which was a bit hard to accept.

What made him most unhappy was that the King of the North and South Sewers suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Is there anyone still fighting for this thing?

Moreover, isn't "Big Blight" my hunter title? You don’t know yet?

I was actually tied with myself... Rhodes didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Afterwards, they briefly discussed some details, and after Manolobana left, the atmosphere became much more relaxed and pleasant.

Everyone discussed the details and possibilities of the battle in a friendly manner, lamenting that this victory was hard-won.

In the end, Zhang Bai promised to try to get the best interests for him and advised him to choose a partner as soon as possible. If he didn't have a partner, Wang Cheng could provide one.

Is there such a thing?

Wang Cheng is also responsible for finding wives? Can you send Miss Qingyu to me?

Of course, he wisely did not mention it, because if he did, it would only send him to Qingyu and become one of her one hundred and thirty-two husbands.

This is definitely impossible. If you can't get married, forget it. Rhodes has no interest in the prairie.

In this way, the questioning ended in a relatively joyful atmosphere.

But the matter was not over. Zhang Bai told him before leaving:

"The king wants to see you."

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