The Last Dark King

Chapter 425: Guardian Hall

The latest website: Holy Fire Sacrifice Site.

Wang clearly felt the special spiritual energy fluctuations, the new breath that broke out of the cocoon, which made him intoxicated and unwilling to wake up for a long time.

This was the king's happiest moment.

Every new guardian carries Trorian's hope.

Watching them appear is as satisfying as watching the sun rise.

The king was very happy.

So much so that he missed the words of the chief priest Megan. The first elder Armando coughed three times before he came back to his senses.

"Okay, okay, Armando, you don't have to cough anymore. Every time your throat rolls, I feel like your lungs are going to burst out."

Displeasure was written in every wrinkle on Armando's face.

"Your Majesty, you should be more attentive. This is a major event for the kingdom. The Seventh Exploration Team has returned. They traveled 4,000 yards eastward and found no trace of any living human beings. The Eastern theory of the Rose School is bankrupt. This suggests that we are facing what could very well be the worst case scenario - Trorian is the last of the human kingdoms."

He paused and said in a very heavy tone.

"So, Your Majesty, this is not only a major event for the kingdom, but a major event for mankind."

Meghan, the chief priest, said softly: "Yes, Your Majesty, we are the last human beings. If we perish, there will no longer be a trace of fire in this world, and it will become a world of absolute darkness, and everything will perish in deathly silence."

Wang's face darkened and he took a long time to speak.

"Not necessarily. There are still several theories of Liguang Element School that have not been confirmed. We are far from the end of the four lands, and the foggy ocean has not reached the other side. How can we conclude that humankind has perished? Goindo, the Mountain of the World What is on the other side? What is on the other side of the Cursed Erosion Rift Valley? No one knows. The answer to all this will not be revealed until the completion of the World Clock."

Megan raised his head. His eyes were huge, gray and silvery-white, as if they had a film on them. Many people would be frightened when they saw his eyes.

The king didn't like it either, because it represented a curse, a curse for mankind.

"my king."

He bowed respectfully and slowly.

"It's time to use the power of Stone City. Kalil's secret troops are already hungry and thirsty. Just a secret branch of Jinworth cannot soothe their restless hearts. Kalil's instructors and researchers are very Eager to see how powerful their carefully crafted warriors can be.”

Wang pondered and did not agree immediately.

He knew very well what an evil force Khalil's secret laboratory under Stone City was. Its inheritance originated from ancient times and was created by unknown beings. It was powerful, twisted, and terrifying.

In comparison, the monsters and taboos under the Silver Oath can be called sunny, and the application of it by doomsday cultists is not even superficial.

However, once this magic box is opened, it is very difficult to close it again.

Even during Trollian's most difficult times, the king did not release the true Taboo of Kalil.

But now, the situation is different.

The Holy Fire Project has reached its most critical moment. They have overcome countless hardships and climbed countless mountains, and only this last step is needed to complete the plan.

Once the Holy Fire of Tasnia's Star City is obtained, it means that Trorian has two Holy Fires as never before. Their Holy Fire can eliminate the danger of collapse, break through the limits, and become stronger than ever.

All the existence of Trolian is based on the Holy Fire, and because of this, the kings of the past and the top of Trolian have desperately added phlogiston and firewood to the Holy Fire.

This has become their belief and goal. The stronger the Holy Fire, the stronger Trorian will be.

This is everyone's understanding.

It wasn't until a few years after the king took office that he discovered something strange about the Holy Fire. A few more years later, he realized that the power of the Holy Fire had greatly exceeded its limit and was on the verge of collapse.

At that time, the best way is to immediately reduce the intensity of the holy fire and shrink its power back to a safe level.

However, Trorian and the Royal City, which had developed with the help of the powerful Holy Fire, could not be reduced back.

If this is done forcefully, it will mean the collapse of the existing system, tens of millions of people will die, and hundreds of years of human development will be destroyed.

No one wants to see this.

The elders are not willing either, but they do not have the will of the king and dare not use such risky behavior as the Holy Fire Plan. If they are given a choice, they will definitely choose to give up, even if mankind may be devastated.

However, when they saw the hope of success, they were even more unable to give up.

After going through countless hardships, Trorian finally arrived in front of the Star City. Victory was already in front of him. Just like the last day of Hanukkah, the dawn was right in front of him. How could he fail?

The elders know very well that the powerful holy fire will bring powerful power to human beings. Under the influence of the holy fire, the trial of fire will ignite more people's souls, and everyone's practice will become easier and smoother, which will improve their characteristics. The training and development of fire will also become easier, the success rate of psychic promotion rituals will be higher, and fewer supplies will be required.

In short, if we can successfully seize Star City's Holy Fire, we can not only avoid the fate of Trorian's decline, but also usher in a brighter future.

That's why the elders proposed to the king to use their trump card - Khalil's secret army.

After the disaster five years ago, the king ordered the sealing of Khalil's secret laboratory located under the royal city, suspending the direct activities of most of Khalil's secret forces until Khalil could come up with a plan to completely control the risks. method.

Five years have passed, and a solution that completely satisfies Wang Cheng has not emerged, and several alternative plans are not so reassuring.

Kalil's secret laboratory has been fruitful in terms of research results. Kalil's soul masters are very satisfied with their creations, and Kalil's instructors and researchers are even more eager to see what they have done. Power on the battlefield.

They hit it off with the elders right away, and that's how we got to this point.


Wang looked directly into his silver-grey eyes.

"I know that you are the real person behind Kalil. I really can't agree with your concept of treating souls and life."

Megan bowed slightly: "My king, in this era of human decline, strength is the foundation of everything. Mercy is the patent of the strong, but we don't have it."

Wang said calmly: "It is of course not advisable to be blindly merciful, but we still have to have a bottom line, otherwise humans will die from civil strife before monsters break through the city."

Armando said in a slow but firm tone: "I will not let this happen. The meaning of the existence of the Elders is this. Humanity can decline and even perish, but it must not be destroyed by civil strife."

Wang nodded slightly.

"I believe you will do it, Armando, but I think it is not the time to use the Kalil stealth force yet. Since this year, we have given birth to five new guardians, and five more have already The strength of the guardian is waiting for the psychic promotion ceremony, and there is also a new star walking in the direction of the Son of Fire from the guardian. "

The chrysanthemums on Armando's face bloomed: "Yes, this has been rare for many years. Although our situation is becoming increasingly severe, there is quite a revival in the new generation."

He paused slightly for a moment, and then spoke in a low and hoarse voice.

"If we can obtain this Holy Fire Seed, humanity may really be able to revive."

Megan looked at Wang with his gray silver eyes and said softly: "The battle of Star City will be an unprecedentedly harsh battle. Wang, you don't want these new stars who will become the pillars of mankind to perish, right? "

Wang's face suddenly became a little gloomy.

"If such a misfortune occurs, I will mourn for them, but there is no way around it. A sapling that has not experienced wind and rain cannot grow into a big tree."

Megan said in an unusually calm voice: "My king, Khalil's power can be reused and created. The scrapping of consumables means that we have taken another step closer to the truth. The theory needs to be verified. We It can also become hope, and it can withstand some of the wind and rain for those true geniuses, even if one person dies less, it is still worth it.”

Wang was silent.

For a long time, he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly he sighed softly and said.

"Okay, I agree. From now on, the seals on Khalil's secret laboratory and Khalil's secret troops will be lifted. Any of their forces will join the battle as a normal battle sequence and enjoy normal Combat treatment, with the same combat level as others.”

A weak smile appeared on Megan's face, he bent down deeply and said in a hoarse voice.

"My king, you will not regret your wise decision, I promise."

He turned around and left, his hunched back like a dying old man.

However, both the king and the elders knew that twenty-five years ago, he was the most powerful among the seven Sons of Fire.

It was him who truly developed today's Kalil. It can be said that he is the creator of the current Kalil Hidden Laboratory and Kalil's Hidden Force.

As a result, he suffered a terrible curse, abdicated from the Son of Fire, and became the High Priest of Trorian.

"Hopefully I made the right decision."

Wang looked at his back and murmured.

"Armando, prepare for the guardian's enthronement ceremony. Rhodes happens to be the third new guardian. They will officially join the battle order of Star City."

There was a strange light shining in Armando's eyes, which was an indescribable expectation.

He bent deeply.

"Yes, my lord, may the holy fire be with you forever."



Temple of Fire.

Rhodes got familiar with the new psionic levels at the training ground. After truly mastering level 11 psionic powers, the power of all his attacks exceeded the upper limit of the crystal.

This surprised Rhodes. In terms of absolute spiritual power, he only improved by about a quarter.

But the strength seems to have increased several times.

Even when he was concentrating on using Soul Strike, he slashed the force-receiving crystal used for testing with one sword.

The excessive force even broke through the underlying psychic protective field of the training ground. The psychic generator was instantly overloaded and burned out, and all psychic circuits collapsed.

This caused heavy losses to the training ground, and it was initially estimated that the direct loss would exceed 800,000 silver cords.

Even though Rhodes was wealthy now, this figure still made him feel a little hurt, so he asked the person in charge of the training ground to send the bill to Fanxing Town and asked Molly to pay him back using Fanxing Town's finances.

However, the training ground cannot be used at this time. Although Rhodes only destroyed part of it, the person in charge of the training ground refused him to destroy the other part.

Just when Rhodes felt quite bored and was about to find Dalin to go to Starry Sky City, First Elder Armando, Guardian Qingyu, and Guardian Churchill found him together.

Armando said seriously: "Rhode, come with me."

"No, I just chopped up a few crystals. As for launching such a big battle?"

Qingyu on the side smiled and said: "Rhode, congratulations on becoming a first-level combatant. From now on, you will be the guardian of Trolian. I didn't expect that we would be able to stand side by side so soon. You really lived up to my expectations.”

Churcher patted Rhodes on the shoulder with his big hand like a leaf fan and laughed loudly: "Brother Rhodes, I never expected that you could fight alongside me so quickly. When we were in Fanxing Town, you were just A little kid, in a blink of an eye, he is already on the same level as me. He is indeed our new star! I am very much looking forward to the scene where we fight together.”

Rhodes also came to his senses. They obviously did not come because of the losses at the training ground. Although 800,000 silver cords was a lot, it was only for regular personnel.

For a character of the Guardian level, it is impossible to measure it with a silver cord.

"What are we going to do?"

Qingyu came closer, and the smile on her beautiful face flashed across his face like a flash of light.

"It is to complete the guardian's enthronement ceremony. You will be given everything as a guardian together with other new guardians."

Rhodes asked curiously: "Am I a guardian now?"

Churchill patted his back hard again: "Of course! Unless there are special circumstances, all first-level combatants will serve as guardians."

"But isn't the guardian the strongest and highest-ranking person in a defense zone? Do we have so many defense zones?"

Churchill smiled and said: "Those without defense zones are called Freedom Guardians."

Qingyu said seriously: "Rhodes will not be without a defense zone. Fanxing Town is his defense zone."

Rhodes was both happy and a little anxious: "If I protect Fanxing Town... what about the battle in Starry Sky City?"

Churchill laughed and said: "The guardian does not have to stay in his defense zone all the time. Many times, they will leave the defense zone to fight, just like us. Of course, when there is an emergency in the defense zone, we will also Prioritize rushing back to the defense area to deal with the threat.”

Rhode's heart dropped, and he realized that there were "other new guardians" in Qingyu's words just now.

"Has anyone else been promoted to Guardian?" Rhodes asked curiously.

"Of course." Qingyu nodded: "Including you, there are a total of five new guardians this year, the most in the past twenty years. Of the five promoted, four are rising stars, except for one who is in Apart from those who were promoted at the beginning of the year, the remaining three all became guardians within the past two months."

There are actually five new guardians!

I'm not the only one!

Rhodes' heart was racing and he couldn't help but imagine what the other new guardians would be like.

The three of them walked up the steps of the palace.

On the way, Qingyu and Qiuqier kept explaining to him the duties and responsibilities of the guardian.

Until Armando pushed open a bronze door.


"The Guardian Hall has arrived."

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