The Last Dark King

Chapter 778 Moving forward

Chapter 780 Moving forward (second update)

After that, there were no longer any obstacles to human advancement. Although the black mist symbionts continued to appear, they could only be crushed if they could not form a numerical advantage.

After [Spirit Boat] is integrated with pure star essence, the portal can be opened once a day. Each time Rhodes will take out the Book of Knowledge, activate all nearby black mist symbionts, and throw them into the king's furnace.

In this way, the Black Mist Symbiote will never be able to accumulate a numerical advantage.

The main army successfully crossed the Broken Mountains, officially entered the Saint Reyer area, and began to regain this fallen human kingdom.

This process went very smoothly. There are nearly 30 million Saint Rael people in Trolian, and there are nearly half a million warriors born in Saint Rael. In addition to the two kings Percival and Ifra, there are also Lance, Sharo and hundreds of others.

Under their guidance, Trorian quickly occupied the major strongholds of San Real and restarted various mines, mines and other resource points.

The Knights of the Sun and the Knights of the Moon, who have been operating in Saint Rey for a long time, also successfully reunited with the large army. The Sun Knight Kai and the Moon Knight Olivia brought first-hand information after the fall.

With it, the Legion's operations became smoother.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, Saint Rey's huge legacy was quickly taken over by Trorian.

Countless supplies were sent to the royal city.

The production scale of the three major elements expanded rapidly, more light stones were refined into formations, star source rituals and star marrow refining furnaces were built, countless resources were consumed, and the three major elements that shine with the brilliance of the soul were continuously created. come out.

It won't be long before we can start considering candidates for the next spiritual ascension ceremony.

In addition to these three top-level elements, the regular material needs have been completely met. The only gap is the spiritual grass, whose production has not yet increased.

However, Rhodes told Wang Cheng that he would be able to provide a huge amount of spiritual herbs in a short time and there would be no need to worry about potions.

With Rhodes' guarantee, Wangcheng no longer had any scruples and allowed unlimited supply.

With the sufficient supply of materials, the entire Trolian has a brand new feeling, and both fighting and training have become extremely smooth.

Percival excitedly believes that before this year's Hanukkah, Trorian's combat effectiveness can reach another level.

Rhodes is also full of expectations. He has already foreseen the huge amount of divinity he is about to obtain.

The Book of Knowledge was so excited that it even forgot the tragedy of being pulled out as a lure every day.

"Master, if you continue like this, you will soon become a true master of dreams!"

"Really? I'm going to surpass my predecessor so soon."

Rhodes smiled happily, but felt a little sad when he saw the obelisk.

During this time, he has been fighting on the front lines while awakening the stars every day.

With his current strength, there is no difficulty in awakening most stars, and the awakening process is uneventful.

In the past few days, he has successively completed the awakening of [Red Tears], [Blank], and [Blood Pact Revival].

【Brilliant Red Tears】

[Status: Origin]

[Position: Sea of ​​Origin]

[Star Energy: Soul Strengthening]

[Star Soul: Red Tears]

[Strength: 40 million]

[Source: 4]

[Description: Some people are born after death. 】


[Soul Strengthening]: Permanently strengthens the power of the soul, making it more resilient.

[Red Tears]: The soul has the protective ability of red tear stones.



[Status: Origin]

[Position: Sea of ​​Origin]

[Star Energy: Domain of Sky]

[Star Soul: White Domain]

[Strength: 30 million]

[Source: 3]

[Description: I held the torch high in the polar night and walked into the birch forest where she left. 】


[Field of Empty]: Open the realm of emptiness to maintain the soul in its strongest state. Unless it dies, it will not be weakened in any way.

[White Domain]: Open the White Domain to maintain the spiritual energy at its strongest state. It will not be weakened in any way unless it is exhausted.


【Blood Pact Revival】

[Status: Origin]

[Position: Sea of ​​Origin]

[Star Energy: Blood Royal Court]

[Star Soul: Blood Resurrection]

[Strength: 40 million]

[Source: 4]

[Description: Until the thorns pierce your bones and flesh, greedy for your blood, you are still moving forward. 】


[Blood Court]: Trace the power of blood, open the Blood Court, and greatly improve your flesh and blood power and resistance. Any creature in the Blood Court will be protected by you.

[Blood Revival]: Permanently greatly improves your life strength and your life recovery speed.


The increased soul strength of these three stars is negligible, but their abilities are very powerful.

[Red Tears] permanently strengthened Rhodes' soul toughness. Now, he can extract more spiritual energy from his soul and can withstand greater damage.

Moreover, his soul also permanently possesses strong resistance to the black mist, just like wearing a red tear stone.

The effect of [Blank] is not small. [Sky Domain] and [White Domain] will allow him to fight at his strongest state before death, until his soul dissipates and his spiritual energy is exhausted.

[Blood Pact Revival] is undoubtedly the strongest among these three stars.

[Blood Court] can be used to protect his teammates, and [Blood Resurrection] gives him super recovery ability. His physical strength will never be exhausted, and he will stand up immediately even if he falls.

This was simply the star he had dreamed of.

With so many powerful abilities and means, defeating Amidala, the Star Devourer, is not a problem at all.

Moreover, the Book of Knowledge also told Rhodes: "Those black mist symbionts are derivatives of Amidala. They were born because of Amidala and became powerful because of Amidala. But on the other hand, destroying them would also Just weaken Amidala.”

During this period of time, Rhodes had been fighting on the front line and eliminated countless Amidala's descendants.

According to the Book of Knowledge, even if Amidala is not seriously injured, it must be weakened by at least half, right?

In the illusion of [Justice Execution], Amidala killed two true kings with 6 copies of the root source. If he weakened it by half, he could only kill 1 true king with 6 copies of the root source, while fighting in the dream. , the power will be weakened by half, that is to say, it can only kill 3 true kings of the root source at most.

And Rhodes' fundamental strength has reached 4 copies.

"I won!"

Rhodes declared victory to himself.

Of course, this is just a slogan, just to give yourself confidence.

As the invasion approached, Amidala's terror had some impact on him. In Rhode's mind, the scene of it killing the two true kings always reappeared.

This made him feel a little strange. He had never done anything like this before, and he was also a little anxious.

Isn't Amirada more powerful than expected?

In order to get rid of this anxiety, Rhodes continued to engage in various affairs and fought non-stop.

There are no monsters in the Kingdom of Saint Rey, but because of this, the surrounding monsters continue to gather here, and there is also the invasion of the Black Mist Symbiote, so the pressure of the battle is still great.

Moreover, as the front line lengthened, the defense pressure in various places increased rapidly.

The expanded areas are outside the protection of the "Eternal Refuge". There is no moat like the Great Wall of Black Mist, so we can only follow the previous defense methods, leaving warriors to guard each stronghold.

However, the territory Trolian now controls has far exceeded Trolian's original size.

From Dalong City to St. Rey, the distance is 6000 to 8000 thousand yards. In terms of area alone, it is already fifty times larger than Trorian.

There are more than 100,000 strongholds, large and small.

If the Industrial Machinery Research Institute had not provided sufficient psychic cannons in time, all of Trorian's combat power would have been used to defend the stronghold.

With these new psionic cannons using ash cores, only 3 to 4 combatants and a number of technical and operational personnel are needed to guard a stronghold.

But even so, the pressure is increasing.

In particular, some of the large cities in Saint Rey were impossible to defend with only 3 to 4 combatants and psychic cannons.

The extremely long border with the dark world has also brought huge pressure to Trorian.

Therefore, some people strongly requested that the Star Marrow Altar expand the scope of the Spirit Curtain to include the newly occupied area.

At least part of it should be wrapped as well.

However, doing so will affect Trorian's existing defenses, and the Star Marrow Altar is currently unable to raise the spiritual curtain in such a large area, so this suggestion can only be shelved for the time being.

However, Rhodes knew that as long as the soul weapons of the remaining three slave gods could be found, the Star Marrow Altar could be restored to integrity, and the strength of the Spirit Curtain would be greatly increased.

Coupled with the development of its internal space, it may not be a problem to cover the entire gray earth continent with the spiritual curtain.

At that time, the rise of Trollian will really no longer be an empty talk.

The Book of Knowledge told Rhodes: "The remaining three servant gods are probably trapped in the abyss like the missing four righteous gods, and the abyss under the Sunless Sea is highly suspicious. Maybe it can There, find the missing god."

Rhodes believed that the abyss sealed by the Sunless Sea was the abyss where the foul blood god was silent. He remembered that the ancient evil thoughts once said that other righteous gods seemed to be silent here.

As for why they did not wake up together with the Blood God, it was probably because they were silent in a deeper abyss.

Then, breaking the abyss, killing the ancient gods, and seizing the artifact should be a matter of course.

Judging from Trorian's current strength, it's not a problem.

The biggest improvement is the spiritual ascension ceremony.

And with the refining of the three major elements completed, a new round of spiritual ascension ceremony is about to begin.

As for the candidate, everyone agreed that it should be Alan, the first knight.

During this period of time, Alan has been marching east and west, looking for the direction to the main continent.

The ruins with information about the Age of Fire were discovered by his knights.

After this period of fighting, Alan's strength has grown to an astonishing level. He has ignited the twenty-eighth fire, and his spiritual strength has reached an astonishing level 17.

And the resources he consumes are far lower than others.

I just used a few portions of Star Source Potion, a few portions of Star Marrow Suspension, took some Holy White Tree Fruit, some Fire Fuel and Phlogiston.

Compared to the consumption of Horus and others, it was simply a day and a day.

Everyone is very concerned about Alan's specialness. He is not as dazzling as Rhodes and has been fighting silently, but if there is anyone who is the biggest contributor behind the scenes, it is undoubtedly him.

Trorian's fourth true king, he is the favorite.

However, Alan declined this honor. He said: "My promotion is because I found a way that suits me. The ascension ceremony is not suitable for me. Give this opportunity to a more suitable candidate."

Percival also agreed: "Alan is a special human being, a unique platinum son. He has his own unique way of practice and his own path. Any other way may be counterproductive."

But many people feel it is unfair. Olivia said: "No matter what, Alan deserves the greatest support. If the ascension ceremony is not suitable for him, then resources will be provided in other aspects."

Wang asked with concern: "Alan, what is the suitable way of practice for you? What resources are needed?"

Alan smiled slightly and looked at Wang with a bright light in his eyes. Rhodes noticed that this was something he had never seen in anyone else.

"King, for me, the most suitable way to practice is to see Trolian become stronger step by step. I don't need too many resources, I just need to fight, keep fighting."

Sun Knight Kai said: "Alan, from what you said, it seems that you don't understand your way of practice and what your human life is, do you know?"

Alan shook his head slightly.

Percival asked: "Your Excellency Alan, recall what happened every time your power jumped, so that you may be able to find your own path."

Alan pondered for a moment and then replied: "Perhaps, the power of the Holy Fire is the only thing I need. Every time the Holy Fire grows, my strength will grow by leaps and bounds."

The king smiled and said: "Like me, Alan, are you also the throne of the God of Origin?"

Everyone smiled, knowing that this was impossible. Human life is unique and cannot be repeated.

And once it finds its way, human life can grow rapidly and show its true power.

Rhodes is also very concerned about this matter.

If you can help Alan grow up, you will definitely gain a lot of divinity.

He told Asa about this in his mind.

"Look for it quickly, because of the growth of the Holy Fire and the birth of humans who are rapidly becoming stronger."

Asa was silent for a moment and replied: "I don't have the space to control evil thoughts now, and I can't touch the stone tablet of evil thoughts, but I think that except for the throne of Yuantian God, there should be no such human beings."

"Impossible." Rhodes categorically denied: "I recalled that Alan's several major changes were all after the growth of the Holy Fire. They must be related."

Asa gritted his teeth and replied: "I know, Master, when I occupy the space of evil thoughts, I will definitely be able to find out the human life of the first knight Alan."

Rhodes said impatiently: "Work harder, otherwise you won't be able to eat your poop."

After returning from the dream, the question now has become who is the candidate for the ascension ceremony.

Due to Alan's postponement, the competition for the remaining candidates was fierce, but in the end, Sun Knight Kai succeeded in taking over.

After examining his soul, Percival gave him three days to repair himself, and the ascension ceremony was scheduled for three days later.

At the same time, the dream finally reached the edge of the Shadow Realm.

"finally reached."

The Book of Knowledge sighed.

"Master, you don't know how many times this area has been changed, how many times I asked the Book of the Future to predict it, from the initial target of the Nest of Destruction to the Shadow Realm, and finally it was determined that it is the most suitable place for us. An area.”

Rhodes patted the seam of the book and comforted: "Thank you for your hard work."

The Book of Knowledge twisted a bit, as if it was not used to the attitude of its owner. It turned over the pages and asked in a small voice.

"Master, Master, when are we going to hunt the Black Mist Symbiote again? Today's portal has expired, it's a bit of a waste."

Rhodes smiled: "Let's do it tomorrow. The number of black mist symbionts is not enough, so I won't bother the king."

As he spoke, the dream bubble had already crossed the junction and crashed into the evil world of shadow.

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