Miss mom?

Xiaoxue knew that these two children would have problems constantly. No, it's just the beginning. She hasn't stayed overnight yet, so she missed her mother.

It seems that these two children are really not suitable for staying here. Report this issue to the chief instructor later, if not, send the two children out of the camp tomorrow.

"In less than half an hour, I will go to the big classroom to gather and announce the results. You two will be obedient." With that, Mr. Xiaoxue held An Ran's little hand. The instructor said that I can send you out of the camp at the latest tomorrow so that you can go home to see your mother."

Regarding Teacher Xiaoxue's words, An Ran had no hope of repaying him, "Okay, teacher, don't comfort me, I am not a kid anymore."

Xiaoxue, "..."

Not a kid, what is that?

One hour passed quickly, and the students gathered in the large classroom again.

The chief instructor and the teachers from the summer camp were all waiting here, and even Teacher Xiaoxue was standing here.

"Hey, isn't that the life teacher of those five elementary school students? Why is she here?" Lu Xiaojing asked curiously.

Xia Zixuan chuckled, "I heard that the two Xiaodoubaos told Teacher Xiaoxue that they missed their mother, and Teacher Xiaoxue said that he would send them home tomorrow at the latest."

When Lu Xiaojing heard the words, she laughed, "I'll just say, how can Xiaodoubao stay in this kind of elite summer camp. Miss mom~ miss mom~"

Lu Xiaojing's expression exaggeratedly imitated the child's way of thinking about her mother, in order to laugh at An Ran and Wuyou.

And the two little ones just looked at her blankly, their eyes seemed to say: "Look, there is a fool."

Finally, Lu Xiaojing felt embarrassed herself, cleared her throat, and returned to her seat dingy.

"Sit down, and immediately announce the written test results." The male teacher in charge of the culture class stood on the front podium and shouted at the students below.

The students sat down quickly, observing the teachers in the large classroom.

Strangely, they found that the emotions of the teacher and the chief instructor seemed to be very high, completely different from the time of the exam.

"Zixuan, if you see it, the teachers are all so happy. Could it be that our test results were unexpectedly good?" Lu Xiaojing guessed.

Xia Zixuan's eyebrows narrowed slightly, unexpectedly good, not possible, right?

She did find it difficult.

Is it because the questions are so difficult that teachers think that it is not easy to be able to answer at this level?

Xia Zixuan looked at Zhan Zeyang, who was reading a free book, and wondered in her heart whether she or he did well in the exam.

The students were all guessing secretly, their eyes fixed on the male teacher on the podium. But no one noticed that the chief instructor and the other teachers were looking at the two little ones An Ran and Wuyou for an instant.

Students who have participated in the summer camp know that the ranking of written test scores is informed by the order of issuing test papers.

From back to front, that is to say, the last test paper is issued first, and the first test paper is issued last.

The scores will not be read during the whole process of issuing test papers, which is also to maintain the self-esteem of the students.

But it is precisely because of this that makes the students more tormented, because of this, they are not sure of their ranking.

Almost everyone is praying, don't be the first to be named.

Of course, Xia Zixuan and Zhan Zeyang are not included here.

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