"What's the matter! What's in the box! What's the thing!" Li Yalan rushed into the living room without taking off his shoes, holding up the empty box that had nothing left.

"What's the matter, mom, what are you yelling at?" Wang Yixuan closed the door impatiently, for fear that Li Yalan's yelling and yelling might disturb the neighbors upstairs and downstairs.

"I don't have any jewels!" Li Yalan looked around in a panic, "There must be a thief in the house. You have to call the police as soon as possible!"

After that, Li Yalan went to look for the mobile phone, but was pulled by her daughter Wang Yixuan, "Mom, we live in a high-end community, how easy it is to enter thieves. Besides, you can see that there is no trace of thieves in the house. You can Don’t call the police. It’s not long since Dad came out from inside. He doesn’t like seeing the police. You don’t know."

After being blocked by Wang Yixuan, Li Yalan discovered that, except for her jewelry box was empty, the rest of the house was intact and there was no trace of being turned over.

In other words, it was not a thief who entered the house, but someone deliberately took her jewelry away.

There are only three people in this family, not her and Wang Yixuan, but Wang Dawei.

Li Yalan gave up calling the police and instead called Wang Dawei.

The first call was not made and was rejected by Wang Dawei.

Li Yalan didn't give up, and then hit the second pass.

Wang Dawei answered the call impatiently, "What are you doing, I'm busy!"

However, Li Yalan heard the sound of playing mahjong from the receiver, she endured emotions and asked, "Dawei, the jewelry in my jewelry box, is it you..."

"I took it!" Before Li Yalan finished asking, Wang Dawei had already confessed, "You said you did too. You hid so many good things, so you didn't tell me anything. It's because we are still a husband and wife. I hide my eyes, I am really so sad."

On the phone, the voice of Mahjong kept on, and Li Yalan held back his anger and continued, "That is the dowry I left for Xuan Xuan, why did you take it away. What did you do with it, can you get it back for me?"

"I used it to do business, you know, I am now involved in the business of antique jewelry. My daughter's dowry, I will naturally prepare it for her in the future. You don't need to worry about being a mother, you just stay at home. Inside, just take care of your daughter." Wang Dawei said nonchalantly.

"But Dawei, that's me..."

"Okay, are you annoying! I'm busy, hang up first!" After saying that, Wang Dawei directly hung up the phone without mercy.

Before the phone hung up, Li Yalan clearly heard the voice of a woman talking inside.

When he called Wang Dawei again, it was turned off.

Li Yalan held the phone tightly, her face gradually grim, "I hid the box of jewels well. Apart from you, I didn't even tell the second person why your dad knew about these jewels?"

Wang Yixuan sat on the sofa and was questioned by Li Yalan, her face slightly changed, and she explained in a perfunctory manner, "That's my relatives. When I talked to him, I just said it."

"Didn't I tell you, don't tell anyone! These jewels are the last escape for our mother and daughter!" Li Yalan roared.

Now although she remarried with Wang Dawei, she is living the life of a rich man again. However, no one knows what will happen in the future. At the beginning, Yan Tianxiong was so beautiful. Didn't Yan also say that he went bankrupt when he went bankrupt.

What's more, after Wang Dawei's release from prison, the man who broke out by doing business by opportunism, how long his wealth can last is unknown.

Women want to survive in society, and they have to leave something for themselves.

However, she would never have thought that her back hand would be ruined in her daughter's hands.

Wang Yixuan has never seen such a fierce and angry Li Yalan. She shrank back in fear, and said stubbornly, "Isn't it just a box of jewels? You have my dad. You still care about what those jewels do! Because of my dad. , We can live in high-end communities, travel in luxury cars, and eat at the most expensive restaurant. Besides, you are both husband and wife now, how can you hide your privacy!"

"You..." Li Yalan looked at Wang Yixuan speechlessly, the daughter who was pulled up by her hand. In such a short time, this girl's heart was biased towards Wang Dawei.

"Oh, mom! Isn't Dad now in the jewelry business? It must be useful to take away your jewelry. Maybe I will return it to you later, maybe it will be doubled. Don't be so stingy. The Chinese New Year is coming in a while. Don’t make trouble with my dad because of this mess. I finally had a complete family and I don’t want it to be ruined like this.” Wang Yixuan said, stood up and went back to her room. .

In the living room, only Li Yalan was sitting on the ground, holding the empty box, with unspeakable sadness in her heart.

On the other side, in the chess and card room of a certain club, a drunk Wang Dawei is sitting next to a woman, wearing a brand new diamond necklace around her neck.

With a lightly pointed finger from the woman's hand, Wang Dawei smiled and played the card of the woman's finger.

On the opposite side, another man’s laughter rang out instantly, "Haha, what a fuck!"

When he gave the other party some cards, Wang Dawei was not angry, but smiled flatteringly, "Oh, ghost brother, you are so amazing!"

The man called the ghost brother stared at Wang Dawei's emptied money box with a disdainful face, "Xiao Wang, you can't do this too, have you lost so soon?"

"That's right, this is just the beginning, and warming up is not counted, you have already bottomed out."

"It's not of the same grade, it's still tough, Xiao Wang, what do you want us to do?"

At the poker table, the sarcasm of the other two men made Wang Dawei panicked.

Even the woman next to Wang Dawei looked at him with disgust.

"Okay, everyone is happy when you come out to play." Brother Gui said, and then looked at Wang Dawei, "It's just Xiao Wang, if you want to join our guild, it won't work like this. Even me. Yes, the brothers in the guild can't agree. Everyone, but all paid a large amount of dues. You, although you and I have a relationship in it, there are rules and regulations, and your net worth is not up to it. I have no way of accepting the request for membership."

After all, Brother Gui pushed the card and said to Wang Dawei, "Come on, you don't have any money, so let's end it today. I can't kill you completely, and I don't even have the money to refuel the car."

This can be regarded as stepping on Wang Dawei's dignity as a man.

He immediately said, "Brother Ghost, don't tell me, I have money. I just didn't get enough. Wait for a while, and I will get the money. Let's play cards or cards, don't scour everyone's interest. As for the membership fee , I will find a way, and I will be able to raise it in a few days."

After Wang Dawei finished speaking, he hurriedly left the chess and card room.

In the chess room, Brother Gui sneered and dialed Xing Yanbo's phone.

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