The Lord’s Little Cutie Is the Old Ancestor

Chapter 595: Brother Xiao is Aunt Rou's only son

In fact, this was what Liu Dun was worried about at the beginning, but after another thought, he denied his own thoughts.

"Master Xiao won't. If he wants to find a short sight, he would go with Miss Yan as early as when Miss Yan died, but he didn't. He just left with Miss Yan and asked me to deal with the aftermath. So, I thought, Xiao Lord shouldn't be able to." Liu Dun said.

After listening to Liu Dun's words, Old Man Lin was a little relieved, "This is good, this is good."

Liu Dun's pupils flickered, he did not say. In fact, once he died, it might be a relief for Xiaoye.

With his deep love for Miss Yan, in the days when there is no Miss Yan, even if he is alive, he will only become a machine without emotion.

Hearing that Lin Xiao would be fine, Ji Xiaonuan breathed a sigh of relief. Not only was there no trace of sadness in his eyes, he was still faintly happy.

That woman is dead, and Lin Chong is also dead.

So, can I just be with Brother Xiao?

Ji Xiaonuan's eyes fell on Ji Peirou, who was crying and breaking down because of the loss of her beloved son.

Without Lin Chong, Brother Xiao will be Aunt Rou's only son in the future.

Aunt Rou likes her so much, she must stay by her side.

The way to keep her with her forever is to let her marry her son.

Therefore, in the future she will be able to marry Brother Xiao!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaonuan looked at the tablet of the ancestor of the Yan family that the old man Lin was holding tightly in his arms.

Old ancestor, ancestor, I didn't expect you to be really alive.

I made a wish to you, married Brother Xiao and had children, and you killed yourself and Lin Chong one after another.

Now that you don’t stand in the way, Brother Xiao is mine!

Grasping her mind, Ji Xiaonuan squeezed out two tears. She sobbed and held Ji Peirou's hand, her voice choked, "Aunt Rou, don't be sad. Although Lin Chong has gone, but he loves you so much, he must not I hope you are sad for him and hurt your own body. On the contrary, he is free now. I think he must be looking at us with a smile in another world."

"Chong'er... Chong'er..." Ji Peirou cried out of breath.

Ji Xiaonuan sobbed and persuaded, "Aunt Rou, take care of your body. You still have Brother Xiao, even if it’s for Brother Xiao, you have to take care of your body. Now, the misunderstandings are all solved? No matter what, you It doesn’t matter if you have any misunderstandings with Brother Xiao. Brother Xiao is your son... You have to take care of your body and watch Brother Xiao get married and have children..."

Because when Yan Chenxi was about to kill Ji Peirou, Lin Xiao ignored the danger of his life to stop him. As well as the words Tai Tan said when Ji Peirou was held hostage by Tai Tan, all this is equivalent to indirectly solving the misunderstanding of Lin Xiao in Ji Peirou's heart.

Now, Ji Xiaonuan says so. When thinking about Lin Xiao again, Ji Peirou's eyes softened a lot, not as cold as before.

Liu Dun looked at Ji Xiaonuan, who was whispering, with a warmth in his heart.

Miss this season is really a good girl with a good heart. She must have been very uncomfortable because she has just lost her fiancé. But she was able to keep her sensible comforting wife, and by the way, she did not forget to speak for the owl, and to draw closer the mother-child relationship between the wife and the owl.

Such a good girl is really rare.

With her by her side, she should be fine.

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