The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 243 Major Xia's Arrangements (6)

The only scenery that Fujun Town and the Snowy Plateau can share is the bright sun in the sky. Ye Jianyan, who is standing under the shade of the tree, is a little stunned, ... Xia Jinyuan reminded Uncle Gen.

"When Major Xia comes back next time, girl, you have to thank him well. It's really thanks to him for reminding me about this, otherwise no one would have thought of going up there." Not knowing that Xia Jinyuan had left Fujun Town, Uncle Gen, who went to the new unit, said earnestly, "Help us many times unconditionally, but you can't even say thank you."

I have helped many times, but if I don't thank you very well, I always feel a little sorry.

Hearing this, Ye Jian shook his head with a smile: "No need for Grandpa Gen, Major Xia came to Fujun Town just to come to the grassroots troops to exercise, and after that, he returned to the army he was supposed to go to."

"In the future, he won't come back to us again, so I'm afraid I'll have to wait a long time for this thank you." I owe him a thank you. If he hadn't reminded him in time, he would have caught Ye Zhifan by surprise and moved his account out in one fell swoop... ..., when Ye Zhifan holds her household registration like in her previous life, she will have to live a life without an ID card and be restrained wherever she goes.

Ye Jian, whose heart was trembling slightly, narrowed her eyes very lightly, thinking that the letter that Principal Chen gave her was just four words "wait for me to come back".

Wait for him to come back? Are you waiting for him to come back in Fujun Town? Also, wait for him to come back and see you next time?

It turned out that she didn't think much, wait for him to come back... You can think about the few words in general, or you can think a little more complicated, and she naturally avoided such a dangerous man subconsciously, thinking about simplicity .

As a result, I suddenly heard from Grandpa Gen that the smooth relocation of the household registration has a lot to do with Xia Jinyuan, and it can even be said that he solved the matter alone.

So... Ye Jian raised her hand and rubbed her temple with a headache, and found that even if she had two lifetimes of experience, her IQ was not enough to play the guessing game with Xia Jinyuan.

If there is no such thing, then the four words he left her are like friends traveling far away, and she is waiting for good news.

But with his help, the meaning of the four words was a little vague.

And what I hate most is this kind of ignorance that still needs to be guessed and guessed.

After hearing this, Uncle Gen also fell silent.

After a while, he nodded slightly and said, "With the ability of Principal Xia Shao, it is true that he will not stay here forever. It is a matter of time to leave, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Xia Jinyuan, as an all-rounder, was assigned to the troops in Fujun Town who needed to fight against some lawbreakers at this moment. First, the school was assigned to basic training. Second, it was also Commander-in-Chief Xia's intention. He wanted to hone his own. only child.

It has been nearly a year, and even if Xia Jinyuan wants to stay, Commander-in-Chief Xia will not allow it.

Therefore, his departure is doomed and will not change the result.

Facing Grandpa Gen's sigh and the appreciation of Xia Jinyuan in his words, Ye Jian smiled and said, "You, don't feel pity, I'm not bad, I will definitely not embarrass you and Principal Chen. "

That dangerous and elegant man has left, but his brief appearance left a deep impression on many people, and in her life, because of his appearance, she left that year in her memories. , a wonderful day.

It's even late today... I've been playing crazy and forgot to put the update on it.

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