The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 268 Competition for Famous Schools

From 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, the three-hour meeting made Ye Jian, who was smiling all the time, feel that the apple muscles on her face were frozen with laughter.

The end of the meeting does not mean that you can leave. Together with President Chen, we talked with several leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau and walked towards the provincial canteen.

Secretary Wu had already started to inquire which city high school Ye Jian was going to go to for the high school entrance examination, and then focused on introducing the No. 1 Middle School of the city, "Although the environment is not as good as the No. 1 Middle School of the Province, our No. 1 Middle School of the City is the first school to introduce the Internet to students. Besides... "

Along the way, not only Secretary Wu frequently mentioned the city's No. 1 Middle School, but also the accompanying leaders. It can be seen that they all wanted to keep Ye Jian in the city, rather than... being recruited by the provincial capital.

Principal Cao of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School finally ended his greetings with several leaders. When he walked over, he heard Ye Jian, who the school wanted to recruit with all his heart, smiled and said, "Actually, I didn't consider going to the province to study. It's too far away, and there's no need for it."

"Study is ultimately up to you, and whether you can get into your ideal university is also up to you. I don't want to go to a school that is too far away, so I can just study in the city."

Principal Cao, who was about to go up and say a few words, sighed softly, and said to the accompanying Teacher Zhu: "She can even give up the opportunity to study in Beijing, and then give up the opportunity to study in the province... Sigh, Let's go, this girl is a piece of gold, she will shine no matter where she is."

Instead of going to the capital or the province, Ye Jian only chose to stay in the city for the convenience of going home.

When he was about to reach the cafeteria, Ye Jianjian saw Han Zheng standing under the shade of a tree with a camera hanging around his neck, with one hand casually in his trouser pocket, as if he was waiting for someone.

Who are you waiting for? Ye Jian didn't hold back, and looked behind her... However, there was still no tall figure like a green pine no matter where she stood.

... He wasn't waiting for Major Xia.

Han Zheng didn't hold back, and walked over with a chuckle. Could this girl think he came with Major Xia?

As soon as he moved his footsteps, Ye Jianjian immediately whispered a few words to Principal Chen, and rushed to meet him before he came over.

With such a quick response, Han Zheng had no choice but to stop the steps that wanted to ask President Chen about her daily situation, and stood in the sun, waiting for her to come.

A very vigilant girl, and she doesn't like people approaching her very much... From a psychological point of view, this is also a sign of insecurity.

That's right, with no father and no mother, and being tricked by the uncle's family, it is already very healthy to not feel world-weary.

"Last time, Young Master Xia told you to come and look for me, but you didn't come. As for me, I don't mean anything else. I just want to see if Ye Jian, who dared to let Xia Shao's pigeons go, has anything to say. I need to pass it on to you." Xia Shao go."

It turned out that he came here for what happened last time, Ye Jian smiled and said, "Where are you going too?"

The provincial government covers a large area. Han Zheng did not lead Ye Jian to the cafeteria, but took her into a military license plate car, "I don't know yet, but it should be fine. Let's go outside and chat while eating." , you can also write a letter and let me deliver it to him."

Ye Jian, who didn't refuse, got into the car quietly, and didn't say a few words until she got off the car.

While driving, Han Zheng glanced at the girl who remained silent from the corner of his eye. The old god was really there, and there was no strange expression on her little face!

"You didn't go, but he rushed over as soon as he got off the plane. Little girl, Xia Shao is in Beijing. I don't know how many girls from the family want to go to his appointment, but you still let the pigeons go. You are going to be with everyone. The practice of making a girl from a famous family in the capital an enemy."

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