In the winter, the members of the Snow Region Brigade in the base eat bread most of the time, and only occasionally light a fire, and put dried vegetable leaves in water that will never boil, as a vitamin supplement.

The training process of the Xueyu Brigade was harder than that of any soldier in any other army, but the overall ability was not comparable to that of any soldier in any army.

Han Zheng is a person who can endure hardships, and he didn't change his face when he shared these bread and ham sausages that only filled his stomach.

"Yes, a very vigilant little girl, so I'm very curious, what exactly did you do to make her smile like sunshine on your brows?" Han Zheng said to Ye Jian My impression is quite good. Their identities are used to seeing all kinds of people since they were young, and they can tell what is true and false at a glance by pretentiousness.

Like Ye Jian, Han Zheng's first impression was: open and aboveboard!

That's right, it's open and aboveboard, what you see is not the exquisite beauty of her facial features, but her demeanor in every gesture, demure and graceful, without the frailty of a girl, but with a kind of "green shirt and upright, dark and elegant like orchid" taste sex.

"But, she really doesn't mean anything to you. I said you rushed over on purpose, but you didn't see her, but you only got her guilt, and nothing else... nothing."

"Also, you really have to thank me. If I hadn't reminded her to write you a letter with her guilt, brother, it's very likely that you wouldn't even receive the letter written by this menu."

He said, Xia Jinyuan listened quietly, the smile on his thin lips was like the sunshine on the snow-capped mountains, bright and dazzling, "It's good enough to make her feel a little guilty, take everything you didn't take out together Come out, the letter was mentioned here, and you took a picture of her."

"No way, is this also what I told you?"

"Naturally, this is the way I get along with her. You don't understand."

Han Zheng, who snorted twice, said a little depressed: "It was hard for me to be a magpie bridge between the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, but in the end I didn't get any benefits! He also said that he would exchange a few conditions with you with a photo! How could I know that a letter would be enough?" Sell ​​me! What kind of way do you get along? Can you tell me?"

What kind of relationship? From acquaintance to acquaintance, to fighting side by side..., they are friends and comrades in arms. If one day they can become lovers fighting side by side, it will be perfect.

A few figures came against the snowy light, and they all walked into the wooden house with the cold wind all over their bodies. The two who were talking just now took a rest and stood at attention to welcome their comrades who had returned from their mission.

This time on the snowy plateau is not only training, but also an important task to perform!

"The situation is not very good. Bring dry food and go around here tomorrow." G3 spread out the map, slid his slender fingers across the map, and said to Xia Jinyuan: "King Q, you have a strong ability to discern. You go there with J5. As for Z7, you are not familiar with the terrain when you first arrived, so stay here and guard. There have been small movements there recently, and the company commander at the checkpoint contacted me today, hoping that we can support them."

"You stay to support the checkpoint. I, King Q, and J5 are going to find the three brothers who have lost contact."

Han Zheng didn't know that as soon as he came, he ran into a brother who lost contact. Hearing the snow wind that hurt the eardrums, he said in a deep voice, "Okay, there is no problem here. I will guard the rear] and leave the front to you Four brothers! Also, the military department asked me to send you a message..."

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