The wind blowing from the edge of the snow-capped mountains, there was a faint smell of blood mixed into the wind with the smell of snow, which made the expressions of the five chasing murderers chill.

Here, only ten kilometers away from the village, if there is a strong smell of blood, either something happened to the murderer, or... something happened to the herders!

And the conjecture of the five people is more inclined to the latter!

"Warning! K7 is cut off! J5 covers!" Xia Jinyuan's voice came from the headset coldly. He is a graduate of the combat command department. Compared with G3, they have more professional command capabilities. He can be said to be the team leader of this group of the Snow Region Brigade.

Sensitive to danger, commanding operations, and arranging marches, he perfectly integrated professionalism and practice, allowing this group to not only complete their own tasks, but also let the military department assign them to the deep snow-capped mountains. Some secret activities in the military engineering construction of the Department.

And this time the murderer was a group of high-level mercenaries with bad intentions in the military engineering construction who shot and killed the sentries!

It is normal for mercenaries to kill civilians, and similar incidents will happen in all countries.

Following the smell of blood, I saw the body of a herdsman lying quietly on the edge of the sharp rocky beach. His Tibetan clothes and accessories were taken away.

The mercenary's anti-reconnaissance ability has always been excellent. They took off the herdsmen's clothes, hats, shoes, waist knives, and fire sickles.

"Pretending to be a Tibetan, one hundred percent sure to enter the village!" Xia Jinyuan opened his marching backpack, took out the medical straps, bypassed them, and gently covered the herdsmen's faces. There was no way for them to take him back to the village, they had to wait. ...You can only come back after you finish dealing with the mercenaries.

On the other side, K7 found a few drops of blood with some white powder floating on it.

I picked it up with a military dagger, and then rubbed the white floating powder with my hands, "Sterilized crystal sulfa, check the herdsmen for any injuries."

Sterilized crystalline sulfonamide, commonly known as anti-inflammatory powder, is a prescription drug used to prevent wound infection.

The mercenaries even used the nitrate from the bullets to treat the wounds, so the anti-inflammatory powder was most likely from the herdsmen.

After checking that the herdsmen were not injured, everyone did not delay for too long. Two minutes later, they walked vigorously at night again. On the road, they saw pastures thrown on both sides and wheels on the water.

They robbed the carriage, killed the herdsmen, took away the anti-inflammatory powder brought home by the herdsmen, and then threw away the pasture to resettle the wounded. From this, it can be inferred...the wounded have a certain status, and the mercenaries have no way to abandon the wounded.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, there is no light in the small Tibetan village. Occasionally, the whining of Tibetan mastiffs can be heard in a low voice. They are guarding the safety of the village.

Ye Jian woke up from the roar of the Tibetan mastiff. Because of Heiga, Ye Jian could also tell what the roar of the Tibetan mastiff was conveying.

Now, what I heard was some violent and anxious warning sounds. This was a stranger entering the village.

Yang Jin slept soundly, and made a soft sleeping sound. Ye Jian, who was sleeping outside, picked up the Tibetan girl's clothing that Yang Jin had worn before, put on her shoes, picked up the gun and walked out of the tent gently.

The village is not big, and it is a nomadic village. Most of them are tents. There is a certain distance between one roof and the other. Ye Jian, who could hear the direction of the sound of the Tibetan mastiff, clenched his pistol tightly, and at the same time gave Yang Jin to her. The dagger was in his hand.

The voice came from the front, which is equivalent to the tent at the entrance of the village, and the voice of a woman scolding could be faintly heard.

Principal Chen said that Tibetan families are very united and friendly, and there are very few quarrels, but now she hears this angry voice with a hint of fear... Is it domestic violence?

No, if it is domestic violence, it is impossible for the Tibetan Mastiff to yell at strangers.

……etc! etc! The Tibetan mastiff that was roaring just now is silent now!

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