On the day Ye Jian arrived in Western Province, a farm vehicle drove 70 yards across the narrow road in McGiti County, and then stopped at the entrance of the dilapidated bus station with a loud "squeak".

The car door was slammed shut with a "bang", and Xia Jinyuan, who was covered in yellow dust and couldn't tell what color his clothes were, strode into the bus station without even a gate.

"Damn, wait for me!" Han Zheng, who got out of the car a step late, choked on the yellow dust that came out of the car door, coughed and jumped out of the car to chase after him, "Who are you going to ask? How do you find it? I don’t even have a photo in hand!”

The fighter plane has been flying for nearly two months. Every night when it shuts down, Xia Jinyuan can be seen standing on a high place, looking in the direction of the Hotan River.

There, after the radar scan, three red dots appear on the radar display, which means that there are people in the desert.

Just in case, the military secretly sent people to check it out, and the results they found... were shocking.

But since then, the military never sent anyone there again, obviously knowing that the three people who stayed in the desert for a long time were not criminals spying on the military situation.

Xia Jinyuan knew who these three were, but as for Han Zheng... he only knew five hours ago.

Xia Jinyuan, who strode up to the station staff and asked, didn't hear what Han Zheng said behind him, and he was looking for Ye Jian's whereabouts with a tired brow.

According to the radar, Ye Jian, Uncle Chen, and Uncle Gen returned to McGiti County from Hetian River 15 days ago, and the walking time would take about ten days.

According to his calculations, the three generations should rest for about a week after returning to the county seat, but who knows, he was wrong.

For travelers who walk out of the Hotan River, they will rest in Makiti County for a week to refresh their spirits before leaving. However, Ye Jian and the others only rested for one day before leaving...

After several months of fighter jet test flight missions, Xia Jinyuan began to inquire about the whereabouts of the three generations last night, and as soon as he inquired... he found the bus station.

In fact, when driving over, Xia Jinyuan knew in his heart that there was a 99% chance that Ye Jian would leave McGiti County, and there was a 1% chance that the bus that came in had a maintenance problem and needed to stop for a few more days .

When Xia Jinyuan asked, the staff immediately knew who he was inquiring about, and said with a smile: "We met the young and old you mentioned, and they left four days ago."

"The little girl is white and clean, and she stands out among a group of tanned passengers. A lady even asked the little girl what she used to paint her face."

As for the result, Xia Jinyuan already knew it in his heart, but he didn't give up and wanted to ask again.

Outside, Han Zheng learned from another staff member that Ye Jian had left four days ago, and secretly clicked his tongue: Are these two destined or not? The motherland has a vast territory, and they still meet in the desert!

If there is a destiny, but it doesn't look like it right now, and finally had the opportunity to meet..., I missed it.

The new year has just passed, and the small county town still has a residual flavor of the year, and occasionally there are firecrackers.

Xia Jinyuan bought two bottles of mineral water that were three times the price outside. He stood alone where Ye Jian had been, and sighed helplessly while drinking the water.

"Little fox, little fox, your speed is really fast. I am happy for a while, and sigh for a while... Next time I see you, I have to ask for some interest."

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