The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 350 Isn't it just an exam?

Amidst the regrettable discussions among the invigilators, Ye Jian remained calm and started the high school entrance examination.

After returning to the examination room after nearly a year, her writing speed still surpassed all the candidates. The invigilator standing beside her was dumbfounded,...she wrote at a speed that the teachers could not catch up with!

Politics, history, Chinese, and English are all easy to speak. After all, they are things to memorize by rote, but math, chemistry, and physics exams need to be thought about! Need to count! It needs to be calculated on scratch paper!

But Ye Jian didn't need it. As soon as the math test started, the invigilator was shocked.

" don't need to count?" Seeing the stunned teacher raised his hand to hold down Ye Jian's test paper, he looked at the legendary girl in surprise, " don't have to count all of these?"

There were only the last two application questions and one geometry question. Ye Jian had already memorized all the questions in the entire test paper when she was checking whether there were any problems in the test paper, and calculated the answers accordingly in her mind.

Being stopped by the teacher now will not delay her answering time.

Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Forget it, I've already figured it out in my heart." He pointed at the draft paper, "It happens to save paper."


The point is not "saving paper", the point is...the invigilator took a deep breath, pointed at the test paper, and forced himself to calm down, "Come on, you can calculate all these questions first, we... chat."

The last three questions were key questions, and they were multi-point questions. No matter how shocked the invigilator was, he couldn't delay Ye Jian's exam. He knew that this girl had no scores in biology or geography.

Originally, Ye Jian thought that the last three questions would need some calculations, or some calculations in her mind.

In the end, what he saw was that he took his hand away, and after the girl nodded obediently,...he started writing! Really write! It's just brushing... the three major questions are written in one go, without a single pause in the middle!

No scratch paper, no calculations, just write directly as if you already have the answer in your heart.

After finishing writing, Ye Jian immediately put away the test paper, and did not leave anything for anyone to handle!

The invigilator didn't realize that Ye Jian was wary of him. When he picked out the pen, Ye Jian stood up, "Teacher, can I hand in the paper first."

There is no way to be sure whether Ye Zhifan has tampered with it, and it is always better to be cautious before it happens.

"There's still 80 minutes left, why don't you check the test paper again? I'll collect it later." Looking at his watch, the teacher swallowed his saliva. This too fast!

"No, I'm done checking. And teacher, can I turn in the paper and leave the examination room now?" Ye Jian was already familiar with the surprised expression of the teacher, and this time, she deliberately increased the speed for the purpose of Let some people know that his methods are nothing at all, trying to trap her? It was just a daydream.

Besides, if there are any means to frame her, then don't blame her for being shameless!

The invigilator was a teacher from Chengtang Middle School. When she said that everything had been checked, she almost thought that she had heard it wrong, and asked repeatedly: "Do you want to check the whole test paper? If you have no grades in geography and biology, you can't do it in these exams." main idea."

By this time, Ye Jian vaguely knew her had been passed down from word to mouth by the teachers in various middle schools. She raised her head and smiled politely: "Well, I confirm that I have finished the inspection, thank you teacher."

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