The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 532 You are so good, we really don't know

Let's use an easy-to-understand analogy: A can shoot four bullets in one minute, so Ye Jian can shoot eight bullets.

At the same time, with the same type of gun, Ye Jian could hear the bullet passing through the firing pin, firing the primer, and igniting the propellant (shooting) powder. Holding the pistol, she could feel the gunpowder start to burn, and the internal pressure of the bullet case increased. When the pressure rises to 250-500kg/square centimeter, the bullet breaks away from the shell and squeezes into the rifle. At this point, Ye Jian can sense that the whole bullet starts to start. When the front movement passes the barrel, her sight passes through the rear sight, aiming at the target through the front sight to complete precise shooting.

Ye Jian didn't know if it was because she felt the gun and recognized the gun. She only knew that as long as she touched the gun, she could clearly see the structure of the whole gun like a four-dimensional map in her heart. come to mind.

When she shot, the four-dimensional map seemed to have vitality. As the bullets in the gun in her hand propelled, the four-dimensional gun in her heart also began to be propelled by bullets... the whole person seemed to have become a Generally speaking, you don't need to aim and then shoot, but you can pull the trigger and then complete the aiming action.

This feeling made her shoot twice as fast as others!

What is the concept of shooting twice as fast? It's because others haven't fired their guns yet, but she has already completed accurate shooting!

For example, now... the dull sound like a stone sinking into water just came, and then the same sound came again, and the two people who fell down in a row did not give the two base members who were walking in front a chance to pull out the machine and shoot .

This is Ye Jian's ability!

After Xia Jinyuan dealt with the other guy who didn't react at all, he looked at Ye Jian with extra deep eyes in the night vision goggles, as calm as him, at this moment his eyes, his heart... were all shocked.

She shoots very, very fast and can kill two people in a row within 0.003 seconds!

Before that, he was still thinking that he should get rid of the two people who followed him as soon as possible, and then turn around to support Ye Jian, but he didn't know that it was her who came to support him!

Dragging away the four Al Qaeda members who were still warm but dead, Xia Jinyuan led Ye Jian into the bushes, and he leaned close to him, "Shooting so fast, I didn't shoot so fast before." I found out that when I saw you today, little fox, you really shocked me."

In order to communicate secretly, he not only kept his body close, but even spoke with his lips close to her ear. Ye Jian even felt that his thin and warm lips had to touch the base of her ear several times.

The low voice and the warm breath were all sprinkled on her ears and neck, and she couldn't help but tremble in her heart, and an unnatural expression suddenly appeared on her face.

"There's even a unique skill that I don't know about, little fox, you're being dishonest." He was still talking, but Ye Jian couldn't help but tilt her head slightly, and she really didn't realize that her ears were a little ticklish. What he said made her want to scratch her head.

Xia Jinyuan really had no other thoughts, and couldn't help laughing when he saw this, "What are you hiding, it's convenient to talk like this."

"I mean my ears are itchy." Ye Jian glanced at him and said softly, "Captain Xia, are we going to rest? How are J5 and their actions? Do you want to contact them?"

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