Yang Heng is a very smart boy, and he understands that as long as you treat a person like Ye Jian as a friend sincerely, she will definitely reciprocate with the same sincerity, which is as reassuring as a brother.

Compared to Yao Jing and Luo Ran, Ye Jian is the most worthwhile friend.

Thinking of Luo Ran who jumped out, Yang Heng's youthful and handsome face flashed a cold look. This kid owes a lesson, and he will give him another warning after returning to school from military training.

As for Yao Jing's side, if the warning fails, they have to think of other ways.

The other boys were thinking about how to get to know Ye Jian, while he was already thinking about how to solve some troubles for Ye Jian.

Another five minutes passed. The instructor of class one looked at the time and said to the instructor, "She has now reached the level of recruits entering the company."

"The grades of the recruits entering the company? You, you misread it." The instructor laughed, all standing in the sun, his shirt was sweaty even if he didn't move, he stared at the figure like a spear, "She is a veteran. "

veteran? The instructor was surprised, "You mean she is actually a soldier?"

"Soldiers are definitely not, but there must be people in the army secretly training her. Our chemical defense regiment... oh, it's a little late, a little late!" The instructor sighed regretfully. Already a qualified soldier, it is indeed difficult for their chemical defense regiment to pull him over.

Although the instructor did not have the same emotion as the instructor, he really felt that it was a pity that a student who was like a soldier was not recruited in the regiment.

Half an hour later, the instructor finally spoke, "Stand at attention, take a rest, and rest where you are."

The applause was louder and warmer each time when the sixteen figures walked over in unison, just like welcoming a hero who returned in triumph, applauding her bravery with applause.

It was only half an hour, but it was like three minutes to Ye Jian. Several years of training had already trained the Qi in her body, every muscle and bone in her body to the best level, coordinated and balanced, and perfected Qi and strength Stretch, after half an hour, it's easy, without any discomfort.

The longest time for other students to stand in military posture is only fifteen minutes. The instructor intentionally increased the time, just to shock those students in the class who deliberately excluded them, for fear of getting hurt, and let them know that accusing them is arrogant and should be for themselves. ashamed!

An Jiaxin, who was flushed with palms, turned sideways, saw the figure sitting in the first row, on the far right, with a flash of anger in her eyes, she smiled again, walked gently through the two teams, and came to Ye Ying behind.

"Seeing that there is no Ye Ying, do you think that Jian'er is afraid of your little trick? Do you regret it now? Hahaha, you want to make Jian'er look ugly, and you want to incite the whole class to reject her. You are really blind Woolen cloth."

The righteous An Jiaxin came here to anger her, and let Ye Ying know her vicious intentions, which eventually became Ye Jian's beauty.

"Doesn't it feel good to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot? Ye Ying, if you do too much unrighteousness, you will kill yourself! Ye Jian has always been in peace, and laughs at everything you do. She is magnanimous, it is because she is kind! Don't be self-important here, if she cares about it, do you really think you can go through the whole high school smoothly?"

An Jiaxin was warning her that it's better to be quiet. Ye Jian doesn't care about it now, but it doesn't mean he won't care about it in the future. If she dares to use these dirty tricks again, it's not certain who will be unlucky in the end!

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