Only now did Commander Guo know that the provincial military region had notified him a few days ago that they would be visited by the head of the regiment's military training on the day of the inspection. Who was it? Commander Xia.

"Don't waste anything tomorrow. Nan Province is the first place in the country for military training and trials. The higher authorities attach great importance to it, so they sent me over to take a look. As for you, feel free to ask if you have any requests or difficulties. We will only know if you ask them. How to perfect the requirements and solve the difficulties.”

Commander-in-Chief Xia has a certain dignity in front of the soldiers, every word and every word he speaks is resounding, with the deterrence of being shot down directly into people's hearts, even if you don't bring pen and ink, you can still remember what he said in your heart Keep it in mind every sentence.

Commander Guo is the rank of lieutenant colonel. The whole army does not know how many regiment commanders and lieutenant colonels, and he is not an officer stationed in Beijing. It is the first time to meet Commander Xia, the highest rank in the army, and it is a lie to say that he is not panic.

Hearing this, he immediately said: "At present, there are no difficulties that need to be solved by the General Military Region. Although there are some minor problems in the military training, they can be solved in time. The cooperation between the school and the army is also good, and the military training in a few days is even better. The explosion of the potential of the students can fully prove that it is a very correct policy to implement the military training system in schools."

"There are many students with minor bad habits that can be solved in a few days of military training, but there are also some very stubborn students. This is a family education problem. Even if they are sent to the army, they can't change their bad habits."

What I'm talking about here is Luo Ran, this kid even scolded his soldiers, how could he not repair it properly!

Commander-in-Chief Xia heard the meaning behind his words, fell silent for a while, then nodded and said: "What you said is indeed a problem. There are many relying on their families who have a relationship with the army, so they send children who are crooked from the bottom to the army. Fix your own child back with your hands."

"Some cadres turn a blind eye as long as they don't have anything to do with their promotion, turn a blind eye, and come back with some trouble. Not to mention a waste of military expenditure, it also seriously violates the rights of taxpayers."

"The military training results of each student must be recorded in the book, and the words, deeds, and character must be recorded in detail, as a reference for future local conscription. Those naughty but still improving students should also be given a chance, and those who are stubborn The students must remember that they are absolutely not allowed to rely on connections in the army for a living in the future."

If people who are keen on military affairs hear it, they will know that this is the first step for the General Military Region to take action to rectify the bad atmosphere in the troops.

Reorganization of the whole army is not a small matter. The water involved is too deep and too deep. If you are not careful, the ship will capsize. As the helmsman, you must keep the rudder steady and steer the ship to the port steadily.

Head Guo is not so sensitive yet, he only knows that the other meaning of the military training is exactly as he and the political commissar guessed, so he feels relieved like a weight.

"Commander-in-Chief, I want to go to the Chemical Defense Corps with Commander Guo first, do you think it's okay?" At some point, a major walked up to Commander-in-Chief Xia's right hand, and he didn't know his name until he opened his mouth. exist.

Captain Guo couldn't help but take another look, and then... he saw a little bit of clues. The major's expression was similar to that of Commander Xia.

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