The large towel rolled up the shirt, put it on the sink and pressed it hard, and saw that her slender hands were blue and white due to too much force.

I never knew that the feeling of someone cleaning up the military uniform for me turned out to be so warm.

Xia Jinyuan, who was as gentle as water flowing in his eyes, quietly watched her help him clean up his military uniform. After taking the shirt out of the towel, he put it on another big bath towel, squatted down, and used both hands to wrinkle the shirt a little. A little smooth.

"Although it is very wet, at least there will be no dripping, and there is no need to worry that the taxi seat will be wet if the clothes are too wet." The words were a bit bitter, but the truth is true. Seeing that he hadn't moved, Ye Jian first put the Pass the trousers to him, "You change the trousers inside, and I will blow the shirt with a hair dryer."

"When will the air ticket be booked? Can the plane take off normally in the rainstorm now? Why don't you ask the hotel which is the earliest flight to Jingli?"

At this time, Ye Jian was showing care that did not belong to her age, but it was definitely normal for Xia Jinyuan.

Children without parents to take care of them should be very sensible. Only by taking care of themselves can they survive well, and Ye Jian belongs to the former group, a girl who can take good care of herself.

He took over the military uniform that was wet but without a drop of water dripping on it. With a smile on his handsome face, he said in a low voice: "Every time I travel far, I pack my luggage by myself. Sometimes I don't even have any luggage. I wear a combat uniform and a A gun, a communication device, and left without hesitation for my belief."

"When I used to come back, the first thing I did was to wash off the gunpowder smoke and blood on my body, and then I had a good sleep. Now I see you packing up the military uniform for me, little fox, I am very happy."

He spoke in a low voice, although his low voice still retained the sharpness of the call, but it was much softer, "It doesn't need to be too much trouble, it's fine as it is."

Ye Jian had already lowered her eyes, and the exhaust fan was turned on in the bathroom, and Ye Jian's shallow voice came from the low-frequency "buzzing", "There will be a chance, you change your pants first, and I'll go out."

He took off the belt that was also dried with a towel from the towel rack, handed it to him along with the military pants, and left with his military uniform and shirt in his arms.

It didn't take much time to change a pair of trousers. Ye Jian, who was sitting on the bedside, didn't even dry half of his shirt sleeves, so he came out with his sexy and muscular upper body naked, walked straight to the bedside table, picked up his mobile phone and sat down Checking the phone by the bedside.

"When a car comes to pick me up, you sleep in the hotel tonight, and then go to school for morning self-study tomorrow morning. Dinner will be settled in the hotel, so don't go out in heavy rain."

The "woo hoo" of the hair dryer was loud, and he said it close to Ye Jian's ear, the masculine breath directly surrounded Ye Jian, and there was his breath in his breath.

Such a picture should be charming, but both of them have restrained their minds, no matter how close they are, there is no ambiguity.

Ye Jian put the blower of the hair dryer into the other sleeve and blown it, turned her head, looked at him coldly and darkly, even the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, "When are you leaving?"

"There are still about ten minutes, which should be enough to dry the shirt." Xia Jinyuan read all the text messages and deleted them directly. The team has already booked a ticket for him, not a flight to Beijing, but a ticket to a city closest to the border of our country.

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