The Mingyu of Prehistoric Times

Chapter 107 The power of Taixuan magic weapon and the mystery of Luhe Taoism

Chapter 107 Taixuan magic weapon shows its power and reveals the mystery of Taoism

**The Taoist used the formation to condense a Dharma form, and broke the formation space with one blow. When he saw the spiritual light appearing in the sky, he knew that the formation was broken. They all shouted: "Let's go!" They turned into six rays of light and rushed into the air, trying to rush out of the formation with the broken space. Six figures rushed out of the formation and landed on the Yingtai Sea. They looked at the misty Yingtai Mountain and laughed excitedly.

"Hahaha, no matter how mysterious your formations are, how can you defeat my ** Taoist and magical powers. This place belongs to me from now on!" After saying this, ** Taoist looked at each other several times, and then looked at Yingtai Mountain filled with spiritual energy and divine splendor. Apparently, they all laughed in unison. This place is really a resort for spiritual practice, and it is just the right time for the six of them to establish a sect. From then on, they will be honored as ancestors overseas, which feels very uncomfortable.

"Humph, Yelang is arrogant and doesn't know what to say. He broke my formation and wanted to occupy my Lingshan Mountain. I wonder if other than this formation method, what other magical methods do you have?" The Taoist priest occupied this place just because he broke the formation. Laughing excitedly, a voice came from the void, making all the Taoists change their colors.

"This is a magical instrument for a poor Taoist to attain enlightenment. The Madam Xuan Yin Yang Divine Mirror has recorded thousands of dharma on one side, which can achieve great magical powers. On the other side, there are stars in the sky, mountains and rivers, and geography. They have already returned to their origins and achieved innate magic weapons. I don't know the six. Fellow Taoist, can you break it?" This voice seemed to come from the ninth heaven, making people confused. After hearing this, the Taoist's face changed, as if his father and mother had died in July, he was sweating profusely, and he was so frustrated that he couldn't say anything.

You can recognize the Tao by listening to the sound. This person has actually refined the Tao magic weapon and returned it to its origin. He is obviously a person with great supernatural powers. **Although Taoists are greedy by nature, they also have some knowledge. This person was transmitting messages in the void. As a Daluo Jinxian, he could not tell the direction. He was not the only one who could defeat him.

Before the ** Taoist could react, a spiritual light fell in the void, and a magic weapon was seen covering the void like a sky curtain, and everyone within a thousand miles was blessed by this treasure. The space is sealed, and the surroundings are unknown. There is an infinite star field above, 365 stars manifesting in immeasurable starlight, and countless mountains and rivers on the ground meeting together. **The Taoist has been imprisoned in the magic space. Such magical power makes the six Taoists look frightened, knowing that they and others have hit an iron plate this time.

A Taoist priest in a silver-white robe stood up, bowed his hands in the air, and humbly shouted: "I have seen the real person, and I hope that the real person will forgive me for my offensive behavior. I am here to express my gratitude to you." I apologize to you, please be kind to me!"

**The Taoists all bowed to the void, "I beg you, Master, to raise your noble hand!"

"Hmph, you are invading my Yingtai without any reason. When you see the mountain-protecting formation activated, you don't know how to advance or retreat. Then you rely on force to break my formation and threaten to occupy my Yingtai. Now why are you begging for mercy? What a serious tone. , this is the first time I have seen anyone who dared to make such arrogance in Yingtai in the ancient times. Since you are relying on the strong to bully the weak, there happens to be a formation here called Xiantian Eryi Mote Dust Formation. I don’t know. Is it still worth it?”

After hearing this, the Taoist priest's face turned pale and he was a little at a loss. I was really disappointed today. I thought that Yun Zhongzi was just a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he knew someone with such great supernatural powers. No wonder he fled here regardless of his injuries. He should have thought of this earlier. My six brothers have already become Daluo Daoxing. If Yun Zhongzi has no support at all, how can he bring trouble to himself and burden others. But it was useless to say anything at this moment. The six people had just escaped from the mountain-protecting formation and were trapped here again.

The Xiantian Eryi Dust Formation, hearing this name, is not easy to get along with. **Taoist was about to beg for mercy again when he saw two divine lights, one gold and one silver, intersecting and tumbling from the sky in this nameless space, and another green and red divine light rising from the ground soared into the sky. The Eryi Dust Formation has been set up. This formation is truly extraordinary.

The Taoist priests had no choice but to form formations to resist again. In this space, murderous aura and evil energy surged into the sky, and a emerald green sword light circled from the formation. The sword energy was sharp and cut the void with a sizzling sound. The green and red light rushed into the air and suddenly disappeared. The Taoist priest was paying attention to the changes in the formation. When he saw this scene, his mind suddenly jumped and he screamed.

Just a moment ago, there was a vast space, but in the blink of an eye, it changed again. The golden light in the array spanned the sky and the earth like a bridge. Waves of coercion emitted from the Golden Bridge, including an evil spirit, and wind and sand rose from the ground. This wind is an unusual wind. It is the innate Sunda wind recorded in the Taixuan Yin Yang Divine Mirror. It blows bones and corrodes muscles. As long as this Sunda wind blows into the Zi Mansion, the soul will be confused, the soul will be eliminated, and the body will be reduced to a god. All destroyed, hundreds of millions of years of practice turned into nothingness.

**Taoist is also a Daluo Jinxian no matter what. He has practiced for hundreds of millions of years and has extremely broad knowledge. As soon as he saw a golden bridge appearing out of thin air in the formation, he knew that this bridge was the vitality of the formation. It's just that the bridge is full of evil spirits and murderous intent. The pressure makes the Taoist priest weak. Strange winds were raging on the bridge, whistling back and forth. Although the Taoist priest knows that standing on the bridge can avoid the erosion of the divine light of the two gods and the strangulation of the two energies of gold and silver in the space, he still does not dare to act rashly. That Jinqiao is not so merciful that people can stand on it to avoid the murderous intention in the formation. The people who set up the formation have vicious thoughts, and there is hidden murderous intention in the vitality. It is really the place of life and death, the bridge between life and death.

This Taoist's guess is not bad. In the dust of Eryi, the divine light of the sun suppresses the soul, and the energy of Taiyin washes away the Taoist body. If you are accidentally hit by these two divine lights, you will die. Tao disappears. On the ground, a trace of the breath of chaos overflowed, and the divine light of Eryi spread over the mountains and rivers. The ground was assimilated by the breath of chaos, turning into a flowing hill of yellow sand. If you accidentally fall into the sand, you will be buried in it and be assimilated by the breath of chaos.

However, Jinqiao is not so easy to treat. Falling into the Eryi Dust Formation, he is in a dilemma of life and death. As long as you land on Jinqiao, you can't control your life or death, it's just a matter of Mingyu's thoughts. Although the Taoist ** does not understand the mystery, he also knows that the golden bridge is not as beautiful as imagined. Although there is a glimmer of hope, there are also endless crises. It's better to stay under the golden bridge and protect yourself with a ** formation, maybe you can still protect yourself and live safely.

In the Infinite Golden Palace, Mingyu showed an acre of bright clouds, covering the body with detailed light. There are three flowers above the head, and only the endless green mountains are suspended. The Taixuan Yin Yang Divine Mirror and the Emerald Green Sword separated from the body, and were controlled by Mingyu's soul to fight with the Taoist priests. There are two Yi dust formations that suppress the Taoist Taoist's human, magical and magical powers. It is so easy that it can also talk to each other with the two Taoists Xuanyin and Minghe.

The three of them stared at the actions of the Taoist priest in the formation, pointing at the Eryi Dust Formation from time to time. Xuanyin and Minghe felt incredible when they saw the power of the Mingyu magic weapon. Unexpectedly, after hundreds of thousands of years, Mingyu actually changed his magic weapon of enlightenment from acquired to innate. The six Da Luo Jinxian were trapped in the formation and couldn't control their life or death. They all admired it.

"How do fellow Taoists deal with the Taoist? Are these six people trapped in the formation like this?" Master Xuanyin asked Mingyu when he saw that the Taoist was trapped in the formation and could not escape for a while. "These six people were greedy and did not cultivate their minds. They didn't know how to cultivate to the Daluo realm. Taoist friends killed them anyway, extracted their souls, and let us have a look at the Taoist and magical powers of these six people. The formation just now was extremely mysterious. It’s strange that even a poor Taoist is a little moved when he sees this!” Master Xuanyin doesn’t care about Taoist life at all, and he actually has murderous intentions for the sake of a Taoist law.

After Mingyu heard what Master Xuanyin said, he glanced at him. I thought in my heart that since I haven't seen this real person Xuanyin in these years, many ascetics may have fallen into his hands. In the end, their souls were extracted, allowing him to take away the Taoist magic power.

Taoist Styx has no intention of killing the formation. He lives in the netherworld. The Taoism practiced is based on the sea of ​​blood, and the two-mouthed divine sword is extremely powerful. Some people look down upon the Taoism and magical powers of Taoists. But after hearing what Master Xuanyin said, he actually felt a little moved. Condensing the Dharma is the magical power revealed by the Witch Clan during the original Lich War. The power is incredible. After seeing it, the gods of the prehistoric times would probably do some research, and Xiao imitated the witch clan to create this magical power.

Although he doesn't care about this magical power, Styx would be very happy to know about it. Thinking of this, the look in Mingyu's eyes felt a little strange. I hope Mingyu will develop a murderous intention, kill the Taoist priest, and see how he works.

These three people have been practicing for countless years, and their minds are the same. They were unmoved by the lich fighting like that back then. What's more, the six offending Taoists didn't even look at them. They look like pigs and dogs, and the majestic Luo Jinxian will kill them at will.

Mingyu originally didn't want to have murderous intentions in front of these two people, she just wanted to trap this Taoist in the magic weapon. Now both of them proposed to have a look at Taoism, and Mingyu simply killed them.

He glanced at Er Dao with a smile and said, "Two Taoist friends, don't be in a hurry. This treasure of Pindao has returned to its origin and achieved innateness, but no one has yet tried its magical effects. These six Taoists have no desire to practice magic, so it is just a good time to try out the various functions of this treasure. Wonderful effect. Once you enter my formation, your life and death will depend on your thoughts, just watch it slowly!" After saying this, Mingyu waved his magic power into the magic weapon, and received Mingyu's magic power to help. The thousands of dharma recorded in Taixuan Yin Yang Divine Mirror are operating one by one, producing countless changes in the formation.

**The Taoist had just stabilized his footing when he saw another change in the formation. His expression was startled, and he used his mana with a gloomy face to cope with it. At this time, the fierce wind roared in the formation, and the emerald green sword shot out countless sword energy, turning into weapons, and the jingling bells kept ringing. From time to time, a weapon rushes out of the void and kills Taoist **. This left the six of them in a bit of a hurry, giving them a sense of flawless response.

The various Taoist techniques recorded on the Taixuan Yin Yang Divine Mirror can be transformed into various magical powers after this magic weapon becomes innate. Mingyu used Taoist priests to test various magical functions of the magic weapon, and was extremely satisfied when he saw its power.

The ** Taoist is unable to do so at this time. He must regain his position and condense the ** Dharma. Seeing this, Mingyu waved a magic power again to increase the power of the magic weapon, so that these six people could no longer succeed.

"Hahaha, this Taoist is so incompetent!" Taoist Styx burst out laughing when he saw the Taoist magic in the formation condensed into a Dharma form. It seems that the Taoist has no more magical power to resist, so he can only use his last magical power.

In the two-yi dust array, the spiritual power cannot be extracted from the ** Dharma phase, and the water of the dharma phase can be condensed for a while. **The Taoists had no choice but to output their own mana, and the Dharma was successfully condensed. It's just that the power is different from what it was in the mountain-protecting formation.

In the Wuliang Golden Palace, Mingyu and the others couldn't help but be a little surprised after seeing this Dharma form. This Dharma is condensed in the Mingyu magic weapon, and every move of the Taoist priest is under his induction. After seeing the Dharma Appearance, Mingyu said to Xuanyin Minghe with some disappointment: "Although this Dharma Appearance is wonderful, among Pindao Dharma Treasures, spiritual energy cannot be extracted and condensed. Only these six people succeeded with their own magic power. It is too weak. There are many, it seems that this is the flaw in the Dharma.”

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