The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 89 Eat Noodles Eat Noodles

Just buy two bowls, which is very Ye Qing's style.

"Sha mean Yi Wen Na?"

"That's right, every time school is over, she drags me out to eat. As a result, it's been a week since school started, and the money in my student card hasn't been touched much."

Ye Qing sighed with a headache: "And I found that in the school cafeteria, you can actually pay directly with your mobile phone. You don't need a student card at all, so the money is wasted."

“At least you don’t have to hold your phone when you’re cooking.”

Ai Liang mentioned one of the advantages of the student card.

"What's wrong with holding the phone? I can hold it steady in one hand!"

Ye Qing pouted and retorted dissatisfied.

Ai Liang knocked on the table lightly: "Pay attention to the sound."


Only then did Ye Qing realize that her voice seemed a bit loud just now.

The people nearby cast strange looks at the two of them.

There are mostly boys in the ramen restaurant.

However, most of the main gazes were directed at Ai Liang, and they secretly glanced at Ye Qing from time to time.

Ai Liang didn't even need to read their minds to know what they were thinking.

These people are just jealous.

Fortunately, at this time, the waiter came over with a tray and temporarily relieved the situation.

The presentation of the ramen is very good.

The side dishes for Ye Qing's pork bone noodles include a sliced ​​soft-boiled egg, three generous slices of barbecued pork, some chopped green onion and coriander, plus a small half circle of seaweed placed against the edge of the bowl.

Ai Liang's fungus soup noodles are filled with sliced ​​shiitake mushrooms, straw mushrooms, king oyster mushrooms, and other vegetarian dishes.

However, the waiter mistakenly placed a large bowl of pork bone noodle soup in front of Ai Liang, and a small bowl of fungus noodle soup in front of Ye Qing.

Ai Liang glanced at the waiter and silently pushed the large bowl of pork bone noodles to the opposite side.

The waiter was stunned for a moment, then smiled apologetically at Ai Liang: "Sorry."

After saying that, he hurried back to the food pick-up port with the tray under his arm.


Across the table, Ye Qing, who was watching Ai Liang interacting with the waiter, couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

Ai Liang pulled out a pair of disposable chopsticks in confusion: "Is this funny?"

If you were an ordinary person, facing Ai Liang's paralyzed face and his cold questioning tone, you would probably subconsciously think that Ai Liang was angry.

But Ye Qing, who was familiar with Ai Liang's character, knew that he was just talking normally.

"Yeah, don't you think it's interesting?"

Ye Qing tilted her head happily and asked, "The way you pushed your face over without saying a word just now was very cute~"


No matter how she looked at it, Ai Liang felt that the word cute didn't fit in with her.

He feels that his thinking mode can no longer keep up with today's young people.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and eat some noodles. Don't you have to make up for your homework later?"

In order to resolve Ai Liang's embarrassment, Ye Qing held the chopsticks, picked up a chopstick head, blew on the ramen, and started to eat it with a slurp.

Ai Liang, who adheres to the principle of eating without talking or sleeping without talking, also started to eat his own mushroom soup noodles.

Before eating the noodles, he took a spoonful of soup and put it into his mouth.

The umami flavor of the mushroom soup stimulates the taste buds and spreads in the mouth.

To be honest, the taste is really good, and the side dishes are also very good.

Moreover, the soup base should be cooked the night before and sold the next day.

Unlike some stores, they are reluctant to pour out the soup when they see it is not enough. They directly mix the newly brewed stock with the old soup, resulting in a weird taste.

As for those businesses that directly use instant soup dumplings, there is no need to mention them. There is no comparison with this store.

Ai Liang finally understood why this store was more than ten yuan more expensive than other stores, but there were still so many people.

You get what you pay for, and it is indeed rare to find a business that does catering with such care.

Fortunately, this store is located near the Experimental Middle School.

Students who can afford the high tuition fees of experimental middle schools, whose family conditions and spending power are not too bad, are willing to pay for it.

If it were near a general school, business might not be as good as it is now.

Ye Qing, who had finished most of the bowl of noodles, stared at Ai Liang.

She asked curiously: "Can you let me taste the mushroom soup?"

Ai Liang didn't speak, just bit off the ramen in his mouth and pushed the bowl forward.

"Thanks, so I can order the other ones I haven't eaten next time I come here!"

Ye Qing unceremoniously put her spoon into Ai Liang's bowl.

She held the spoon and gently cooled the soup, then brought it to her mouth.

Different from the refreshing feeling of pork bone soup, Ye Qing couldn't help but sigh with a relaxed breath.

"Well, whether it's the beef soup last time or the pork bone soup and mushroom soup this time, every soup is delicious... I've tried them all once. It will be hard to make a choice when I come to eat noodles in the future."

Ye Qing looked like a patient with difficulty in choosing, showing a depressed expression.

“If you don’t know how to choose, just follow the menu and order it.”

Ai Liang gave the most reasonable advice.

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Ye Qing nodded and glanced at Ai Liang, who looked calm as usual: "Do you want to try my pork bone soup?"


Ai Liang let out a confused sigh.

"Come and taste it, don't be polite to me."

Ye Qing couldn't help but scoop out a spoonful of soup from her soup bowl and put it in front of Ai Liang.

There is an attitude that if you don’t drink, I will keep holding it.


Ye Qing has done this well, and it can't be justified if he doesn't drink.

However, Ai Liang did not reach out to drink the spoon in Ye Qing's hand. Instead, he held the spoon and motioned for her to pour the soup into his own spoon.

The pork bone ramen ordered by Ye Qing has more fat and a stronger taste.

The milky white soup has a hint of sweetness, which is completely different from mushroom soup.

But Ai Liang has his own preferences, so if he had to choose.

He still prefers mushroom soup.

"How about it?"

Ye Qing couldn't wait to know Ai Liang's thoughts.

"It tastes good, but I like mushrooms after all."

After Ai Liang finished speaking, he continued to cook his own mushroom soup noodles.

Ye Qing sighed: "As expected of a chef, I think it tastes pretty good."

"Eat quickly."

Ai Liang didn't want Ye Qing to do anything outrageous to attract attention from the surrounding area.

After giving her some advice, he stopped talking to her.

Ye Qing raised her eyebrows slightly and touched Ai Liang's shoes with her toes under the table to express her dissatisfaction.

But I wasn't chatting.

The two bachelors at the next table were only halfway through their noodles.

But looking at the interaction between Ai Liang and Ye Qing, for some reason, my stomach suddenly felt full.

They looked at each other, silently left their seats and walked towards the door.

Ai Liang ate the noodles very slowly because he knew that Ye Qing would definitely add noodles halfway through.

Sure enough, with half a bowl of soup left.

Ye Qing picked up the big bowl, strode towards the dining area, and then slowly walked back with a bowl of noodles.

By the time the two of them finished eating, it was already 7:20.

The balcony in front of the class was full of people who came out to study early.

Yiwenna happened to be among them.


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