"I don't think this is appropriate for a girl to say when she breaks into a boy's room."

After making sure that everyone outside was gone, Ai Liang opened the door: "You don't care about other people's comments, I do."

Ye Qing looked at Ai Liang who spoke insincerely, and her eyes almost burst into laughter: "Okay, okay, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble~~ Can you let me out?"

Ai Liang didn't reply and turned half of his body to make way.

Ye Qing walked past Ai Liang with brisk steps. After going out, she turned around and patted his shoulder: "Don't run away alone. I'm still waiting for you to lead me."

After Ye Qing finished speaking, she ran into room 716 next door without waiting for Ai Liang's response.

Back in her room, the silly smile on Ye Qing's face became even thicker, and she couldn't help but have a blush on her face.

Let me ask, when did Ai Liang care about the opinions of irrelevant people?


Ai Liang stood in the corridor, looking at the door of 716, and suddenly realized something.

Is this girl Ye Qing misunderstood?

He was worried that Ye Qing would be seen by the waiter, and then reported to the hotel manager, and then his grandfather would find out.

After all, Feng Yue and Ai Zhe came over to inquire about this matter.

Ai Liang could reply, 'None of your business,' but he would not show off to Feng Chengfu.

To be honest, this grandpa still loves Ai Liang very much, but he is usually busier at work than Ai Zhe and Feng Yue, so he has very little time to spend with him.

After thinking about it, Ai Liang decided that it would be better not to explain this misunderstanding for the time being.

He always felt that once he made it clear, Ye Qing would definitely come and cause trouble on Friday.


The dining place for dinner is in the banquet hall No. 4 on the second floor.

The two of them came down relatively early, and there were only a few students sitting here and there in the banquet hall.

Ai Liang led Ye Qing, who had changed clothes, to the designated dining table with ease.

After entering the banquet hall, Ye Qing said: "I heard from people in class that Yichen Hotel is a high-end hotel. I would have thought it was a candlelight dinner with two people at a table and lit candles."

"Yes, there is, but it's at the east gate next to it."

Ai Liang replied after sitting down.

"East Gate?"

"Actually, the hotel is divided into four areas. The place where we got off the bus is the south gate of the hotel. It is mainly responsible for receiving group accommodation like us, contracting weddings, and annual party team building."

Ai Liang saw that Ye Qing seemed to understand, and continued: "To put it simply, most of the rooms in the South District are multi-person rooms, executive rooms and other collective rooms, the rooms in the North District are mostly single rooms, and the ones in the East are top-notch rooms. Luxurious suites, and to the west are staff residences, stocking warehouses, and gardens.”

Ye Qing smiled sweetly and joked: "Just say that we live in the worst area."

Ai Liang nodded straightforwardly: "That's it."

Ye Qing lay on the table and pressed her elbows with her chin: "The worst rooms are those with more than a thousand rooms. No wonder it is said on the Internet that Yichen Hotel's annual revenue exceeds 100 million."

Ai Liang shook his head slightly: "On the Internet, I only saw how much it cost to stay one night and have a meal in the East District, but I never calculated the costs behind it in terms of manpower, transportation capacity, ingredients, publicity, etc.

Maintaining a high-end hotel costs more than you think. "

Ye Qing blinked and turned around: "Does the hotel have an annual revenue of over 100 million?"


Listen, is this still human talk?

Ye Qing's face puffed up, she took off her round-toe shoes and kicked Ai Liang's calf in a series of kicks.

Ai Liang couldn't catch the small movements under the table, so he had to raise his hand and hold Ye Qing's head: "Don't make trouble."

After many times of practice, this trick was very effective for Ye Qing.

The latter was like a domestic cat that had just eaten. It immediately calmed down and lay motionless on the table. It was very well-behaved.

Chen Zili and his party, who had just entered the banquet hall, happened to see Ai Liang put his hand on Ye Qing's head.

The four of them looked at each other. They hadn't eaten dinner yet, but why did they feel so full in their stomachs...

According to the original plan, ten people sit around a dining table, five tables per class, and the teacher sits at a separate table.

There were forty-seven people in Ai Liang's class who attended and left, excluding Yi Wenna who was resting in the room.

There were only Ai Liang, Ye Qing, Chen Zili and his three roommates at their table.

Seeing someone coming, Ye Qing straightened up and greeted cheerfully: "Everyone, sit down, why are you standing."

The four of them were just about to say a few polite words when they saw Ye Qing move the chair towards Ai Liang, and the corners of their mouths twitched again.

Although we know that we are not as good as Ai Liang, you won't show it so obviously, right?

After the four of them cursed in their hearts, they took their seats and waited for the waiter to serve their food.

This is not because Ye Qing despises Chen Zili and the others.

Her character is like this. She is warm and generous to everyone, but in fact she is always paying attention to the distance between people.

While Ye Qing is polite to someone, he will also use body movements to express his true inner thoughts.

Sometimes you think you are having fun chatting with someone, but in fact they are getting farther and farther away from you.

This is a subtle hint, and people with a little bit of self-consciousness will not bother with it after discovering this.

I believe that many people have met such a person in their school days: they usually seem to be warm and generous, love to laugh, and can talk to everyone, but when they really dig deeper, they find that the other person has very few friends, not even one. No.

Ye Qing is this kind of person, and she has used this method to keep distance from others over the years.

And like Ai Liang, once you get to know Ye Qing, you will find that her nature is actually quite cute, and she is far less mature than she appears on the outside.

Except for Ye Qing, everyone else at the table, including Chen Zili, was not very familiar with Ai Liang.

After the meal, the four people across from each other basically talked about themselves. Ye Qing would chat with Ai Liang from time to time.

The four boys didn't say a few words to Ai Liang until they finished eating.

Against the backdrop of the lively atmosphere at the other tables, those who didn't know better thought that their table was a place where the diners had gone to the wrong place.

Dinner was almost done, Ai Liang and Ye Qing got up and prepared to leave the table.

Chen Zili suddenly stopped Ye Qing: "Is Yiwenna sharing a dormitory with you? She didn't eat at night. Do you want to pack some food for her?"

In fact, Chen Zili had wanted to ask for a long time, but seeing how happy Ye Qing was eating, he never found the opportunity.

After all, he was appointed as the temporary squad leader by Yu Xin, so he had to play a role.

Ye Qing waved her hand: "No need to bother, just ask the hotel to bring you some midnight snacks at night."

"The hotel has late night snacks? Why do you..."

Chen Zili was stunned, and then he thought of something and looked at Ai Liang next to Ye Qing.

Ai Liang couldn't understand this situation.

“It’s written in the service manual in the room. If you flip through it, you can see the service introduction and QR code for ordering meals. After scanning the code with your mobile phone, you can just order what you want to eat.”


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