When Ai Liang and Ye Qing walked out of the stairwell, Yiwenna was already waiting at the door of the cafeteria.

Although there are many people waiting for the elevator, it is also really fast in terms of speed.

The climate in Qianhua City has always been mild. Even if the temperature drops, it will drop a little every day, and the seasonal changes are not obvious. Even if you wear skirts all year round, it is not a rare thing in Qianhua City.

Yiwenna is one of them.

In recent days, the temperature in Neihua City has continued to drop. Since Yiwenna did not bring any warm clothes, she was still dressed in late summer weather.

Paired with a plaid skirt and white stockings, she looks stunningly beautiful and stands out in the crowd.

Fortunately, Ye Qing lent her a sports coat, and her stockings were relatively warm, so she wouldn't shiver from the cold.

Ye Qing's clothes were similar to the day she arrived. She was wearing a beige hoodie with a shirt underneath, and her lower body changed from jeans to apricot sweatpants.

Compared to Yiwenna who wants grace (forced) but not warmth, she is much more pragmatic.

Keeping warm is the first priority.

Besides, whether a person is good-looking or not mainly depends on his clothes, but how he looks.

Even if Ye Qing's body is wrapped tightly, she is still a young and beautiful girl.

She cares about skin care and grooming, but she is at the level of an average girl, far from the level of Yiwenna who has to make detailed plans on what to wear on any day, how to put on makeup, and what accessories to wear.

But Ye Qing can still dominate Yi Wenna in terms of appearance and figure, especially her figure.

After swiping the room card and entering the restaurant, Ye Qing picked up the largest plate and went straight to the main food area. Not long after, she carried a large plate full of fried noodles and a bowl of beef porridge to sit down opposite Ai Liang.

The fried noodles are also piled with sausage, bacon, hamburger steak, poached eggs and a lot of other things.

The buffet restaurant of Yichen Hotel has barbecue for breakfast.

Outside the dining area, you can see rows of self-service cooking stations. Many people are heating food there. If you don't know how to bake, you can ask the chef at the counter to help.

In order to save time, Ye Qing brought cooked food that could be eaten directly.

Make a gesture as if you have finished this plate and are ready for the next one.

"Well, well, breakfast is much more comfortable than lunch..."

Ye Qing munched on the sausage and said vaguely: "A high-end hotel is so comfortable. There are so many things there early in the morning, and it's free. It saves a lot of money on the buffet..."

Ai Liang swallowed the bacon in his mouth: "It's free for guests who stay for more than two days. If you only stay for one night, you have to pay extra for dining in.

Otherwise, why do you think the cafeteria requires a room card to enter. "

Ye Qing looked at Ai Liang blankly: "Uh, do you have to stay for more than two days to be free? The cheapest room costs 2,000 yuan a night, which is enough to eat out several times."

“In the past, there have been many Internet celebrities who formed groups to check in, staying one night and just having fun in the hotel.

Including but not limited to taking away the coffee powder from the coffee machine, the drinks in the room, and asking the waiter to refill them endlessly, deliberately taking a lot of things for breakfast, and wasting food under the slogan of evaluation...

So later the hotel added a rule that only if guests stay for more than two days, the hotel will open all services, and those who stay for one night can only replenish the room once. "

Ai Liang explained calmly.

"But if it's two days, there will still be people coming in a group, right?" Ye Qing asked curiously.

Ai Liang directly told the truth: "By increasing the check-in time to two days, the cost can be reduced to a controllable range. Anyway, the ingredients used in the South District are ordinary ingredients, not high-end goods. As long as they don't cause damage, they can do whatever they want." You can make money by taking everything.”

Yiwenna looked at Ai Liang with a strange expression: "You are really honest, this is your hotel..."

Ai Liang didn't care about these details at all: "This is no secret in Neihua City. Many hotels of the same type as Yichen do this. Moreover, the main profit point of the hotel is not in the Southern District. As long as the status quo is maintained and no losses are incurred, it will be fine. "

"Okay, don't lose money. The school bus will leave soon. If we don't eat, it will be too late."

After finishing the food in front of her, Ye Qing picked up the plate again: "Do you have anything you want to eat? I can bring some over."

Yiwenna raised her palm and made a gesture: "Bring me a smoked sausage."

"Ai Liang, where are you?"

Ye Qing turned to look at Ai Liang.

Ai Liang looked at the three fresh porridge in front of him: "This is enough for me."

Ye Qing, who was well aware of Ai Liang's appetite, turned around and ran to get the meal without much persuasion.

On the contrary, Yi Wenna, who was opposite, cast a suspicious look: "That's all you eat in the morning?"

This wasn't Yi Wenna deliberately looking for trouble, but the small bowl in front of Ai Liang, which was only a little bigger than a palm.

Not to mention the boys, even a girl (except Ye Qing) felt that it was not enough, so she added six more corn and pork steamed dumplings.

Ai Liang didn't ignore anyone on purpose: "I have a small appetite, these are enough."

Hehe, what a liar, a grown boy eats so little three meals a day.

Yiwenna curled her lips, not believing Ai Liang's statement at all.

If Ai Liang was said to be the kind of homebody who doesn't exercise all day long and just lies in bed or on the sofa, she would barely believe it if he ate too little.

But Ai Liang was dragged around by Ye Qing every day. As long as he exercised, he would definitely get hungry after eating this little food.

Ai Liang had no follow-up explanation, and Yi Wenna didn't bother to ask again.

Anyway, she was just curious and asked casually, and she didn't really need to know the reason.

After breakfast, everyone walked out of the restaurant and returned to their rooms to rest.

Before leaving, Ye Qing also packed some melon, yogurt, and pudding for dessert.

After preparing what they wanted to bring, the three of them followed several teachers and got on the school bus.

Affected by the weather, all the original travel plans were ruined. The travel agency changed the itinerary and provided the two classes with group coupons for the amusement park.

However, this move was well received among students.

The students who came from Qianhua City obviously preferred entertainment facilities to natural scenery.

And a place like the amusement park is just the right place to continue yesterday's results, inviting the person you like to visit the haunted house, ride the Ferris wheel, etc., to further deepen the relationship while the iron is hot.

The two tour guides bought group tickets early, and at this time everyone was queuing up at the ticket gate to enter.

Today is a rest day after all. Even though it just rained yesterday, there are still many people lining up at the door early in the morning.

Ye Qing held on to the iron railing with both hands and looked into the playground: "The playground... I only went there once in my life when I was in junior high school, and I went with Sha Na."

"What's wrong with coming with me? I didn't wrong you at that time."

Yiwenna hugged Ye Qing's arm and said with a smile.

After speaking, he looked back at Ai Liang provocatively.

Ai Liang ignored Yiwenna's childish behavior and lowered his head to read the international news.


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