"Huh, it's really hard to deal with."

On the other side of the ocean, in the deepest laboratory of the Countermeasures Bureau.

Yue Yangyan pulled his consciousness away from the metal ball in his hand.

Xia Qiyuan, who was guarding him, raised his head and glanced up, but quickly turned his attention to the report in his hand: "Having mental abilities must have seen the dangers and cunning of human nature. It is not that easy to convince such people."

"So I didn't try to convince him. We just made a transaction. I won't disturb his life and he won't interfere with my plans."

Yue Yangyan put the metal ball back on the table and sealed it again.

Xia Qiyuan turned over the report and continued: "But you also know that it is impossible. If the hermit's true identity is really that boy Ai Liang, according to his character, he will never sit idly by and watch what happens next."

"Isn't that just right?"

Yue Yangyan's words made Xia Qiyuan frown. He sorted out in his mind all the weird abilities related to the DX plan in the countermeasures bureau.

Gradually, a seemingly crazy idea began to emerge in my mind.

Xia Qiyuan stood up straight with a serious expression.

But Yue Yangyan was still smiling.

In the end, Xia Qiyuan swallowed what he wanted to say and changed the topic: "Although I also think that there is a high possibility that Ai Liang is a hermit, what if he is not?

Previously, I took Gao Bin to conduct a mental test on his parents and housekeeper and nanny, and the results showed that their thoughts had never been tampered with by mental power. I didn't think that a child would have such concentration after gaining superpowers.

There is also no problem with the blood sample test for Ai Liang himself..."

Yue Yangyan interrupted Xia Qiyuan's analysis and asked with interest: "Since all the evidence shows that the possibility of Ai Liang being a hermit is very small, why do you still firmly believe that he is a hermit?"

Xia Qiyuan stopped talking.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "If I insist on saying it, it is probably intuition. I know that this kind of thinking is very irrational and does not comply with logical reasoning.

It was influenced by the unreliable and perceptual thinking of identifying the murderer and then looking for evidence, and it also ran counter to my long-standing philosophy.

But I still feel that he must be the Hermit. I have never felt this way before. Maybe it was because I really wanted to find out the true identity of the Hermit. "

Yue Yangyan smiled slightly: "Don't worry, whether Ai Liang is a hermit or not, it won't have much impact on the plan.

If it is, then her power will be greatly increased. If not, it doesn't hurt. It's better to have more human concerns than less. "

"You really plan to use everything you can until you die."

After sighing, Xia Qiyuan turned the question to Yue Yangyan: "Then what do you think? I remember that you have never taken the initiative to explore the other party's identity since the hermit appeared.

They even banned other people in the countermeasures bureau from exploring the true identity of the hermit, and removed all personnel in Nevada City who knew about the weirdness except for the base security.

I know these moves are related to the DX plan, but that's not the whole reason, right? "

Snap, snap, snap.

Yue Yangyan clapped his hands together and clapped: "He is indeed known as the most famous detective in the past and present. Almost every time, you can guess the truth of the matter based on clues.

Yes, it was me who was covering up for the Hermit back then, forbidding anyone from investigating his identity, because this matter involved my bet with the Thousand-Faced Man. "

Hearing the word bet from Yue Yangyan again, a certain suspicion in Xia Qiyuan's mind was confirmed.

"Could it be that one of the terms of this bet is that the Thousand Faces Man will not interfere with the DX plan, and as a price you will not be able to explore the identity of the Hermit?"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Yue Yangyan clapped louder: "That's absolutely correct. Can you tell me how you came up with the idea?"

Xia Qiyuan showed a disgusted expression, as if he was unhappy with Yue Yangyan's awkward play.

But he still explained the reason from his own perspective: "You completed the Phase A plan of DX alone in Haixinhui.

If there is no special reason, I don't think you would give up the high-end equipment and abundant resources in the countermeasures bureau and choose a small force to start from scratch.

In addition, a few years before the Hermit appeared, you suddenly returned from overseas and announced the launch of Phase B plan. The Apostles did not respond at all to this. It is difficult not to make people wonder whether you have reached some agreement secretly...

So you were the one who caused trouble when I was investigating the identity of the hermit, right? "

"No, it's the Man with Thousand Faces." Yue Yangyan replied with a smile.

"Then it's still not your fate..."

Xia Qiyuan thought Yue Yangyan was starting to be sophistical again, so he subconsciously retorted.

After that sentence was received by the brain's information processor, he realized what Yue Yangyan had just said.

"You said the Thousand-Faced Man personally eliminated the hermit's whereabouts? Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"The DX plan has reached its final stage, why do I need to hide it from you anymore?" Yue Yangyan asked in return.

Yue Yangyan's words contained a lot of information. Xia Qiyuan lowered his head silently and turned on the overclocking mode of his brain: "It's now like this, how many things are you still hiding from me?"

Yue Yangyan smiled shyly: "Not many, just one or two..."

"Then explain these two things to me clearly!"

"Just one, two, three, four, five or six."

The two voices sounded at the same time, and the scene was very awkward for a time.

In other words, only Xia Qiyuan was embarrassed.

Xia Qiyuan resisted the urge to punch Yue Yangyan's smiling face, clenched his fist and asked: "The Thousand-Faced Man will usher in the strange era again in a few years. Do you still have the heart to joke with me?"

"Yes. Anyway, I don't care about the future of mankind. All I care about is victory or defeat."

Yue Yangyan put his hands on the spot and smashed them: "I have done everything I can to save humanity. Do you know that it doesn't have much impact, let alone change anything.

Besides, you didn’t ask me to reveal all my secrets anyway, so it’s not normal to have more questions. "

Xia Qiyuan was very angry, but there was nothing he could do against Yue Yangyan.

Yue Yangyan walked to Xia Qiyuan, patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Okay, okay, don't look so bad, some things involve the bet between me and the Thousand Faces Man.

It's not that I deliberately hid it from you, but if you know it, it will only lead to death, and no one can save you. "

"Then pick the one you can talk about." Xia Qiyuan said reluctantly.

"What do you want to hear?"

"The relationship between the Hermit and the Man with a Thousand Faces."

"Oh, this is a secret."

"What exactly are the identities of dx818a and dx1105b?"

"Oh, this is also a secret."

"What the hell..."

Xia Qiyuan raised his fist and gestured to greet Yue Yangyan's face.


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